OK, so this is really good, I have no complaints with the game itself. But my GOD, its fans need to simmer the fuck down.

Played this one years back. Surprisingly, performance isn't that bad for a Musou game on the 3DS. Writing is utter nonsense, but the gameplay makes up for it.

The single worst player base I've ever seen. In a game this geared around multiplayer, it's pretty much impossible to ignore.

Incredibly cheesy, in the best way possible. Combat is legitimately fucking fun; being one of the pioneers of the "stylish action" genre, I don't think I need to explain further. A bit confusing and inconsistent with its mission setup, and the camera is fucking atrocious, but generally, it's aged fairly well.

Would be a pretty good game if it actually ran. Lmfao. Will come back to it if we get a performance upgrade or something to the Switch, but I'm not bothering on the base Switch.

Super simplistic gameplay-wise, a point-and-click adventure/puzzle game. What carries it is the pure amount of charm, and the detail and effort put into making it feel right at home with the Wallace and Gromit films. It's worth a try.

One of the most bizarre games I've ever played, yet with a surprising level of depth in its writing. Nowhere near what I expected going into a Mario game, and yet I loved every single second. Special shoutout to the bit in chapter 3 that directly called me out for buying a shit ton of games and never playing them.

I didn't hate it, but I felt the combat was overly simplistic and didn't mesh with the rest of the game, even the enemies themselves. Will likely watch a playthrough of the rest, and at least try out the sequel.

This whole game feels like Sonic 4 done right. Physics and level design that are actually competent, entirely new content that feels like a natural sequel to Sonic 3, and a shit ton of fun new additions and gimmicks that truly make it stand out. As far as sequels to games made 29 years ago go, this definitely delivers.

Exactly what I was hoping for this console generation, a Smooth Moves sequel taking advantage of Switch hardware. And it absolutely delivered. Some of the most fun I've had with the franchise, and that's saying something when I love the shit out of every single one.

A Realm Reborn, what was originally a reboot of Final Fantasy XIV, sets the groundwork for what's seen as one of the best games in the franchise...but my GOD, is it a slog. It feels like a string of side quests that have next to no connection, and what actually happens in said side quests has next to no substance either. Up until you reach level 40, you're stuck going around the world, doing meaningless tasks for various settlement and crawling through dungeons that don't really lead to anything story-wise. The final stretch is fairly good, and the gameplay is fun enough to get through it, but as what is many's first impression to the game, this was not handled well at all.

While the idea of a fast-paced shooter like Doom in VR is a dangerous idea, they made it work somewhat. The content itself is a rehashed Doom 2016, down to enemies, weapons, environments and music. Would really only recommend to hardcore Doom fans.

Anyone that calls a game mid should be forced to sit down and play this, and learn what mid ACTUALLY is.

The fanservice is great and the gameplay is fun, but...a lot of the missions felt way too strict and precise, having to swerve through tiny obstacles everywhere along with super slippery physics, AND the kinda strict police system. I finished it, but it nearly cost me my sanity.

An incredibly creative, tightly designed new Mario. Controls feel great and the new power-ups and new ideas fit perfectly. Would honestly put this alongside World.