Wow this game is fun... proof that Roblox developers have great potential once unrestrained from Roblox studio

This game has only gotten better after its first update, and I expect similar from future updates. There is so much and it is all executed incredibly well.

I had my eye on this game since it released, and finally playing it was even better than I could have imagined. This is THE puzzle game in my eyes. Even though you cannot win every time, it still feels like a challenge that I must overcome.

I like akimbo guns. This game has that.

I really wish I liked this game more but it constantly insists on contradictory design decisions that if separated would be amazing, but all together create an experience that does not know what it is.

The gameplay remains consistently enjoyable, however some encounters feel like the waves of enemies never end. Boss fights are solid, but not exceptional. The story continues the trend of a fresh yet familiar Spider-Man tale that combines multiple classic Spider-arcs into one cohesive narrative. While it hits some strong emotional high points, it still lives in the shadow of the first games climax. I also found multiple bugs and even a major crash while playing this game almost two months post launch.

This is the game. It feels like the epitome of what a game is and should be. I love these characters, I love this world, I love this gameplay.

This puts the 2D Mario games at the time to shame. Fun, challenging platforming with very memorable levels and bosses. Simple controls and mechanics that make the game fun, while frustrations only occur from individual levels rather than the games overall design.

While the price is still a bit too high, this DLC vastly outshines the previous generations approach. A connected story that introduces multiple new lovable characters, something this generation has done a good job on throughout. While the handling of shiny locks is disappointing, this DLC provides some of the best approaches to legendary encounters. A great conclusion to a troubled yet phenomenal game

Super Mario RPG has all the bones that would later make up Paper Mario and Mario & Luigi. With that comes with less depth in retrospect, however, the Switch version adds just the right polish to where its combat still feels good. The game's charm and dialogue has not shifted either, and remains honestly enjoyable rather than pure filler.

There was not a second of this experience that I was not enjoying this game. A game that takes just the right ideas from its inspiration/genre of the souls franchise and combines it with an entirely fresh take on combat ideals that feel so finalized. The soundtrack is so varied and unique, yet consistently enjoyable. Please play this game.

This game has such a strong core gameplay idea that the phenomenal use of roguelike elements in the story mode combines to make a consistently enjoyable and infinetly replayable game.