Use your detective skills while everyone has the IQ of tinfoil!

In a way, this is Sonic Mania before Sonic Mania.

Freedom Planet has:
Fast paced 2D action,
Cool Pixel art style,
A Bangin' Soundtrack,
A combat system that's more than just one attack,
Three playable characters, each with unique abilities,
A story,
Lord Brevon (Essentially SatAM Robotnik)
Large levels with the intention of exploration and speed,
A bunch of (optional) collectables,
And more!

And this game came out in 2014... How have I known about it till now!?!
Safe to say I like this as much, if not more, than Sonic Mania itself and if you haven't played this and are a fan of 2D sonic games, PLAY IT!

Why has SEGA not made another Sonic fighting game? For the time when this game came out, it was fantastic! Solid controls, smooth inputs, and a killer soundtrack all make this game truly enjoyable.
Metal Sonic is still a goddamn cheater though...

If you choose Oddjob in multiplayer, I will constantly karate chop you to death

Best 12-hour grind I've done with a friend!

A fun Mario Kart clone that introduces a unique weapon mechanic and is quite literally impossible to 100% due to a bugged achievement. (2007 me is screaming in confusion)

The game isn't even out yet and already it's amassed a community that's even more toxic than league of legends, on the other hand it's a decent enough creative tool and rhythm game... thing.

also the main characters beep boops grate after thirty seconds.

I mean.... It is golf. Not much more to say.

A Plug&Play game that has no reason to be this good. Has an actual story, good soundtrack, and fun gameplay! Very impressive for a Plug&Play Game.

Fun for all the wrong reasons. Music was banger tho.

Shooting robots with colorful noises while Pickle Joe begins a dictatorship. Somehow the best of the series?

Great multiplayer, Great modding support, Funky stadium is funky. Life is good.
(Also I witnessed my friend spending 16 STRAIGHT hours of his life trying to unlock Rosalina. True dedication right there)

Who would've thought that Pictionary on a WiiU would be so goddamn fun!
Also the other multiplayer games are good. Singleplayer on the other hand...ouch (except Gamer. Gamer is forever)

The only game where you can have a man with gauntlets who constantly thinks about food, A lazy student with an axe who people simp over, and a fukboi with a stick to beat an all-powerful skeleton and its horse to death. Amazing!
(Also Golden Deer all the way!)

Probably my favorite 2D fighter to this day, too bad the story sucks real bad. (Also add rollback)