Really amazing pacing throughout the entire game. Provides a really unique feeling that you can't find with many other games. Memorizing all of the different enemies weaknesses while also managing resources (ammo, health, chainsaw) and at the same time keeping a steady flow of movement to avoid being cornered and overwhelmed was truly a unique and intense challenge. Only downside was the final boss, maybe its my fault for playing for 5 hours straight and was just tired by the final boss fight, but it felt kind of annoying. Amazing game overall though. It impresses me how the devs have been able to keep up with the times while also staying intact with their roots.

I died to the ender dragon once, couldn't fucking believe it. I had spent a year just farming gear then decided might as well beat the dragon (I've never beaten the dragon before) should've been easy right? No! that fucker destroyed me using magic, and the Endermen kept attacking me. Shit was wild.


Loved that the game just throws you in without telling you anything, I started it one night and couldn't put it down for hours. Gameplay was decent, Puzzles were good. Loved the experience overall.

Game was sick, really loved the atmosphere. Most annoying bit was the constant back tracking, broke the immersion and just became a pain in the ass but still loved this game overall.

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I felt really immersed playing this. Can still hear the music that plays as you're exploring. Love the art style and enjoyed the combat, flowing combos together felt really nice. Only thing that upset me about this game was the final boss, the difficulty spike just felt uneccesessary and seemed like its only purpose was to try and give the fight more importance. The problem is though, after struggling to beat the boss after an hour or 2, I went into the final cut scene frustrated and ready for the game to be over. Couldn't savor the moment and get fully immersed in the ending. Overall though, loved this game, would def reccomend.