I have a vague memory of playing this with a friend ONCE and then never again.

It was mildly creepy, nothing scary ever happened cuz we barely played, but it was...uh...Neat? I guess?

4 stars for good measure, want to actually give it a shot one day.

But I would fall five hundred miles, and I would fall five hundred more. Just to be the man who falls a thousand miles to fall down at your hole.

Hey wait a minute! I don't like MMOs!

It's fun to go around robbing banks with friends while wearing cool masks and sick tracks playing in the background. That's kind of it really, that's my review.

I uh...Played this at some point...I don't remember with who, but I know I did. It was fun.....And yeah...


I honestly don't remember a damn thing about this game.....But it was cool tho! It looked cool! Yeah.

I always hated this Pac-Man redesing and the dumbass TV show this was promoting...But this game was actually kinda fun and addicting.

This wasn't so much a run until you die kind of endless runner, but more of a run until your time is up (With a different goal on each mission to keep things interesting). It was pretty fun to use Pac-Man's power ups to try and eat as many ghosts as you could to increase the timer.

Another one that I don't remember why I stopped playing in the first place. Every once in a while I remember this game existed and I kinda wish I could play it again.

I will be updating this review one of these days, since I did actually play this one long enough for me to want to get to the end.

One day I decided to grow a pair and actually play one of the many horror games forever stuck in my backlog. I don't remember exactly why I stopped playing, other than because I was scared...I think I remember just being confused on what to do next, so I just kinda dropped it one day.

I do remember this one being an interesting horror game tho. I liked the insanity system, even if it made me feel really anxious most of the time.

I will definitely be revisiting this one, and who knows, maybe I'll check the trilogy on the Switch.....If I don't puss out...

It's better than Pokémon. But then again, it's not like the bar is too high.

Yes, I am biased and I stand by that.

I'm a massive pussy. I legit tried to play this for like 5 minutes until I got too scared to even get out of the first locker I found.

Again, I'm not good with horror games, but I want to actually give this one a fair shot one of these days. Too bad I can't actually play the physical disc I bought for my computer all those years ago anymore lol.

4 stars just because it actually got me good for the little time I got to play. I'm sure it isn't as scary as I remember it.

This one doesn't have Zazz as a boss for no reason. So it is slightly better.

People say this game is really bad but I don't remember anything about it to be particularly terrible...Then again, I barely remember anything at all.

It's a Spider-Man game so...Web swinging was fun I guess. It had plenty of alternate costumes, some of them even better than the ones you would find in Spider-Man PS4.

That's about it. Spider-Man PS4 completely deleted almost every memory I had of me playing this game.

Gameplay wise, this one is just another endless runner to add to my collection. However, this game does have that Looney Tunes charm that makes just about any game 10 times more entertaining than it actually is.

I like how the levels are constantly changing in different ways, sometimes in the background where you can barely notice, other times right in front of you. I also really appreciate the cameos from all the different Looney Tunes characters in the middle of any given game, especially because this game actually has plenty of voice acting.

You can also play as other characters and the setting and goal changes depending on that. I only ever got to play with Bugs before I stopped playing, but it's still a neat idea.

Actually, talking about this game makes me want to play it. It's probably not even in the play store any more, but I will look it up so I can cry about it.

This is like the only Call of Duty game I have ever played for more than 5 minutes. Not that it was great or anything...There simply wasn't much else to play on a PS3 that wasn't even mine.

I think I beat the whole campaign, and I actually remember having some fun with it. I think I've heard people who actually play this slop, saying that this is one of the weaker ones...I couldn't tell you really.

3/10. Dunno why it's called "ghosts" when the game isn't even scary.