25 Reviews liked by SugarCookie09

I love it its great all these people playing in the button mode dont know what theyre missing

Absolutely breathtaking game
Doesn't have much of a story but the gameplay is incredibly fun
Catapulting myself off steep cliffs once more

Even though the escape sequences can be extremely frustrating, this game is amazing. The floatiness really fits the vibe, and it was a great milder introduction to the metroidvania genre. The combat isn't anything complex, but I found it fitting and enjoyable. The story is touching and I still listen to the soundtrack every now and then.

It's just, idk, it exists i guess? It's perfectly playable? It's there.

The game has nothing in common gameplay wise with previous entries.

It has very uninspired world themes, mediocre level design, the music is decent tho.

It's "playable" to say the least

Zip Lash isn't as ungodly bad as most make it out to be, but it still isn't great. At best, it's a competent, middling platformer that doesn't stand out very much.

I honestly thought this was a goodish platformer as a kid. Why? I had played like 3 kirby games

Why did they do this to me? Justice for Chibi Robo!!!!

A perfectly forgettable time. The fact that Hawkmoth voices the narrator in this will haunt me forever.

WarioWare is always a weird case. I love it as a concept, but I don't often come back to it. So it usually ends up being very little bang for my buck. The bang that I got with this one was great though!

at a $50 price tag, this game is ultimately a 2 hour long experience. it’s a great experience but that’s a hefty price tag. for me, i know i’m gonna come back for months for side modes, achievements, and high scores, but if you’re the type to finish a game and move on, you’ll wanna get this on a steep sale or skip it entirely

I bought this to bring to a Christmas party knowing basically nothing about it. I expected some little quirky low-intensity mini-games. What I got were quirky exercise games that made us all wish we weren't wearing sweaters and hadn't just eaten a huge party meal.

Fine game but just know you're about to be sweating.

Can't believe I put this game off for so long. This a fabulous game. I really love the pixel art, and the movement - its wonderful! I love how snappy everything feels.

The game is about climbing a metaphorical mountain, and its a sweet story. The actual mountain we climb is really difficult though. That's why I really appreciate the instant respawn feature. Its like a series of the Expert Mario Maker levels, with great level design, instant respawn times, and pretty pixel art! Grab it, its a short and sweet game, which makes you feel really nice and warm!