I mean, for what it was I had a good time. For a game that's only a dollar, you can't expect Super Mario 64 or Crash Bandicoot. For the nine levels it had it was cool. The vibe I got from it was a mix of an actually good Roblox game with N64 graphics and layout and a good soundtrack. It has a sense of charm to it that I wasn't expecting. I also thought there was good detail with ice mechanics and moving vehicles to jump on which made it appear that the developers actually tried with it instead of making a cheap game for a buck. My issue is that I wish there was more to do. You're just running and jumping while collecting stars. You can't attack enemies. You can only avoid them. You can't get powerups. You can't collect anything except stars and there is no reward for collecting them all besides a stamp on the level. I also think the last level was anticlimactic. You can't hover over it at all so it seems like a big deal, when it's one of the easier levels in the game. In the end, for what it is I had a good half hour playing it. It's a dollar game so I can't expect anything great, so with me spending my Gold Points on it and really not paying anything, it was worth the time.


You know what? I am a fan of a franchise with games that are a buck each! When is 3 releasing???? I would totally recommend this game. It improves upon a lot of things from the first, but there is one thing it didn't do. I'll get that out of the way. It was too easy. The first game had a challenge with those annoying moving vehicles you have to jump on and some of the levels were harder. This game doesn't have as much of a challenge and most of the levels don't have moving platforms to jump on. I also think it needed a bit more variety. It did introduce something new that wasn't in the first, but when it comes to the platforms, it's generic. The first had ice to run on and more things like that, but this game doesn't really have much of that. I like the added green jump shooter though. If it wasn't there this game would've been bland. But other than that I enjoyed it. I think the game fixed my problem with the ending of the first where it actually has a boss fight giving the game a nice climax. I also thought that the game ran a bit smoother than the previous one. My biggest improvement though is there is more than running and jumping. The first game was only that along with collecting stars, but there wasn't much else. This one had an attack when you walk through the green wire where you can attack enemies. It gives you something else to do. Obviously there is the boss fight too, but in the main levels it added something. I think that if the developers combined this and Toree 3D, with some improvements in difficulty and variety with 2, then this could've been a nice two hour game. That could fix my problem with the end of 3D and the problems with 2. In the end, for a buck it was great and I made way too long a review for a one dollar indie game on Switch. I highly recommend this and Toree 3D. Release Toree 3!


I played the Sega version through Disney Classic Games on Switch.

Aladdin is one of my favorite movies. It's not in the top ten, but it's close. I was super excited to get this but at the same time I was a bit skeptical of it being a movie adaptation. It surprised me with it's fun levels and the charm of this world. It's not a special platformer at all, but it is a fun Aladdin adaptation that I'd recommend to fans of the original movie. The gameplay is good for what it is, the attacks are creative, I like the slot machine, and the boss fight is just great. It's a fun platformer that's under an hour that I'd probably return to in the future.


I think this is the version of Lion King in Disney Classic Games on Switch so I'll mark it as Mega Drive/Genesis. I played on Switch though.

One of my top three favorite movies is the original Lion King. It's just beaten by Good the Bad and the Ugly and La La Land. The game is fun, but I don't think it's the perfect adaptation. Granted, it's a platformer, but I do think that there could've been more levels that were in the third act of the movie like a Can You Feel the Love Tonight level. I also thought the game didn't have enough spice to it. It had the characters and world I absolutely love, but the game itself didn't have much to it. While the levels are still fun, it's nothing great. This is pretty much an average, forgotten platformer polished in Lion King to make it more memorable and more fun. I enjoyed the game, but not as much as I had hoped. Aladdin is definitely better. I can't wait to get the new Classic Games bundle with Jungle Book.


I only completed one version for each game but I'll relog if I ever play the handheld ones. I thought that this was a nice bundle of the classic games. I gave Aladdin a 4 and Lion King a 3.5, but the bundle will be a 3.5 because I felt like overall with the bundle, there could've been slight improvements with the transfer. In the end I'd recommend it to Disney fans. It's a nice bundle of classic game adaptations of my two favorite Disney movies.


I think the game could use more tracks and more variety with the ATVs and the racers, but it's still a lot of fun to play. It's nothing special in the racing genre, but I'll play this one often since it's the only ATV game I own. I'm really gonna have to check out Pure.



The only other superhero game (I think) I've played that's like this is Spider-Man PS4, which is one of my favorite video games of all time. This game isn't as good, but it has a great story, perfect tone, and is a fun game to play. The combat never gets boring whether it's a boss fight or random prisoners in the halls of Arkham Asylum. The boss fights are unique and make them stand out. I also think that the game is very creative. I do think the start is a little slow but in the end it's fantastic. I'd highly recommend this game to anyone who enjoys Batman. This makes me even more excited for Arkham City!


