Randomly started playing this game. I couldn't get into it as a kid, but I find it enjoyable as an adult.

Got it off Steam because it was a dollar. Still prefer Doom 1 & 2 over this version. Still better than Doom 3, I beat it a long time ago, never obtained all the keys for the Unmaker.

yes i'm using Save states because this game is stupid hard. A being (depending on the writer) has done Universal+ level feats is weaker than a Rubber Ducky in this game.

Rubber Ducky > Goku > Dora The Explore > THIS Silver Surfer

My first time beating the game, with all chaos emeralds. Most of the later levels, Super Sonic becomes an inconvenience to the point I would just get hit to keep myself from getting 50 rings.

One of those games I tend to beat at least once a year. One of my favorite games of all time. Going for a 100% achievements. Now I know I can do invisible enemy and knife only on easy.

They did a better job remastering this game than TRII. Though it is taxing to play these games back to back. Makes me think they should have released each game for 12 bucks. Especially since I have no feelings towards TR1. TR2 is much easier to figure out without a walkthrough, and I have beaten it a long time ago as a kid without cheats. The map layouts for part 3 are ridiculous. A switch in London opens the case for ANOTHER switch, AND that switch turns off the heater.It's really stupid set up. I mean, that's like going to your mom's house to press the switch that opens your closet ar your home. So you can press yet another switch so your sister's toilet can work. TF EDIOS?

A Solid remaster with the fans of the original trilogy in mind. The only issue are those damned spiders, who are tougher than the Tigers and T-Rex. Maybe it is me switching between modern and classic graphics during the cutscene, but there is lag with the speech and animations.

A few bosses are cheap and the damage done by enemies is inconstant. Such as the same enemy hits 0%- 2% with a kick, 40% with a single punch, and 5% with an actual combo. One moment, the Jetpack boss killed me(Alana) with one and the next turn, Alana took 3 hits.

Fighting Force tried to be a great game but turned out to be below average. I mean Final Fight, Double Dragon, Streets of Rage, & TMNT did it better...in 2D. Not a bad game, it is simply not good. I don't recall playing it much as a kid back in the day. I do remember, liking this game more than it's terribly equal.

I have it on PC and my only issue, it seems to be poorly optimized for PC. I've read the console version plays much better.

As for the game itself, it is fantastic and pure fan service for the fans of Robocop movies 1 and 2. With such detail, they got the guy who played Cecil (nerdy cop from the original) to play his own character in the game. Sadly, the original actor for Sgt. Reed died a few years ago, but they still have his likeness. The game takes place shortly after the defeat of Cain. With some RPG elements such as upgrading your main gun and choices that effect some gameplay, it wasn't necessary but welcomed. This is the only good Robocop game out of the many attempts that were made. Though the Genesis version of Robocop 3 is decent (for its time) but very cheap. Robocop: RC is a fun game if you love Robocop.

While I like the game, the original is much better. I might try the 3rd game eventually. I think these style games were a product of its time. Had Heavy Rain, The Walking Dead(Clementine's game). OG Life is Strange, and Batman.

Been playing the games since Gen 1. I went back to try out PLA because I overlooked it upon release because I mostly play Pokémon competitively. I must say this is one of the best games in the franchise. I would gladly put it next to Colosseum and XD.

A simple but not too challenging platformer. Recently took the time to actually beat the game.

(rented this game from Gamefly)

After playing this, I finally had to accept Sonic AFTER Adventure is not for me. It is not a bad game, it is simply boring. I sent it back to GF after a few days.

Beaten in many times during the time of its release and few more years after. IMO, even though I started with 1st generation (and still playing the franchise), 3rd gen was the pinnacle of the franchise. Well before, the games were simply put on the back burner because the merch sold much more. Genius Sonority (at the game) knew nothing about pokemon and managed to make an amazing game. Create animations that far surpassed modern day games. Anyway, nothing I can't say about this game that many PokeTubers haven't. XD (and Colosseum) stands as one of the best games in the franchise. Took TPC/GF until Legends Arceus match the greatest of Pokemon XD.