Log Status






Time Played

4h 36m

Days in Journal

4 days

Last played

March 4, 2024

First played

February 21, 2024

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


In this DLC you go in Krieg's mind because Tannis thinks that all psycho's have a "Vaulthalla" in their brains full of loot. To get to this Vault, you kind of have to do a Psychonauts-esque dive through Krieg's mind, guided by his "Insane Side" and his "Sane Side". There are 3 maps you run through, one that explores Krieg not really feeling like he belongs with the Crimson Raiders and everyone else doesn't like him (they do), one that explores his love(?) for Maya and trying to reconcile the fact that she is gone, and the last one deals with the trauma endured from inhumane science experiments that turned him into a "Psycho". I liked how these were handled just because the voice actor for Krieg really fucking nailed it. "Sane Krieg" has such a soft, warm voice that really makes you connect with him. Whatever affection he has for Maya is really, really sold on the VO work here and probably makes me feel the most emotions a Borderlands game could make me feel. It also ends with you defeated a giant personification of his bloodlust and the 2 versions of Krieg fusing into one in a also touching cutscene.

Not a lot of content I guess, still took me and friends like 4 and a half hours (way longer than we were expecting), but I think the characters are dope and the music is way more memorable than the base game music which was basically nonexistent.