Log Status






Time Played

26h 10m

Days in Journal

14 days

Last played

December 27, 2023

First played

December 5, 2023

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


Really wanted to play Crisis Core cause I wanted Zack's story (FF7R SPOILER)(especially after the ending of FF7R), and Zack is cool! I like him, he is so genuine and warm. It is kind of mind boggling to Cloud and Sephiroth acting normal; Cloud is a little wimpy guy and Sephiroth is kind of a cool dad. And Zack/Aerith's relationship is so sweet, like goddamn it was cute as hell. I don't think I got the exact catharsis I wanted out of the end, but it was good. Still kind of confused about some of the Zack/Cloud stuff. ALSO the ending thing with the slot machine memories, COOL.

The gameplay seems like FF7R Lite, no command menu, just all shortcut buttons. Kind of braindead but fun, until you get to like 6 star missions, then the game asks a hell of a lot of you. I tried to get to the end game content, but I feel like its just bashing your head against shit until you finally get the end game build. I wanna see that shit, but its just too much effort for something that was probably designed for people to do on the train to work.