Hot Wheels Unleashed is a relatively enjoyable racing experience. Being able to relive my childhood in the forms of tiny cars racing around in big environments is always a blast!
The gameplay is a bit hard to control and learn at first, but once you learn how to master it, the experience is great and it is very satisfying to boost through levels at an incredible speed!
I personally wish the game focused more on using the environment as a part of the races instead of just using basic track pieces all the time, but the end experience is still enjoyable.
One nitpick I would have with the game would be the soundtrack. It seems oddly generic and unfitting compared to previous entries. I grew up with Hot Wheels: Beat That! and that game had a great soundtrack with Rock and occasional Metal music in it. Moving from that to a generic Pop-esque soundtrack seemed bizarre.
(Especially upsetting considering Hot Wheels Unleashed used Metallica's Fuel for one of it's trailers, and then promptly forgot to include this type of music in the final game)

Sonic Frontiers is definitely up there with the best 3D Sonic games and could be argued in being the best one so far.
Having an open world Sonic game was such a great idea and it was executed wonderfully!
Gameplay: Fun and addicting!
Story: Actually really good for once!
Music: Superb! (Especially the boss themes)
This game is great already and considering how SEGA already confirmed more content in terms of playable characters and story as FREE DLC? Sonic Frontiers is only going to get better!
(Use SA2 Soap Shoes for a more enjoyable experience)

A fantastic addition to the original game with great boss fights, great music, and the holy Crackshot

Probably the best Kirby game to this day.
I loved the mini Mario odyssey feel with the open areas that you could explore along with the game still being linear.
Despite having a smaller ability count, I liked the idea of upgraded weapons (Hammer and sword are best when maxed out).
Bosses were fun enough without being too annoying or easy to beat near the end.
Music was alright for the most part but definitely had some bangers thrown in here and there.
And of course, the true arena was a solid event to truly test your skills.
Overall, an amazing experience!

Ok, Who put Sonic 3 & Knuckles music in my 8-bit Sonic 2 genesis game?

Why has SEGA not made another Sonic fighting game? For the time when this game came out, it was fantastic! Solid controls, smooth inputs, and a killer soundtrack all make this game truly enjoyable.
Metal Sonic is still a goddamn cheater though...

Oh lord did this game have a rough gameplay style. Gotta love delayed inputs on top of forced motion controls.
Very short but decent story, but where the game really stood out was the music (no surprise there)
Thank you Crush40!

How did this M&S Olympic game end up having an amazing story mode? Original story, explorable land, enjoyable minigames, and bonus collectibles? Sometimes I forget this is an M&S Olympic game.

If you choose Oddjob in multiplayer, I will constantly karate chop you to death

Nice and quick arcade style isometric fighter that has a short and addictive gameplay.
Oh, and the soundtrack is the home for the canceled Shantae: Risky Revolution GBA game (That's why the soundtrack is boppin'!)

A fun Mario Kart clone that introduces a unique weapon mechanic and is quite literally impossible to 100% due to a bugged achievement. (2007 me is screaming in confusion)

This game was veerrryyyy slow and therefore veerryyyy boring to play. It wasn't until me and my friends accidently discovered how to ascend into the sky using a near empty fertilizer container for the game to become really fun to mess with.

The only game where you can have a man with gauntlets who constantly thinks about food, A lazy student with an axe who people simp over, and a fukboi with a stick to beat an all-powerful skeleton and its horse to death. Amazing!
(Also Golden Deer all the way!)

In a way, this is Sonic Mania before Sonic Mania.

Freedom Planet has:
Fast paced 2D action,
Cool Pixel art style,
A Bangin' Soundtrack,
A combat system that's more than just one attack,
Three playable characters, each with unique abilities,
A story,
Lord Brevon (Essentially SatAM Robotnik)
Large levels with the intention of exploration and speed,
A bunch of (optional) collectables,
And more!

And this game came out in 2014... How have I known about it till now!?!
Safe to say I like this as much, if not more, than Sonic Mania itself and if you haven't played this and are a fan of 2D sonic games, PLAY IT!

Probably my favorite 2D fighter to this day, too bad the story sucks real bad. (Also add rollback)