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There are lots of great visual novels, this isn't one, Persona 3 suffers hard being transferred into this format with the cuteness and dialogue becoming so boring I ended up mass skipping months at a time in the game where the whole theme is about spending every second of your time wisely. The gameplay loop for me in persona3 portable was skipping the life simulation because it was so boring , only to arrive at the dungeon crawling, only to remember the dungeon crawling is insanely boring , so I end up skipping that and thus the cycle repeats. You dread going to Tartarus because of fear of death via boredom, so you end up under-levelled for bosses which make you have to repeat them again and again which is guess what... boring:).All in all just buy a PS2 or play reload if you are a person that wants to experience P3 without having your brain shut off.

Sometimes I look up into the sky and thank my dad for introducing me to this fucking perfect piece of software. Everything about this game feels important . From having a concept and gameplay that is heavily fun , to having many other ideas implemented so well in this game that a lesser games would crumble under such weight. But Half-Life doesn't. Half-Life not only stands alone as an amazing game, but also is a game that has gifted so many others with their roots, derived straight from this ingenious unfolding narrative , Even with all of this excellence the game still manages to set up the incredible story for another giga-sized sequel game which many consider to be even smarter and stronger than this ironclad original. Overall You should go play Half-Life or ill spit in your cereal.

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Just like before there is plenty of spider and man to go around except the spider has a weak ass story to tell and no gameplay changes from the previous one

game so good they made it 99 other times

No words can do this game any justice other than "smash"

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Booting up this game feels impactful, Even listening to the preview music while hovering over it on the PS5 feels Impactful, and when the curtains drew on this two hour video game it felt impactful. When you start off the dialogue from your protagonist girl makes you cough up a few hairballs. I Really remember one specific part where main girl tries to open a locked door and after failing says: "I've been trapped my whole life" or something equally stupid. But if you push through the first chapter's cheesy opening and make it through the game some real amazing colour starts to show. I remember being very excited throughout this segment of chapter two where start hallucinating an eyrie walk through your old high school with all of the pieces of this simple but effective story slowly mechanizing with it only being until chapter 3 where it gets really smart. As chapter three began I felt more inclined with the world that the game had built up with the characters and their personalities all varying and well done, albeit probably all a little underbanked. Then in chapter three the game threw a real unexpected run of high quality game design in here for a good ten minutes that I really enjoyed. The segment I'm talking about here is where main girl opens a door and impossibly walks into her empty childhood home. As soon as this segment starts the music shifts to this creepy melodic groaning and the voice acting, which was previously pretty stale, really kicks in with main girls voice being noticeably petrified to be in this place. You progress the rooms of the house and leave through the closet door ,each time you loop back to the beginning of the house but with changes to the environment which is probably showing time passing and the change from the main girls mother from a loving one to an psychotic abusive abusive one. Just as all these memories are flooding back with more and more of the story being drip fed through voices in the girls head and texts found in the apartment, We are hit with the honestly well executed reveal of the traumatic event in main girls past, being that their mother locked her and her younger brother in a closet to stop their crying only for her younger brother to suffocate inside. We learn that the mother desperately tries to hide the body in the fridge only to be arrested and for main girl to be put into care. We already knew that main girl was adopted at the start , we had already seen these horrifying baby dolls that move around as well as pulsating bin bags through the game, but this final story segment of the game ties everything that the protagonist sees through the game together for a genuinely good and scary payoff as the horrible connecting of the dots kicks in.The icing on the cake for me was that the player models height got shorter the more you progress the childhood home which not only makes the environment more intimidating but ties straight into the story in a way that I appreciate alot.Just when you think the game has finally gotten into its stride with the storytelling however, the segment ends and you have to do a chase. Through the game the end of each chapter was only reachable by doing these awkward and cliché chases with the games only risk , the "red pyramid thing" (I looked up the name this is it I swear) these chases are so badly done that at one point I started laughing very hard at how lame it was. I mean surely Konami with a rich history of survival horror games in the silent hill series would understand that scary most of the time is not a maze chase with a slow and soundless chaser. But who knows what they think at all, at least the game doesn't have a VHS filter or any mascots. All in all the game has a solid story with a real gem of a final chapter, however the game is dragged down hard by the clusterfuck chases that are all copy paste and really flat.

A Mario game is always a Mario game, But is this Mario game not enough Mario game? Firstly, I think that Remasters of games are in general good as they allow more to experience a game. But this game feels more like a loss of money than an experience gained. This is the sixth game in the New Super Mario bros series and honestly I am glad that as of writing it is the last. The game for a blind player is great(Its a Mario game) but as someone who played this game not that long ago when it was New Super Mario U on the Wii U and playing it now is nothing different. I don't even think porting old games is bad but the rebranding and addition of the word deluxe when nothing is new except what your playing on feels yucky. At the end of the day...Buy the game I don't care.

As someone who never had a Wii U, I feel a strong Mandela effect from playing this port, like memories of the Wii u are being written into my childhood. The game is so slick from gameplay to design. The levels are all so perfectly crafted and merge the 3D Camera with the 2D designs so well that it's almost like a new category of Mario. The Overworlds are done in such a good way that 2D Mario today could learn from and the music stands above a lot of other great Mario games which is a proud achievement. And I haven't even started talking about Bowsers Fury, This game that they added which I was convinced was going to be some throwaway pack-in mode is somehow just as fulfilling and unique as playing the core game with the camera style being changed again taking a more modern 3D Mario approach and feeling like a little tease of what is possible for odyssey 2. In general, this port not only delivers a good game but delivers it so well with so much more to unpack I think that is better than the original.

This game has three incredible re-released games in it for $59.99, yet Nintendo fans complain about its price And not Pokémon Sword's Even though Pokémon Sword was barely a release at all. The game does well with the UI to make everything feel connected like a full packaged game instead of a big bundle with three games in it.The game even includes the full soundtracks to all three games which if you know anything about Mario you knowis a big win. However what spoils it for me is the modern UI that appears when leaving a game and returning to the title screen, It would have been so cool to have the original hardware's options screens like a Wii or GameCube's menu when leaving the games. Even just pressing the options button on accident in Mario 64 takes away all the immersion of playing this as a 90s game because of this glossy looking UI that washes away all the charm of the striking polygons and the games iconic character. Apart from this oversight the game is generally a good port with a little bit of soul being lost from graphical improvements but not much else to dislike. Overall a great pickup if you were able to for the 35th anniversary. However if you didn't manage to pick one up when they were being sold then good luck selling your soul to a scalper for one on eBay.

I think this game is the most experimental and bold of the three in the port but all in all it is stuck between the 3D Mario defining Super Mario 64 and the 3D Mario mastering Super Mario Galaxy still solid however I don't think its fair to say the game as a whole is worse until I play it on GameCube, as a port its the weakest nut its the weakest of three giant hulking goliaths

When hearing about a port of my favourite game I was reasonably scared and excited, but this port does so much justice to the original game and the original system that I 100% completed two save files on the switch. The only thing wrong with it for me is that the higher resolution washes away the character of the game just a little bit.

This game has such a genius creativity behind literally everything from the music to the stage layout and design. So cool for a switch player like me to see where my beloved 3D Mario games started from.

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spider man game is full of men and some spiders, didn't dissapoint.