I kept hearing that this is the best Dream Land game, but I think the opposite. This is easily my least favorite of the Dream Land games. It's okay, but it doesn't try anything new. What this game had going for it was that it was continuing the GameBoy franchise for SNES. The SNES obviously has technological advancements so there could've been more to this. For example, Super Mario World took the SNES to it's advantage and made the NES franchise fresh and even better than all of it's predecessors. Dream Land 3 on the other hand doesn't really do much. It is definitely better with graphics and sound, and the OST is beautiful, but the feel of the game is hardly different. The gameplay is the same, the worlds feel the same, and it just feels too generic. Dream Land 2 was the same with that, but at least I found it fun to play and it went by pretty quickly. This game felt a bit slow and the half hour it took for me to beat each world felt like an hour. I didn't get all of the heart stars so Dedede was the final boss for me, and I found that anticlimactic. I know he technically isn't the final boss, but for players who didn't get all of the heart stars, they could've tried to make a better ending. What the game succeeded with though was the charm this series has and it still has it's moments to be really fun. The animal friends are fun to use as well. The abilities are the same but they still are enjoyable. While this isn't my favorite Kirby game, it's still okay. I'd recommend it only to die hard Kirby fans.


As a massive Olaf fan, this game sucks. This game is equivalent to a mobile game with the lack of content and ease of play. It's a kids game and will most likely entertain it's target audience so I give it points for that, but overall as a game it's not good. There are no stakes in the game whatsoever because you literally cannot die. You can lose objects by landing on spikes, but there are no lives lost. That eliminates all of the stakes that could've been here. That is one of the contributors to the levels being really boring. The levels hardly have any variety besides background change which makes this already short game hard to get through. The collectibles are boring and easy to get, but I didn't get them all because of the lack of interest of getting a 100% in this game. The only rewards for getting the collectibles are clothing accessories to Olaf which don't add anything to the game. The game does at least have some charm though as Olaf is fun to play as, and Josh Gad was fun enough. While Olaf's Quest could've been something good, it was extremely boring and easy. It will at least entertain it's target audience, but unfortunately nobody else.


I've played two other WarioWare games, and I prefer both of them over this. The others are four stars, but this one couldn't quite reach that. I had a lot of fun playing this one, but I have quite a few complaints. The first thing is the story. I had fun with it and it was a nice short story to binge, but I didn't really feel like much thought went into it. The setup was fine and the ending was good enough (but made absolutely no sense), but the progression got a bit repetitive. The microgames can start feeling the same after a while which makes it a bit boring towards the very end. Some of the characters are also a chore in some microgames. I ended up using the same four characters the whole time because they were good with any game, while most were a chore in some aspects. The party games are fine but get old quick when playing alone, and I don't see how often I'd play party games with someone else. Regardless, I found the game fun. It still has the charm other WarioWare games have and the microgames are still fun. I had a great time with it, but it's not without it's flaws. Also, why didn't they have motion controls in this? The Switch has motion controls so they could've done something amazing with them!


My game disc skipped halfway through the game so I had to wait a bit before getting back. Arkham City somehow improved on the already great Arkham Asylum. The only complaint I have is that the Catwoman story feels like a distraction to the Batman story. It does tie in, but it's lazily tied in. Other than that, it's a perfect Batman game. It cleverly continues on what was set up in Arkham Asylum and delivers on another fantastic story. You get a phenomenal redemption arc for Batman and the ending was absolutely shocking. The game builds up to it without you realizing it because you are so invested in everything else going on. The performances by Conroy and Hamill were great just like they were in the first game. Arkham City is a fantastic Batman game and one of the best PS3 games.


Kirby 64 is exactly what you could've wanted from a N64 Kirby game. The 64-bit graphics go so well with this universe that it creates some really cool designs in the bosses and levels. It can feel restricted at times as it creates these gigantic worlds yet you can only go in a straight line, but this game isn't going for a grand epic scope, so it isn't that big of a problem. The levels are very creative with the constant background changes and worlds you go to. It makes the game more interesting to play and keeps you in the game. It also keeps the charm that has been established in other Kirby games and it never gets old. I can always go for the charm the Kirby games have and this is one is no different from the others in that aspect. It keeps the things that were great about other classic Kirby games and ditches stuff that made me dislike some things in the games.

What really screamed "this is THE N64 Kirby game" were the copy abilities. They were so unique and something we haven't seen in a Kirby game before as you can combine abilities. I loved being able to combine fire and cutter to get a fire sword and get other awesome abilities. I hope you can do that in other Kirby games in the future since I really love that idea. The story itself is good enough as it's a platformer separated in the levels, so it doesn't have the most fleshed out story. That doesn't really matter though since we have a lot of fun in the levels though and a fun game you can easily binge. Kirby 64 is the breath of fresh air the Kirby franchise needed and one that I will remember from this franchise.


I only played Kirby 64 and the challenge stages but I briefly checked the other ports. The history "museum" was really cool looking and I liked seeing everything in it. The challenge stages were more fun than I expected them to be and I binged all of them. Those made me excited for Return to Dream Land, but I am playing Amazing Mirror and Squeak Squad first. This is an amazing collection that has six Kirby games that are either good or great (with the exception of Dream Land 3) and adds amazing challenge stages that make this bundle worth it! This is highly recommended for Kirby fans!


It's basically the same as the first gameplay and mechanic wise, but some of the controls were weaker like the ships and lightsabers. The atmosphere created in this game is a lot better than the first and I really like the levels because I love the OG trilogy. There is a little too much back and forth because of getting stormtrooper/bounty helmets, but in the end the game is a lot of fun!


That moment the ending cutscene is roughly the same length as the game itself...

The game is fairly simple where all you need to do his hold down LMB and move the mouse up without letting go of the sword. It's oddly relaxing and moves fast enough where I would definitely play it again if I have 5 minutes to spare. For a free game this is actually pretty fun and I'd recommend playing it!