Unpopular opinion, but I think it's a bit of a downgrade from New Generation. I thought the fighting wasn't as good and I don't want to put this over New Generation just because of a bigger roster. It's soundtrack isn't strong like other Street Fighter games and overall not as well made. I think it's the weakest of the SFIII games but it's still playable and a lot of fun.


Truly an amazing Street Fighter game! The gameplay is just perfect and the roster is excellent. This is easily the runner-up for my favorite Street Fighter game!


The game has extremely good graphics and it has a cool premise behind it, but if you don't have PS Plus to play online, all you can do is boring training and the repetitive, lackluster campaign. I don't have PS Plus and none of the games I play have anything I'm dying to play online, so I see no point of getting it. Sure, for 60 dollars for the year you get free games, but for the whole year there's probably only 2 games I have interest in and it's under 60 bucks to get the disc, so I see no point for my sake. The campaign in this is extremely boring. The dogfights were awesome at first, but it gets way too repetitive because there is no variety in the missions. It's shoot tie fighters, shoot big ship, shoot everything every single mission, so it just gets really boring and there isn't a reason to keep on going. The story is also not executed in the best way possible which could've made this game more entertaining to play. The cast does a poor job with absolutely zero emotion in these characters. It sounds like they are doing bad voices and reading the lines for the first time in a monotone voice while doing these cringy voices for these characters. The characters are also badly written and I care for none of them. I'd prefer to go Nathan Drake on these tie fighters and go at them alone instead of with this emotionless, boring squadron. This game is not good, but at least it's slightly better than Battlefront (reboot). I do not recommend this game. I might try to finish the campaign some day, but I'll see how long I can go without picking this up to see if I have any desire to play this before I plan on trading it in.


This improved upon everything from the first Uncharted game! It has better action, better story development, stronger characters, more focused gameplay, better enemies, better graphics, etc. It's one of the best gaming sequels of all time! I love this one and it's just making me even more excited for Uncharted 3 and 4. There isn't anything wrong in this game that I could find. It's story moves at the perfect pace and it's just amazing. Play this game!


I had a lot of fun playing this game. There are a limited amount of plays to choose from in this game, 4 to be exact, but man this is so much fun! For the 80s, this was incredible for a sports game. Highly recommend for a retro sports game.

Even though it's a bit easy and fighting Bowser at the end of each world EVERY time, it's still a lot of fun. It's a game that I have an absolute blast with that I can play in under an hour. It has a bunch of fun courses, amazing background music, and it's just great. I highly recommend to all Mario fans.


This game is just amazing. It's everything I could want from a Spider-Man game and more. It has fantastic action, an emotional story, redeeming end, and it's all around an excellent game.


This game was just incredible. It was realistic with it's environements, looks absolutely phenomenal, and a whole lot more. It's truly an amazing game! There is no weak thing in this game to me and I think the cinematic feel really helps this game. It's so much fun.


I would give Drake's Fortune a 4.5, while Among Thieves and Drake's Deception would be 5s. Among Thieves is my favorite game at the moment so even with that 4.5 game, it's gonna be a 5 because that will be cancelled out. I thought it was just great. I can't explain how much fun I had with these games. So excited for A Thief's End and Lost Legacy!


This game has just awful controls. Could've been fun, but the controls just suck. Only a 1.5 for nostalgia.


I was enthusiastic about playing this one because I thought Miles was great in the first Spider-Man PS game. This one didn't disappoint! I want to get the negative stuff out first. I thought the beginning of the game was a little slow. I thought the way they were setting up the game and introducing us to the characters and story, it felt more like the rough draft of the beginning and just left it at that. Then you have the villain reveal. I don't mind who the villain turns out to be, but the timing of the reveal was way too soon. I know that after the reveal the rest of the game is dependent on the reveal, but I felt they could've made the game longer to pace all of that better. I get it's more of an expansion than a sequel to Marvel's Spider-Man, but I think that this could've been released as a sequel instead and made the story better. Besides that this game is MARVELous. The gameplay in this is improved upon the previous Spider-Man game and I thought the venom powers were a nice addition. I thought they did a nice job of growing Miles' character throughout the game as this is an origin story for Miles as he goes on his first solo mission as Spider-Man. I think Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse did a better job with Miles, but that's a solo movie without having a previous game already setting up the character like this one did. I think the enemies are all well developed even if they feel VERY similar to the "Demons" and "Sable" from the first game. I really enjoyed this one and I am super excited for the next PlayStation Spider-Man game!


