This game was the hardest game I've ever played, but also one of the most beautiful and unique stories I've seen. The art, music, and characters were amazing, and the plot was simply magnificent. Not sure if I'll 100% the game, but I thoroughly enjoyed it ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿงก

I actually really liked this game, and getting 100% on it wasn't too hard. However there was a clear difficulty spike around the world "SpongeBob's Dream," which was kind of unnecessary

I absolutely loved these games. I've never played them before, so it was a great introduction to the series! The second one was definitely my favorite, but they both hold a special place in my heart now

Best 2d Mario platformer so far ๐Ÿ‘

I can finally review this entire game after probably more than a year of me having it. I absolutely loved everything about it, and tbh, I didn't think I would like it this much when I bought it. I fell in love with the characters, and I loved the stories they told even more. Music was outstanding and I'm able to connect certain songs with certain characters <3 Overall, everything was totally amazing, and I can't wait to continue this beautiful series ๐Ÿซถ

I absolutely loved destroying everyone's boats and the looks on their faces when they were just stalled there lol

The actual main game for this is very short, but it was soooo good. It makes me want to play it again! There's also post game content that's kinda difficult, so at least that will entertain me lol

This review contains spoilers

Soo even though I played this game in my childhood, I never beat it. I found the game again one day and said "hey why don't I try to beat this game fully?" I'm not saying it was a mistake, but this definitely wasn't the best game I've played :/
Firstly, the levels were kinda dry and I really didn't like how you had to spin a roulette to get to your destination?? Like it's fine at first but when you only have one more stage left and roll a 2 then you have to go through the whole level process again. I'm not sure if there's a way to bypass this, but I hated redoing levels until I found a way to stop on the right panel.
Second, the music did feel uninspired. It's sad how this is the last entry in the Chibi Robo series because of how mid it was.
Last, (since I don't want to make this too long) the final boss. The second to last boss in the game was great. I loved how you had to shoot the targets on the spaceship and also avoid things flying at you. What I did not like is the actual final boss of the game. Why did they make you pay for the parts?? Luckily I had enough money but imagine those who didn't. If they didn't have amiibo, they would probably have to redo levels which sucks. And on top of that, the final boss was too easy, so the effort to buy everything wasn't even worth it. Also the ending was ruined for me by Telly's constant talking ๐Ÿ˜ญ It would have been a beautiful moment of them looking at the sunset but blud just kept yapping ๐Ÿ˜ญ Anyway, this game still gives me a little nostalgia, but playing without that filter let's me rate it at average.
TLDR: The game wasn't entirely bad, but it was just mid. It has a lot of flaws however.

This game was amazing and also my first introduction to the series. It had a lot of great moments, and I loved how they included levels from Origins. The different costumes were a treat as well. Overall, the difficulty wasn't too hard, and the great artstyle and music have persuaded me to play more Rayman games lol