My feelings on this game are really confusing because while it's story and gameplay both eclipse Mafia 1 the issues the game itself has completely ruins the experience, with it's extremely large amounts of bugs that led to me dying loads of times in missions and overall souring the experience, if this game had the proper love and care put into the remaster it would probably be one of if not my favorite game of all time

The best to come out of kingdom hearts 3, it helps fix the issues that come from the base game and results in a super fun experience that helps kingdom hearts 3 feel like a real successor to 2

Extremely lackluster and boring experience with a story that just wasn't a great experience, completely regret ever touching this game and I am genuinely confused at the love it gets from the general audience

I've put thousands of hours into this game and love my silly little slimes more than I love my family, it's a serious problem.

A game that takes brawler combat and adds in some GTA esque gameplay and a really fun story with a really charming main character that keeps me coming back to the game just to run around as him

A beautiful experience with multiple extremely fun play styles and a great story that leaves you eager to play the next game

My first fully completed final fantasy and a game I'm extremely happy I decided to buy, the story can feel a bit cliche at times and the ending threw me off a bit but all in all it's an experience I would recommend to anyone

Great game with a beautiful world and solid gameplay, the lack of variety in the builds lead me to not enjoy it as much as other souls games but it's still great

Don't know how they went from dark souls 1 to this.

A fantastic game held back by its primitive gameplay and bad camera

A great game with a good story but it doesn't hold up to the greatness of Y0

Witty and fun visual novel with one of the greatest casts in fiction, uchikoshi I kneel