Objectively speaking, Starbound is just a worse Terraria.

But somehow I keep coming back and playing it. I hate that I like this game but oh well.

Tried it a bit but it really didn't keep my interest at all. Not really a fan of mash x to make the baddies die sorts of power fantasy games.

I normally don't care for MMOs but goddamn was Asheron's Call on a different level. They don't make MMOs like this anymore.

Played it a little, got bored real fast. Not for me.
I was super disappointed in how it was nothing like NWN.

It sucks.

To elaborate, I don't think I've ever read another visual novel with worse writing. The characters are unlikeable, unrealistic, and 80% of the dialogue is just characters repeatedly apologizing to one another for dumb shit. I think I got only about a third of the way through before giving up on it.


Not terrible but pretty meh and forgettable. Got it for free and it never really kept my interest long enough to play it instead of other racing games.

A much smaller expansion than the previous two, but added loads of new weapons, random encounters and a few new space stations. Good stuff.

Probably the best expansion for SotS, adding in my favorite civ as well as adding in space stations, planetary happiness, the ability to have multiracial planets, and improving diplomacy.

I was never a big fan of playing as the Zuul myself and a number of the new weapons were kinda glitched and still don't work even after Argos. Still a good expansion though, and trade routes added a whole new layer to the game.

Horrible release, and even after fixing the game, its still far inferior to the original game. It is playable now, but its pointless.

I may be biased but I honestly think SotS is the best multiplayer 4x space strategy game of all time. The randomized tech tree itself is one of the most interesting features of the game, making ship design far more important and involved than in any other MOO clone. Its a shame that online multiplayer died with gamespy though.

It's a pretty decent modernization of Deus Ex. Some of the map changes are cool and add new things, beautifying the originally rather spartan levels. Some of the map changes instead just ruin good level design. Kindof a give and take sorta deal. It does natively have Shifter and BioMod installed though so that's nice for people who don't wanna install those manually.
I wouldn't call it necessary, but it is interesting. It's decent.

RoN is essentially the ideal rts for me, since it's much more focused on strategy and economic gameplay over second by second unit micro. Pretty enjoyable.

Space battles are 4 stars, ground battles are 2. I really hated ground battles in this game.

Campaign for this one was much shorter than the original, but still really fun. I remember being obsessed with the Atlanteans as a kid but I main Ra now.