Alright game. Bad remake. Lacks polish of original and small details that make it feel janky.
Play the original if you can.

It's free now. The core gameplay is fun. Item management is clunky. Enemy spawns are pretty bad, often times spawning right on top of you. The durability system isn't that good. The music gets repetitive pretty quickly. Worst of all, the game doesn't tell you anything on playing it so a lot of important features you just have to figure out. Such as the switches mechanic and the fact you need to use explosives to break the purple barriers.

On the other hand the general gameplay loop is simple but enjoyable. Shooting the demons are satisfying and the game doesn't overstay its welcome.

Overall a good and fun game. It's satisfying and the roguelike aspect adds more than it takes away from the experience.

The controls feel more like a spaceship and a plane. It feels nice to get it right but it's also pretty frustrating since a lot of the time target are in hard to reach places. Apparently there are movement upgrades but I never got them in my playthroughs to movement was always kind of clunky for me.

The combat itself is fun and satisfying with any weapon other than the starting one. It starts off as a bit of a slog to get through and could potentially stay that way depending on what you unbox.

It's a very momentum heavy game. When you're winning, it's great, but when you're losing it sucks pretty bad. I might come back to play it every now and again.

As a standalone title, Yakuza 3 is good. As a part of the Yakuza series it is one of the weaker ones, especially coming from Yakuza 2.

The story is one of the weakest I've played from the series so far. The events take place on a grander scale but it doesn't hold nearly as much weight as Yakuza or Yakuza 2.

The gameplay is decent by itself, but coming from Yakuza 2 is a drastic downgrade overall. From the start, Kiryu is much slower than he was in two and the hits don't feel as if they have nearly as much impact, both coming from the sound design as well as the actual damage the attacks do. Even when fully upgraded the combat isn't nearly as fast and that's not even brushing on the enemy AI which has a switch between piss easy and irritating with no real balance between them. Enemies will either job to all of your attacks and go down quickly or they block everything and you can't hit them at all, not rush combo nor grab and you have to wait until they swing at you before you can counter and actually start to do damage. It's at its worst around the start of the game where you don't have said counters to get around those particular enemies.

The bosses are generally better balanced later on in the main story but participating in any of the optional bosses, be it through the hitmen substory or otherwise are usually really gimmicky and frustrating. All of this is without even touching on the problems that the PC port brings.

Where this game shines the most is in its side activities. The game has more minigames than any of the games before it and as a result there's a lot more to do than in previous installments, adding staples to the series such as karaoke, pool, and darts along with various other games. It gives a lot more things to do and gives a bit more purpose and feeling to walking from one location to another.

Okinawa in general feels like a pleasant vacation spot in this game, especially helped by the amazing view that Morning Glory has on the beach and compared to Yakuza and Yakuza 2, this game looks amazing. Rightfully so, being on the PS3 as opposed to the PS2. Walking around both Kamurocho and Okinawa feels much better than it did in the previous installments, a lot of which is because of the atmosphere both cities give off along with the new behind the back camera angle that helps with the flow of walking around town.

As a whole, the game is good. It's another installment in the Yakuza franchise and what it does add on top of the previous installments are interesting and cool, like the minigames being expanded on, but the downgrade in general gameplay loop this game has from Yakuza 2 along with the weaker story leaves it suffering as one of the weaker entries in the series.


Gameplay is solid but the storyline feels like it's being fake deep and angers me.

I thought it was neat at first but this game kinda just pisses me off. The tennis thing is neat even if it isn't really my thing but I liked the weird open world exploration part a bit better.

The story was weird but it was interesting until the end segment where you play tennis infinitely. I went at it for a good hour and realized that it just wasn't going to stop so I went to quit and the game had the gall idea to say "No you can't quit." Honestly that kind of thing with games just piss me off and ruined the entire experience for me.

It's charming but the gameplay is really janky. It bombards you with a bunch of lore that isn't really relevant to the main story. The mechanics are kind of just thrown at you with little introduction, the hitboxes were annoying, often accidentally going through doors and getting stuck on objects. The joke of getting killed when you die was both confusing at first and got old quickly. Factions of enemies still attacked even when befriended the enemies. The map design was incredibly annoying because of the aforementioned hitboxes for both objects, doorways, and attacking. The final part of the game was jankiest of all.

Overall, it has a bit of charm but the charm is pretty brief and can't overcome the gameplay quirks.

An alright throwback platformer. Really simple and starts off alright but gets pretty unfair near the end. Pretty short and alright.

In more detail, level two is way harder than level three, especially with some cheap deaths on 2-1 for starting you off on a set of moving platforms with no warning. The desert boss was the hardest boss in the game, much harder than the final boss or escape boss. Missile ride is by far the worst stage, gimping your jump with enemies flying into you before you can react and lasers that are also impossible to react to. Other than those it's decent and the mechanics generally work fine but the bad aspects of it weighs it down a lot.

Really good if you like to get peppered by hitscanners 80 miles across the map.

"We have DUSK at home."

The shotgun is a 50/50 crapshoot between being real nice and complete dogshit.

Momentum feels fake. No death animation of any kind. Arenas are easily cleared out before any enemy wakes up, and every enemy is the same: "Run up to you and melee."

It's easy to softlock yourself. The sprite work is rough but charming, but the default RPG Maker assets clash really badly with the custom sprites. The puzzles can either softlock you pretty quickly or can just be cheesed by guessing randomly. The swearing also feels out of place and clashes with the childlike aesthetic of the game.

Starting from the beginning is really annoying. Soundtrack isn't very good. I hate CRT filters so that annoyed me the entire way through because there's no way to turn it off. The story itself was mid at best and frustrating at worst. Waiting for the text was annoying even when skipping the scrolling and was generally unfun to play overall.

Pick a path for 20 rooms. Pretty lame overall.

Mario and Luigi this isn't. The platforming feels pretty jank all through the game. The writing is fine, but only just fine and the combat feels like an afterthought. Pretty mediocre all around.

I'm glad the game is ported to a bunch of other systems now but the new content isn't enough to justify a purchase if you've already played the game before. Recommended if you never played Stanley, not recommended if you have.

Black magic.
Basically exactly what I imagined multiplayer story would have been like as a kid.