What can I say about Breath of the Wild that hasn't been said already?

This is not only one of the few Zelda games I have actually bothered to beat, but it is also the first and only one so far that I was willing to replay.

It just feels great to have this amount of freedom in a videogame. You can beat this game in like, less than an hour if you know your stuff, or you can also take your time and spend like 100 hours trying to complete as much of the game as possible or whatever.

Sure, the story isn't anything special for Zelda standards but man...This is just a different kind of Zelda game, and I kinda prefer it this way. I enjoy the shrines, the gadgets, the variety of weapons, the divine beasts and guardians...Climbing Hyrule's castle to fight Ganon never felt as good as in this game.

My biggest complains with this one: Weapon durability is kinda wack and a lot of these shrines feel a lot like homework. Luckily, I finally decided to learn how to bomb jump in my second playthrough, and believe me when I say that as soon as I learned to do that shit, I would use it to solve literally every puzzle and problem. Game's too much fun when you can also skip half of it.

10/10 Too much grass.

It's ok. It's just Sonic Generations but modern Sonic plays more like in the Rush games I guess.

The level design is not nearly as good tho, and classic Sonic can use the homing attack for whatever reason. So the distinction between these two is barely present in this version of the game.

It's fine. If you can't play the actual Sonic Generations, it's not a terrible alternative.

This must be a Paper Mario game more than a Mario & Luigi game...Because it do be kinda mid.

It's a great idea, and having a third party member that grants Mario and Luigi crazy paper attacks is cool...But it's just more of the same...

I feel like up until Dream Team, each one of these games were trying different things, each idea better than the last, just to mix things up. But Dream Team was kinda just Bowser's Inside Story again but with Luigi instead of Bowser and not nearly as interesting.

Because of that, this one just feels like another Mario & Luigi game...Except Paper Mario is a party member now. The enemies are generic Mario enemies, same with the toads, locations, the story is as basic as it can get with Mario. It's almost like I'm playing one of the platformers.

They do try to mix things up with the giant paper character fights...I guess? But like...That's just the giant fights from BiS and DT but way worse and not even fun.

It just feels like modern Paper Mario levels of random bullshit they add that isn't even fun. Just because they want to make the game anything but a good traditional RPG.

It's not terrible, it's not even bad, it's just serviceable. There were parts I enjoyed about it...But I probably will never play it again, which is a shame considering this was the last original Mario & Luigi game we ever got.

I mean...It's still Mario Maker....Just...Without being able to look for specific levels...And you can't play 3DS levels on the home console version...

Yeah, it's just a shittier version of the same game, but I never cared too much. The core Mario Maker experience is still there, and you can still create your own levels...It just serves no other point outside of that.

I'm sure if I had ever bought a WiiU with the WiiU version of this game, I would've never touched this version at all. Oh well.

A different kind of Ace Attorney game starring Edgy boy himself.

This game replaces Phoenix and Maya with Edgeworth, his new companion Kay and sometimes Gumshoe! I miss Gumshoe so much...

Other than that, the biggest difference about this one is that it completely drops the trial half of the Ace Attorney games and instead it's just uuuh... The investigation.

For that, this is probably the Ace Attorney game that has left less of an impact on me, since the trials are some of the most memorable parts of the Ace Attorney games.

That is not to say this is a bad game! It's still really enyojable imo. If you like these characters, the Ace Attorney style of writing and this weird world they have constructed; chances are, you are still going to have a fun time with this one.

Idk what Capcom's deal is with these games specifically tho. Release the damn sequel overseas so I can play it you fuckers!

I don't know what I can say about this one that hasn't probably been said by everyone else already. To me, this game nails it in almost every aspect.

Presentation is charming as always, music is great, writing is consistently good, the characters are just as funny and endearing as ever; the new prosecutor is a welcome addition and there are no particularly bad cases like in the second game.

Plus, when this game gets good, it is INSANELY GOOD. This game has some of the best cases in the entire franchise. It also does something interesting, and it is the fact that it actually has a recurring villain, outside of the prosecutor just serving as the antagonist.

It's still the same gameplay formula, I believe this time there are no additions. But hey, if you are playing this game after having played the other two...I think it's fair to say that gameplay is not entirely the reason you came back for. Although, I will say this game does allow you to play as two separate fan favorite characters at different points in the story, so there's that.

And yeah...Bridge to the Turnabout is one of the best cases in the entire series. I'll just say it hooks you pretty much instantly and will have you at the edge of your sit multiple times from beginning to end.

I actually remember spending my ENTIRE afternoon all the way to like 7 or 8 PM playing the last day of the last case. I knew I was about to beat the game, and thought it would be shorter....But man, I was not going to turn off that console until I saw the end to that storyline.

If there is one flaw I can point out...To me, Godot is not nearly as good an antagonist compared to Edgeworth or the Von Karmas...He kinda sucks as a prosecutor actually. Which, there is a reason for it, and it makes sense in lore why that is, but yeah, it can be a bit of a letdown after the previous ones.

