Story was very good, as a person who has barely interacted with any Star Wars media, it was easy to follow, and it was fun at the same time. The flight combat in this is perfect, and more games need to follow it. Love the multiplayer, feels like you are actually in a war and its kinda fire as hell.

Combat: Square, Square, Square, Square

Gave me some serious Mario Galaxy vibes, and I loved that. From the start this game was amazing. The artstyle was fun and goofy, the characters, even if limited were charming and I loved all of them, and the gameplay was so fun and kept on changing. One level you are just hitting enemies and platforming, the next you are playing a literal horror game. The only problem I had with this game is sometimes the camera and movement would be a little jank and it caused me a lot of frustration but honestly I love this game so much that I can excuse it. Praying for a 2nd game.

Never before have I felt like such a badass in a video game, would be a perfect 5 stars if the graphics still held up.

It's not bad, I like the premise, I love how the hike is not the main part of the game, and you're supposed to go around the island and do other things, but you can also go to the top if you want. I love the graphics settings so you can either play pixelated, clean, or somewhere in between. It's a decently chill game, but nothing that makes me go "WOW THIS IS REALLY FUN". It's just a game that teaches you that the point of life is taking it slow and enjoying things around you.

I remember playing this on my hand me down iPhone 4 & a tablet. Its not as good as Java edition, but still amazing, has the nastolgia, and other than controls, mods, and servers, is basically the same game.

Was never as good as Java edition because the updates were always delayed, but still nastolgic and basically the same game. Playing it on Xbox with friends hits different than playing it on PC with friends. Probably because whenever we played the Xbox 360 version it was usually in person and not over the internet.

Along with Club Penguin, probably the best web based game ever released. Had so much fun with all the islands, the stories for each were captivating (Even if child me had to look up a walkthrough sometimes lol) and it was just a ton of fun. My favorite islands was the superhero island and the astro knights island. I played this at home and at school because it was the only game unblocked in the school library lol.

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Story was amazing, loved how instead of being an assassin, you played as a templar that defected and loved how it made the assassin's to look like villians, because it gives both sides a reason for existing, as it used to be "Oh the templars are bad guys" now you don't really know who is good and who is bad, and thats mainly the point. Maybe there is no good and bad, maybe they are both bad, who knows. This is probably the best story in an assassin's creed game.

I also loved how they brought back ship combat from black flag, although I prefer the ship combat from black flag. Im sad I had to kill Adewale tho :(

Played this ages ago. Even if the only two characters are you and GLaDOS, it still creates a captivating story and the comedy is on point. Puzzles are also very good. But the best part has to be the co-op mode. I remember playing through the co-op mode with my neighbor back then, and it was some of the most fun I have ever had.

Gonna be honest I played this game such a long time ago that I don't remember specifics, but I remember I loved it cuz of how fast paced it was and the music. It was so fun using the boost and just speeding through.

Played this when I was a kid, don't know if it ever finished, but I remember getting to where they stopped developing it at the time. It was a phenomenal fangame, and I might revisit it at one point.

It's cool, but after a bit it just becomes a certified wallpaper simulator.