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Snigglegros finished Outriders
Can you Double Jump in this Game? No.

All I heard of Outriders was that it looked like mid western slop much like many games. I expected to play it for an hour maybe then uninstall in, but I trucked on through for almost 27 hours because of that first hour (and the gameplay felt good).

Outriders starts out with a Colony ship that left earth like 80 years ago because, well, Earth was basically ruined because humans cant stop fighting so they select humans got to leave to a new planet they found. You finally land there and I thought it was some fun Sci-Fi. Beautiful alien planet and the Outriders being a group that explores this new planet. It all goes to shit once you find the probe that tells if the planet is cool or not because your group get infected with these mushrooms and a Anomaly Storm literally eviscerates some of your party. You try to get the Leader guy to stop the landing party (you are just a small recon party) because this is not safe for humans, but uhhh, there basically is no choice, humans gotta land here. You get put in Cryo for 30 years and when you come back out, surprise!, humans are fighting each other because they literally cannot stop being fuckers. Turned this beautiful valley you landed in into a WW1 Trench war zone. They cant leave because the Anomaly Storms keep them in place and it also fried all electronics. They cant get resources from the Flores (the ship they came in on) so everyone is basically in the same situation as back on Earth, shit and hell.

This game feels very nihilistic, cause while there may be hope of getting these resources to help people, nothing ever really changes and it just sticks on humans always wanting death wars. SPOILERS FOR THE END:---------------------- In fact, the humans that were left behind on Earth repaired the first space ship that destroyed in orbit and gave it a better engine and got to the new planet first (and way faster than you). They landed, met the natives who used strange powers to keep the Anomaly Storms in control and went "hmmm, strange powers, I want those for myself". Then the guy in charge enslaves them all, and when they sacrifice their beautiful naivety to become bloodhungry brutal "savages" (a literal transformation from their powers) to fight back, he does a genocide and saves a few for his internment camp. So humans came to this planet early and killed the only things keeping the planet liveable and ruined it for themselves (again). There are a couple of minor things, but there isn't really a good outcome, at least not in base game, don't really want to buy the expansion cause I got what I wanted out of this

So the story is nihilistic, but the mystery is what kept me going, and it was fine (revealed above). The sci-fi probably isn't mind blowing or new, but it was fine enough for me.

I've also notice that AAA budget is just a nice thing, because goddamn its nice to look at expensive landscapes. The first main area of this game is, like I said earlier, WW1 Trench Warzones, with some variances. The second is a jungle that eventually has alien architecture, and the last place is a desert (that I think looks surprisingly not boring!). I think there are a lot of cool looking areas in this game.

But lets get to the real thing here, the gameplay. Its cover shooter kiiiind of like Gears of War, but way less reliant on actual cover. Like in Gears, you feel that oomph of sliding into cover, and everything feels heavy like it should in that game. This game I rarely ever went into cover just because it didnt feel good and I didnt really need to. This is also the Developer who made Gears of War Judgement, so there is some connection there.

The guns felt good, I mainly sticked with assault rifles and LMG's and god the sound design was great. It really felt like i was chugging bullets and I would get lost in that sound. You also get power depending on your class. Im pretty all classes heal off their powers, dont know if they work different or not; but mine had to mark enemies with my powers then kill them to heal. One of my abilities just healed on use and that shit was essential.

The crafting in this game was also so extremely easy to understand and that rules. Every equipment has 3 stats like "ability leech, weapon power bonus, etc", but you dont really need to pay attention to those (maybe end game?). Equipment Epic and above have 2 Mod slots (and the Mods have tiers 1-3). If you dismantle something with a mod (everything rare and up does), you get that mod forever and can put it one whatever you want. I found a mod that just did a shit tone of damage on a cooldown of 3 seconds and I put that on every weapon. The mods felt cool and powerful and I liked the power fantasy of that.

Another dope thing this game does is the cosmetic system. Once you get an item for the first time, you unlock its skin and can swap any other same equipment it to it visually for no charge.

Overall, better than I expected with a intriguing nihilistic Sc-Fi story and satisfying shooting and looting.

16 hrs ago

Snigglegros commented on Snigglegros's review of Super Mario Sunshine
@brockreiher my friend was saying that but I dont think it is cause its too separate from Mario's moveset. Doesn't really feel good.

1 day ago

Snigglegros reviewed Dark Souls III: The Ringed City
My opinion has soured a little on this run through because once you actually get to the Ringed City, it is probably the worst area in the game because there are too many Ringed nights and they are bastards. I could handle them before but I cant this time! Probably washed up!

Besides that, I one tried Midir and Gael this time around and whatever if the Ringed City/Tar Pit fucking sucks because all the bosses are fucking goat and Lapp's story is still the best.

2 days ago

Snigglegros finished Dark Souls III: The Ringed City
My opinion has soured a little on this run through because once you actually get to the Ringed City, it is probably the worst area in the game because there are too many Ringed nights and they are bastards. I could handle them before but I cant this time! Probably washed up!

Besides that, I one tried Midir and Gael this time around and whatever if the Ringed City/Tar Pit fucking sucks because all the bosses are fucking goat and Lapp's story is still the best.

2 days ago

Snigglegros commented on Undercover's review of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
the sad thing about "Everyone is Here!" is that they did not invite me to be there.

2 days ago

Snigglegros finished Lethal League Blaze
Can you Double Jump in this Game? Yes.

Just feels good as hell to get that ball going 10000 mph.

2 days ago

Snigglegros finished Super Mario Sunshine
Can you Double Jump in this game? No, and thats why Mario fuckin sucks!

I do not like 3D Mario, they all infuriate me and piss me off. This was the last one to play and it also does it. FLUDD is annoying to use and I dont want to platform based around him. The funnest thing to do in this game is spam b so you bounce around like a seal (that is genuinely fun, but mainly the main gameplay wishes it was just bouncing like a seal). Sunshine clears all the other ones (3D) in that it has the best visuals and vibes, ill give it that!

Also I realized 3D Mario is a lot like Skate in that you have to do intricate thumbstick movements to play the game, but its a hell of a lot more satisfying in Skate.

2 days ago

Snigglegros commented on Raivin's list Favorite reviews from cool people from here
can we ge the participation trophy list

3 days ago

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