I see the capabilities of the game, like it's fun, its meca dodges are cool, the weapons are cool, the different worlds are cool and work differently, each one has really different artistic dynamics and different enemies!
But damn it's poor, it looks like they tried to make a souls-like but it's not finished... it lacks cinematics to explain things to us, we get lost really quickly, we don't know where we need to go, that's so sad!! bosses are the same, they have the potential to be cool, but they are either slow bosses or Puzzle-bosses, and sometimes they are fiiine

Stupidly fun, too bad the collision bugs are so annoying.

We play a group of four dwarves who must harvest minerals
- A game with terrain generation, different zones
- different game mods to collect ores
- mod support

In fact, you quickly get around the game, it becomes repetitive since it has no story to follow.
But you can easily play 50-60 hours before getting tired of it, it's a good investment and a good game made by a few people, it's important to say that i guess


ooga booga : gun, hell, fast FPS, music insane


everything a little better than Assassin's Creed Origins

- best OW
- best infiltration phases
- more balanced, more accomplished weapons
- more variable difficulty
- but like Origin, the bosses really don't have a good feeling, like they are slow or not interesting, we expect mythological crazy things, we have HP bags

- very good stealth game which is fun in an open world.
- sailing boats are a bit reminiscent of motor boats in terms of sensation
- the hud is very well managed
- the weapons handle very differently from each other, we inevitably find a weapon that we like
- the lore is well managed too
- there are bugs that are annoying, like the hit animation when you're in the water is almost as long as the attack speed of a crocodile, so you start to get harassed unfairly by only one crocodile and when there are two you just have to wait to die in solitude and pain.

So in my opinion, a balanced game, but still requires improvement to be a 4*

In reality the base game isn't crazy, especially because of the recurring bugs, the graphics are of the time. The story is cheat tier, like I don't care, I just want to stealth a soldier from the Imperial Legion and reboot the save until I succeed. And after dragging his body then hiding it because damn he's bugged so I killed him to borrow his 43 golds...
But when we start to get into the modding spiral...
Damn damn damn!!!
The impossible is possible, the bugs go away, the graphics improve, the feet are no longer bricks. You are walking in Skyrim, your horse is cheating, the view is beautiful, still funny ragdoll, your shout has never been so powerful.
So thank you modding and the game for allowing great things, except that the base game is great but outdated

- meh
Yes it's a game with nice graphics, yes there is a lot of content, the feeling when using the sliding scooter is very pleasant. But in my opinion, the quests are very very very repetitive, extremely time-consuming, slow progression. To really play it, you have to pay because the real content of the game is in the DLC otherwise it quickly becomes redundant (even though the game is said to be F2P, but no)

- just insane
- breathtaking landscape
- very fluid combat mechanics
- dodging mechanics are perfect
- fabulous music
- very successful bosses EXCEPT the big ones EXCEPT one (no spoiler)
- awesome arsenal of weapons and armor, enough to play on the enemies' weaknesses/resistances and balance very well, you feel the impact when you hit, however you don't feel the weight of the weapon.

Generally speaking, enemies that are huge are not successful in my opinion. They're just big PV bags that hurt a lot, sad. But there are few so it's okay I guess.

- cool graphics
- funny story
- very good point for the logic that we must have to pass a level
- very fun
- refined

I think it is better than the first of the name, the same logic as portal 1, but more accomplished, more different and varied techniques.

A game from my childhood to adulthood.
- simple gameplay
- multiplayer
- simple graphics
- a little humor if we are interested in "lore" (not a big lore game lol)
- cool game mods that are different enough to like at least one
- very time consuming
- when you have a good connection, becoming a good gamer is within everyone's reach
- you can even become a trader if you want (very big skins market)

Its simplicity does not make it pretentious, the community can be toxic, or very funny (be wary of NSFW tags/gifs)

- fairly simple story
- very cool life tips
- full of courage and will
- simply magnificent music

The goal of the game is not in the story but in the mechanics to use to move from one level to another. The mechanics are very well thought out, the speedrun is super accessible. The graphics are sumptuous in their colors but also in their simplicity (8 bits like).

- Super well constructed story
- simply magnificent music
- very endearing characters
- very successful character development
- humor
- joy
- sadness
- we never get bored
- EXTREMELY simple graphics (like 8-bit)

A touching game, with multiple endings, an original moral, in short, a concentrate of very well balanced emotions.