That was a lot of fun! I thought it had a bunch of amazing levels and exciting environments all for a very fun platform game. It got really hard at a lot of parts but man it was still so much fun and I appreciated the challenge in this platform game.


This would easily be a five star game but there were just two major things that were wrong with it. There were no minor issues as all the levels were perfect (except two or three) and the gameplay was smooth (with the exception of one thing). The jetpack mechanics were just awful in two of the levels. It's in the Cortex boss fight that I'll get to later, but it was smoother in that. In the individual levels, it was awful. Everything is tightly packed together and the jetpack was all wonky. Because of that it was much harder than it needed to be. The other thing is the Cortex boss fight. It was so anticlimactic! All of the other bosses were harder than the FINAL boss. He only has three lives and the fight doesn't get increasingly difficult. He could've shot stuff at you or evolved into a mega robot of some sorts! Other than that, this game is perfect. The game improves on much of the first game with the coherence, level design, and boss fights (except the finale). The game flows better in my opinion since the levels feel more related to each other than the first. The first game changes rapidly from bridge to jungle to factory, while this game gives you time to get there. There are some jumps from desert to arctic, but there's less of that in this than the first game. It also has more imaginative levels with bee obstacles, night lights, and the idea of a jetpack. The boss fights are also more creative in this game as you do more of a variety of stuff than jumping to certain spots like in the first game. This is a phenomenal platform game that I'm willing to play again. It makes me really want to play the original games.


I was hoping this could be an A+ if it fixed my issues with Crash 2. It did. The gameplay was smoother in some places and I thought the finale gave a challenge and the ending didn't feel anticlimactic because of that. It also keeps the charm that Crash 2 had and barely changed a thing. Then why isn't it a five and why don't I prefer this over the second one? It's because there are too many gimmick levels, some with wonky gameplay and controls and the actual platforming levels are a bit too easy and bland. I have no problem with the gimmick levels as it adds variety to the game to make things more interesting, but I feel like with the boat levels with Coco and the scuba levels, the controls were wonky. The scuba diving was a bit slow where I would have the joystick all the way right and it would take Crash forever to go right and I'd die. The same goes with the boat where the steering was way too sensitive. I'd have to keep turning back for boxes and the crystal because the steering would go way left or right with a slight movement of the joystick. I did enjoy them, but they could've been improved. I very much liked the motorcycle and plane levels though as they ran very smoothly and were way more fun than they should've been. When it comes to the actual platform levels though, they were a bit inconsistent in execution and difficulty. They all ran smooth though. My problem was that it would go from a hard level to an especially easy one and then some of them would be pretty bland. I still had fun with most of them though. I also think this game has the most creativity with the worlds you go to. They introduce the time warp thing where you can go to so many different places. It's a phenomenal idea which creates scenic levels and adds more fun to it making some of them slightly less bland. I also enjoyed the plot of this game which was original and the whole Uka Uka plotline was interesting. My biggest issue is the way they set up the game. I didn't really care for the layout of the main world you're in with everything being separated like that. Crash 2's layout was great, while this felt like a step down. I think if this was slightly more organized, had smoother controls, and more exciting levels, this could've been the best because they already had a 4.5 game for me. But in the end they didn't have that which made me deduct a few points. It's a lot of fun and my second favorite of the original trilogy. I'd recommend playing these games. Time to go play the originals!


An N Sane collection of three wonderful games. The graphics are incredible and the gameplay is smooth in most of the levels. Get this package. (I reviewed the games in whole so this was short).