This game is not perfect, but it is one hell of a conclusion to what is to me, a fantastic trilogy of games. One of the best trilogies in gaming history, for as absurd as these games can be.

After having played the first one, needless to say I was very excited to play this game. It's not...as good? But it's still pretty good.

It's pretty much the same gameplay formula, with a new game mechanic in the form of the psyche-locks. The music is still good, the writing is still solid.....for the most part.

I still love these characters and seeing them evolve. Pearl kinda reminds me of my youngest sister and Franziska is...I need someone like Franziska in my life.

The one thing that makes this game slightly worse is the inconsistency. When this game is good, it is REALLY GOOD....But when it's bad? Eh...

Yeah, the third case sucks kinda hard, and the way everything went down is just way too convenient and dumb, even for Ace Attorney standards. That and I think the tutorial case is a bit weak in this one compared to the first game.

With that said, I think this game is woth playing for the second and SPECIFICALLY the last case alone. The second case has insane repercussions in both this and the third game, and the last case will grab you by the balls and never let go. I mean this in the best possible way.

It's worth playing at least once, definitely don't skip this one.

I had always been curious about the Ace Attorney series, ever since I first watched all those ranchy parody animations on YouTube when I was a kid. I never expected to like these games as much as I did...But here we are.

Playing Ace Attorney is like playing a book. Everything is heavily scripted and your choices only serve to progress the story in the one and only path the game wants you to follow. But where it lacks in freedom, I believe it compensates in writing and presentation.

This world and characters they have created are so absolutely absurd, but I could not help but to fall in love with them. I can heavily relate with Phoenix, I love Mia like a mentor, I love Maya like my sister, I love Edgeworth like a gay lover, and I love Gumshoe like a good friend who just can't catch a break.

Whenever a new case starts, I don't really mind the repeating formula of Investigation > Trial and viceversa, since the game usually does manage to hook me soon enough, that all I want to do is to keep finding clues to find out how the story unfolds.

The trial system may be absolutely stupid and far removed from reality, but MAN is it the best part of the game. It is just so satisfying to point out contradictions and seeing the true culprit slowly crumble down, until they break out of desperation.

But by far, what makes everything work as well as it does, has to be the presentation. Seeing Phoenix slam the table and yell "OBJECTION!" feels too over the top but it never gets old. And the music....Hoooly shit THIS MUSIC! THE CORNERED THEME SLAPS SO HARD! I GET INCREDIBLY EXCITED EVERY TIME I HEAR IT! ....Even if all I am seeing is people standing in a courtroom and talking.

The only downsides to this game are the fact that the bonus case is maybe a bit...Way too long (Good, but too long). And I actually don't like how often Phoenix needs to be saved at the last minute by Mia (The way you win the second case is pretty...dumb), it kinda makes Phoenix look more incompetent than he actually is.

In conclusion. This game is fun, it's funny, it's compelling, it's endearing, I love these characters and the original last case is incredibly good. Uhh...I dunno what else to say...It's a step ladder.

It's time I talk about one of my favorite game series. I will talk about each game individually, but there are some things I can mention about this collection.

It simply delivers on what it needs to do. No fancy UI, no bonus material, concept art, music or anything like that. This is just the first three games in the Ace Attorney franchise and that is pretty much it.

I don't think that is necessarily a bad thing, but compared to a game like The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles, it is a bit lacking. However, they did add the bonus case made for the DS port of the first game, which is appreciated.

I also think this version of the game is probably one of the better ones out there, if not the best. Not only do you get to play these amazing games on a handheld like in their original console, but I do also prefer the way this game looks compared to the HD version on newer consoles and Steam. It just looks more faithful to the original artstyle of these games.

Overall, if you have never played these games before, I would recommend you to get this version of the game if you can, or just in general. It's a damn good trilogy and definitely worth your time.

This game is just dumb fun. An RPG for babies that has enough charm and meme potential to be entertaining.

I played it for quite a bit, but I stopped playing once I got the Switch and just kinda forgot about my 3DS. That and because I also felt it was kinda longer than it needed to be. Because just when I thought I was about to beat it...It just kept going, so the novelty was wearing off for me a bit.

I would still recommend it if you have like, nothing better to play I guess, or if you need a good easy game for your little sibling. I don't know if I'll ever play it again, but if I do, it probably will be the Switch version.

Mario Sports Mix without any of what made it good.

A friend forced me to play it and we played for like 5 minutes!

It's ok? I wanted to give Animal Crossing a shot and everyone said this game was the shit...

I don't know what everyone is talking about. Yeah, I guess I would have a lot of fun with this game if I was like 5 years old.

Very hard indeed. I could not get past the cylinder.

I started playing this on the 3DS and then I just kinda forgot about it!

It was neat from what I got to play. I am planning on picking it up again but uuuh...It's not my priority right now I guess.

Shovel/10. Needs more grass.