Is the act of reviewing something to pass judgment on the way you spent your time and how the experience you had made you feel? Most often, yes...Quantify an experience?.. To make the most of this dilemma or perhaps sidestep it, you could educate yourself about contemporary media and what's expected of a genre. Quantifying how much unknown genres and novel concepts improve an experience is harder since you have no frame of reference. I say shut the whole thing down, who gives a single fuck about your armchair designer thoughts on expensive nintendo games from over 20 years ago. You could make reviews about what kind of person might get something out of the thing you're discussing. But of course, what's the point of that if it invalidates the need for my very thoughtful 7.2 out of 10 score.

Ok seriously man... like Man like... Even the worst games you've played have something interesting to ruminate on, there is something of value where your bias implies none. I promise. I can't change your mind and I don't want to, but I do hope at least one person understands that they can learn to seek out the good and not throw away the things they've experienced as though it were all for nothing. What you did was not a complete waste of time until you pass that judgment onto it. You should think about these things, considering you're some dickhead who writes reviews on a website like this.

I like Leopold a lot.

when ur boys be leaking dangerously

This review was written before the game released

i've never watched demon slayer. dunno what it's about other than the title. haven't really heard much about it either beside it being good. i'm not going to play this. but can so many people be wrong??? can a billion people saying it's awesome be wrong??? didant think so.

i'm not gonna say it's a bad game. in fact, i will say it's quite good. excellent even.

the only fatal flaw is that it's not only one of the worst games i've ever played, it actually ruined my life. and teeth.

Alas, Kid Klown is going . . .

Undesired, unwanted them, What makes them go?

It is nothing else than the principle of the Klown who has the reason for being.

i can forgive all the jank (visually and occasionally otherwise) for all the joy this game gives me. it's a game about unbelievably broken characters being balanced out by the varied level design and great enemy variety.

Dante races through the dark mansions.
The sun races through a blue sky filled with white clouds.
The ways of his heart are much like the sun. Dante shoots and stabs; the sun rises and sets.
Don't give up on the sun. Don't make the sun laugh at you.

sneeze tier list:
kohaku kills me
hisui kills me
i can't block miyako
shiki players are the real winners of every match they play
kouma is a problematic fav
they forgot to put saber in
roa is
where are the ciel players
im running out of dumb shit to say


right so this games cool, i don't have shit to say about it. however there is one area where I've got shit to say...

you know what sucks, you know what i really don't like, it's how incredibly different this game is to play between hour 1 and hour 10. and i don't mean in terms of player skill, i mean simply in terms of how the game functions and what it allows you to do. this game pushes you toward completion half because of your own knowledge leveling up, half because your character just becomes stronger the more you play. yes, you can beat the game from the very start with no upgrades if you know what you're doing, that's not the point. the point is, this trick is obnoxious and does not work on me. i also understand that there's a certain level of tutorialising behind this, if we don't introduce 20 mechanics at once they won't get confused... but i like getting lost in the sauce! i at least wish there were an option to start the the game with all the upgrade shit out of the way.

other roguelikes have a high tendency to make simple to control characters where the hard parts are the loads of enemy/item interactions, where your unlockables are complex new items to be added to your run. i like that hades gets to play around with a slightly less simple character, just wish i could get to the point.

basically all this is to say... damn, synthetik is so fucking cool.

what a piece of shit. it rules.

this is a game i have complex feelings on.

first of all, this game could have done so much more. the things it doesn't do are a lot like the things it does do except it doesn't do them. this game honestly could have had a lot more done in it, there could have been more story and more levels. basically this game did not reach it's full potential. maybe develop your game a few more years next time? thanks?

forgot to say, this is also an important factor in my review. why did they force me to look during the ending of the game? too political...

problematic fav.
one of the ugliest dogs in gaming, one of the most beautiful farmers in gaming (right next to the farmer from chapter 1 of balan wonderworld), you can click your mouse in this game you will click your mouse in this game you must click your mouse in this game you. you should speedrun this game cause i want your wrists to fall off, fuck you. seriously fuck you. i'll fuck you. idk get an autoclicker. actually don't play this instead.

this right here is a game that could have done so much more than it did do.

did they even think about what they were and weren't putting in the game while putting it in the game? i didn't think they were but i also wasn't sure. the villain and the other villain are terrible honestly, and not cause they were offensive and mean they honestly should have been more mean and cruel than they already were.

i'm basically saying they didn't have enough cruelty to women children or animals and could have done so much more. maybe develop the game for four more years next time (or don't, persona 5 is even WORSE than this. don't even get me frickin' started)

if the experiment was to create a human attachment to a two dimensional being through lifelike characteristics by grafting skin and various external organs to said two dimensional being, they utterly failed.

however, they did succeed at applying personality traits to a two dimensional being through narration, and that has to count for somethi-... wait, no it fucking doesn't. i could tell you a compelling story about a rock through narration. i could even make you utilize the rock in accordance with the story i tell. this is a parlour trick. it's alright i guess. the music is nice.

Gamifying my love of crawling through old geocities pages with a compelling narrative, hilarious gags and far too much stuff to discover. Yeah, this is the shit right here.