I don't remember much about the story, but I do remember having a blast killing every single demon that stood before me, while listening to an amazing soundtrack.

This game is a power trip, but it is one of the best examples of that. It feels great.

I don't know what I can say about Pikmin 3 Deluxe other than: "Game good". It certainly is better than Pikmin 2, it looks fantastic, it has co-op and the game is overall easier...Maybe too easy.

My only real complaint with this one is that they don't implement the purple and white Pikmin to the main game at all. They are only in the game for the side content, which is so lame.

If you have never played a Pikmin game, I would say that this and Pikmin 4 are great entry points to the franchise. But I think I am more likely to replay this one than Pikmin 4 actually.

You know? I was enjoying my time with this game when I started playing it. I never played Sticker Star or Color Splash or any of the first few games outside of Super Paper Mario.

So yeah, I had pretty much no background on Paper Mario, so I was willing to give it a chance...And I did! I knew the game was getting somewhat good reviews, and I really didn't mind the combat system that much at first.

However...The more I played this game, the more I wished I was playing a traditional RPG. I don't like RPGs that much, but having to do this constant wheel puzzle bullshit, over and over again, even with the bosses...I just got pretty sick of it.

It's not like I hated the game or anything, but yeah, this is one of the few Switch games I actually regret buying, because by the end of it I was just eager to end the game and not having to deal with that anymore.

Other than the battle system, I would also say that this game still suffers from the same mediocrity the recent Paper Mario games suffer from in terms of characters and worldbuilding...It's just not interesting. When one of your bosses are a pair of scissors or a box of color pencils...You can't expect me to take this shit seriously.

It's fine. If you haven't played it, you are better off just waiting for the Thousand Year Door remake.

Yeah, this game is funny and cool but I just DON'T have the patience for it. I have won a couple of times and I played it a lot when it came out because I wanted the Scout TF2 skin, but DAMN does this game piss me off quickly.

I get that's the whole point, but I can't stand how clumsy and useless these little fuckers are. It's kinda fun to play with friends but it gets old real quick.

DumDumDumDummDumDumDumm DuDuDum BAUM BAUM DumDumDumDummDumDumDumm

It's fine, not really my thing. I was not the fastest racist.

Cool game! I would buy it but nobody in my family and most of my friends can't speak english for shit!

Quiet is very pretty. Too pretty. Why is this character in the game?

You know it's a good game when Revolver Ocelot™ starts spinning his gun and shooting everyone in the room but no one can fucking shoot him back despite being pointing at him the entire fucking time.

Why do you only play as Snake for like the first hour of the game? I've only played these games because of Smash.

Third and last Assassin's Creed I've ever played. I didn't beat it, I barely played it, but I hate Ubisoft so I give it one star just cuz.

I will give it an actual shot when I decide to play these games in the near future. Or not, idk, all of these fucking games feel the same to me.

This game is good right? Everyone says so, so it must be true!

I did play it very briefly in a console that wasn't even mine, but I am planning on playing this game and maybe some more AC games in the future.

This is the first Resident Evil game I ever played. I don't know much about Resident Evil other than Leon is hot.

Game was fun I guess. I played it with my best friend, so we enjoyed playing as two helpless women trying to escape a creepy murder island or whatever.

...Is that ok to say? Can I get cancelled for saying that?

Oh shoot! Another game I forgot I played!

Uh...Yeah, I like the part where you grab on to something and then climb it. There was also some shooting in there.

I definitely ended up beating this game and did not NOT have a chance to beat it because my mom's boyfriend left with his PS3......

3 Uncharteds out of 1. Colombia mentioned.