This game is just too much fun, I don't know what else I can say about it. Almost everything about this game is 2D Sonic perfected.

Short and sweet, reimagined classics, multiple characters with fun playstyles, amazing music and remixes, fun chaos emerald minigames, blue balls are back...................

Only certain levels I would say are kind of a chore to get through, but even when this game is weak, it still is a lot of fun. The secret final boss with Super Sonic sucks massive ass tho, seems like even this game can't get that right.

You probably can get better than this, but Sonic Team sure as hell can't do it. Uuuuh, it would be a 5/5 if the final Super Sonic fight wasn't as shitty as it is, but it's close.

I heard someone on YouTube say that this game was actually pretty fun and better than it seemed.......

It's still New Super Mario Brothers again, I don't know what the fuck I was expecting. At least this one has a gimmick I guess, even if it is a pointless shitty gimmick like...Just more coins...Everywhere.

This is objectively THE BEST 3D Sonic game ever made. If you disagree, it means you eat glue for breakfast.

The bosses are good, the levels are great, the music is fantastic and the concept is just perfect. It is just incredibly fun to zoom through all of these classic Sonic levels, and seeing them reimagined with all these little details and shortcuts and alternate paths both in 2D and 3D.

But by far, the best aspect about this game is that it doesn't waste your time with shitty gimmicks or alternate playstyles that just drag down the experience (cough cough Sonic Unleashed cough cough). This is a perfect high speed Sonic game through and through, no bullshit whatsoever.

The only downsides to this game are the short length, lame writing, and shitty final boss. Most Sonic games never make a good Super Sonic fight and this one is not only NOT the exception...But also one of the worst examples of this, if not THE worst.

Other than that...I mean, this game was so good that Sonic Team has done nothing but nostalgia bait Sonic fans with shit from his past for like most games that came after this one, just to try and capitalize on the success of this game. This was an anniversary game tho, so it actually made sense for this one.

It's almost the perfect Sonic game and I can't wait to play the "remaster"...If Sonic Team doesn't fuck it up that is....

Yeah, I liked this one. A lot of people say this one is just boring but I thought it was ok.

I liked the dream world idea and all of the different Luigi transformation gimmicks. The gameplay is just as solid as all the previous games too.

In terms of cons, I'm not sure if I'm a fan of the way these characters look now, since personally I preferred the way BiS looked. That and this game does drag on for maybe a bit too long in my opinion.

Other than that, it's still a Mario & Luigi game, you are probably gonna have a fun time with this one. It's just not as good as Bowser's Inside Story or maybe even Partners in Time.


This game was fine. I have never played the first Luigi's Mansion game so I had no point of reference....But I played 3, and yeah this one is just kinda mid in comparison.

Why did they remaster Luigi's Mansion 1 just to put it on the 3DS? And why the fuck is THIS the one they're gonna put on the Switch???!

Ah, it's so they can put LM1 behind a paywall in the Nintendo Gamecube emulator for Nintendo Switch Online in 5 years, when nobody is fucking playing with this outdated piece of shit console anymore.

I tried, I really did. But this game is still Ocarina of Time and I am sick of replaying it and always getting bored halfway through.


I was very excited about this game when it came out. I bought it and had fun with it for the first couple of months....But it really didn't last.

The way Blizzard and the OW team fumbled this game is baffling. The stupid metas, the lackluster events, the broken ass "balancing", the excessive focus on comp; too many fucking shields and too many fucking heroes that were just absolutely boring or tedious to fight as or against.

I wasted too many hours of my life trying to enjoy this game that I paid 60 dollars for, just because I wanted to re experience the same fun that I had experienced with TF2 those first few years...Needless to say, that never happened.

Yes, I am upset that Blizzard doesn't allow me to play this shitty ass game that I PAID for anymore. But this game took years off of my life that I won't get back, so I don't really care all that much.

Fuck Blizzard and fuck this game. 2 stars just cuz D.VA is hot.

Another RPG that I liked but I just could not be bothered to finish!

Yeah, this game is funne and cool and gay but I just got bored one day and never picked it up again. Was too busy playing TF2 for the millionth time.

The whole pacifist thing was a cool idea for an RPG, but I didn't know you could just not fight in this game, so I ended up killing my goat mom. I have never been the same since.

One of these days I will replay it, and maybe give Deltarune a shot as well.

This review contains spoilers

I replayed this game recently and it is a lot better than I remembered.

It's just Mario 3D World but with less content, no multiplayer and the first half of the game can get pretty boring, however............


I do not know how I didn't remember this, but this game really grabs you by the balls by the end of it, at least when it comes to Mario standards. It's not bullshit like The Lost Levels, but it gets much more challenging and engaging than a good portion of levels in 3D World.

It's still not perfect. I appreciate when Mario games actually dare to challenge my skill, and the last secret level was an absolute pain in my ass....But the first half of the game is so easy it puts me to sleep.

It's good. People never mention this one when talking about 3D Mario, but it deserves the spotlight just as much as the other ones do.

P.S: The Bowser fights in this game are undoubtedly the best ones in the entire Mario series. I've never seen Bowser so absolutely desperate to kill Mario before, holy shit.

I only played this game a couple of times at animecons and once at a girl's house.

Same things I said for Smash 3DS apply to this one. This one looks better obviously...But it has Smash Tour instead of Smash Run, and Smash Tour is the stupidest, dumbest, most motherfucking moronic, idiot est, dumbest dumb dumbass dummmbestest game mode in any game ever.

The Smash Brothers game I always wanted back when I had a Nintendo DS. I never had a WiiU (Thank god), so this is the only version of the game I ever owned.

It's good. Character roster is great, classic mode and smash run are fun, I miss the old all star mode and I love the idea of Master and Crazy Hand turning into these weird darkness monsters, they were pretty sick to fight, although hard.

Same thing as with Brawl. It's enyojable, but once I played Ultimate, it was impossible for me to come back to this one; it just feels too slow.

I don't give a single shit about anything else in this game.....You can play as Pac-Man in a FUCKING MECH SUIT.

Rawest shit ever.