Given how much inspiration Metroid has historically taken from Alien, putting an unstoppable monster in the game (and thus managing to put stealth and horror elements in a 2D platformer) was a natural fit.

Got me good, great atmosphere, doesn't overstay its welcome. Really excellent sound design. High marks overall.

I went into this worried that my old favorite series of flash games would turn out to not be that funny after all, so I was very pleasantly surprised to see that all of them hold up pretty well!

These days I'm not a huge fan of Warband--it's pretty grindy once you come to understsnd the progression--but I accrued like 300 hours of this game in high school, so I can't complain too much.

An amusing concept for a game with some decent humor in it and a good aesthetic. This is unfortunately marred by its poor design; I could put up with the lack of i-frames after satiating a customer (true to life) and the questionable mechanic of hiding in employee rooms (the customers run way too fast for this tactic to be of much use, and going into them wastes time anyway), but I put the game down after I lost due to a customer request that I literally could not complete because the timer was shorter than the time it took to traverse the optimal route to my destination.

That said, I think the pitch and what already exists of the game has plenty of potential, and I'd be interested in a more fleshed-out realization of the game. It needs polish more than anything else.

The Hitman revival trilogy is easily three of the best stealth games ever made. Each one is a masterpiece of elegant 'clockwork level' design. I have an embarrassing amount of time in every one of these games.

One of the hardest games I've ever beaten. A very well-crafted old-school platformer.

Bizarrely good considering its predecessor. Not the best game in the series but hardly the worst either, particularly considering its limitations.

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A deeply strange game. I want to like it, but the simple fact of the matter is that a series built on unraveling an elaborate internally consistent mystery just does not mix well with a series infamous for having the ending be some ridiculous explanation completely out of left field like "everyone was hypnotized to have X-ray vision".

more influential on me than i give it credit for, probably

The gold standard Fire Emblem game.

There are a lot of things to like about Starbound. I think some of its features are better than Terraria--the grappling hook is far more interesting, and its furniture system & building diversity is incredible. But it's just fundamentally not as fun as Terraria. The environments feel one-dimensional; planets' surfaces have 90% of the work put into them, and meanwhile lava planet caves look identical to frozen planet caves. And that's not even getting into the story and worldbuilding having been thrown together kinda thoughtlessly (there is literally a subplot in the backstory about antivaxxers being right!)

Tells a surprisingly compelling story on top of being a genuinely really fun skateboarding game in its own right. Proud to say I've 100%ed the monstrously hard Sick difficulty in this game.

I can't be too hard on Awakening, since it got me into the series, but man is this one rough in hindsight. Lot of very flat characters and a super RNG dependent battle system.