One of those games it doesn't feel quite right to score it not only because of how personal it feels, but also how personally it hit me. Very very short but still impactful. I wonder how people who don't live with any sort of mental illness or neurodivergency might feel about this game.

The rpgmaker horror community's worship of Mogeko and hatred of anyone that didn't like their work singlehandedly kept me away of the scene for years. Nice effort in being so dedicated to elaborate visuals and stuff, but everything else just sucked.

Personally I disagree with the notion that its one of the best games ever made, but I completely understand why people feel that way and I respect it. It's really good at what it does. Probably has my favorite version of the ATB style of combat ever made.

I played this game at probably too young of an age, but I've been replaying it once a year for over a decade now. It is flawed, but what it does right, it does EXTREMELY right. The crowning jewel of the Persona series, it's all downhill from here.

It's an ok little game. Sometimes it's satisfying to tidy up a scenario, but just as often it's hard to decipher what exactly the puzzle wants of you, even with the (very welcome) hint system, so it becomes really frustrating. Thankfully you're allowed to skip levels, but it never felt good to do so.

The music from this game is deeply engraved into my brain like cuneiform tablets that resisted millenniums.

Underrated gem, it's too bad that the prequel went and changed everything that was cool and unique about it. The story may be a bit generic at points, but the characterization is very solid, and the gameplay is amazing. Glad I can finally recommend a remaster to my switch owning friends now.

You know the writing has to be insane if they make me feel bad for being mean to the fucking JOKER.

This is what straight men think bisexual women are like.

I wish this game had been the last Castlevania ever made, so the series could have gone out on a high note.

Highly, HIGHLY underrated gem of the genre. I wish more people talked about this game.

I played this so many times for over a decade that I can now pass every level with my eyes closed (Bart main)

Idc about anything else about this game (nice spritework though) but I adored how they handled the Houshin Engi stuff.

This game had the misfortune of coming out (or at least being translated into english) at the time where youtube let's plays were on their first boom. It will now be forever associated with that era, as well as some of the most unpleasant internet celebrities the world will ever know.

Which is a real shame. This is no masterclass in horror or gaming, but if you can meet it on it's own terms, it's not at all a piece of trash. The story is some paper thin excuse to drop you into the creepy atmosphere, and nothing is ever said about what the oni is, or any explanation about what's going on, but the presentation through the puzzles and certain scripted events (especially in versions 3 and 6) can be unsettling.

I know there's no coming back, especially after the subpar mobile sequels and the two mediocre (and one enjoyable) movies, not after being a laughing stock by the internet's cheap thrill juice squeezers. But this game deserved better than that.