This game was entirely made to just be a FOTM game and it shows. The developers do not give a single care in the world on making the game stable. It takes them months to fix issues most developers would have solved in days. Switch and Xbox ports have been MIA for 2 years. The physics and mechanics always get a downgrade of some kind every season since from Season 2. They only really update the game just to get a paycheck, rather than actually caring about the game.
It's a real shame because the game really could've been special past its honeymoon phase.

One of the most overrated games of all time. For every chapter of at least passable quality, there's another chapter that is the some of the dullest and/or most annoying shlock you can subject yourself to. Sure, it looks pretty, the plot is interesting and the music is great, but the point of a game is to be played and half of the game isn't fun to play. Worth playing through once for the good chapters and never again.

Combines two game series I really like (Wario Land and 2D Sonic) and the result is one of the greatest games of all time. All of the levels are fun (except Golf), the mechanics have a high learning curve which is satisfying to learn, the visual style is appealing and the music is absolutely incredible. Think some mechanics could've been explained or at least subtly hinted at somewhere considering they'll aid you a lot in getting P-ranks and Golf sucks but otherwise it's an amazing game.

Dull, bland and extremely unfunny. That's all I think about this game. It's a step up from the previous Paper Mario games in the sense that getting spat on is better than getting pissed on. If you want to play an actual RPG or anything remotely interesting, look away from this game as it will disappoint you in both fields. Music is pretty good though, I'll give it that.

Objectively isn't a good game, I will plainly admit that, but I would be damned to shit on a game that I got so much enjoyment out of as a kid.

Mixed feelings on this. There is a lot this expansion does well, but for every one thing done well, there's 2 things that just make you wonder what the hell was the developers thinking.
Several characters and items blatantly unfinished upon the launch of this dlc and you had to wait months for them to be finished while you got a bunch of unnecessary balance changes that just muddy the game to hold you over until them.
Essentially, there's just a lot of "Yeah, I CAN make this thing happen!" but not a lot of "Is this thing I want to make happen fun?" to go along with it.
Nicely wraps up Isaac story-wise, though.

Rayman 1 was a game with a good everything outside of gameplay, and with Redemption fixing that, it's finally an experience worth playing through. The game has a real difficulty curve instead of just seemingly shooting up at random and the dev's own inclusions aren't intrusive to the original assets of Rayman 1. Pretty nice game.