Oh yeah! I guess I did play one of these before even playing any of the River City Girls games! I forgor...

Yeah I mean, it's kinda cool, too old of a beat em' up for my taste. Only other thing I can say about it is that the game cover is the only reason I played it. It is way too funny considering how the game actually looks.

I would say this game is still pretty fun despite the shameless amount of microtransactions it has. They really just want you to pay money for absolutely anything in this one...But at least it's free, so I guess I can sort of let it slide.

I like the variety in plants, level gimmicks and different zombies depending on the timeline you are currently on. It's a neat idea and a good way of just giving you more Plants vs Zombies gameplay with a new coat of paint.

I still think the first game is way better, just because more than half of the plants aren't locked behind a fucking paywall.

This game oozes with charisma from beginning to end. Never have I seen these characters show so much emotion outside of the Mario Strikers games.

I love the idea of setting the game in a haunted hotel, it's like a mix of the first game's haunted mansion and the second game's isolated and different themed levels.

I still think this game could've tried to go for a scarier and darker atmosphere like the first one, but it really does look absolutely amazing, both aesthetically and animation wise. Plus, the villains are great, I really love how they both look and interact with Luigi.

It really does feel like King Boo is absolutely fed up with Luigi's bullshit and at many points in the game it's like they won't stop at anything until you are dead. I love it.

This is what happens when you actually give Next Level Games some time and let them do their magic, Nintendo. Top 5 best games on the Switch most certainly.

Wait what?! This is a phone game! ...On my Switch?!!

Those fuckers tricked me!!!

I am reviewing the Nintendo Switch version of this game specifically. It is serviceable, but MAN the lag in this one is just atrocious.

Particularly in the title screen, any menu and loading screen outside of the actual game will take just too long to properly load or respond. Sometimes it's quick, but most of the time trying to do anything outside of just playing the game will take long enough for it to be noticeable.

The only other downside to this one, is that once your world gets large and/or packed enough, the game starts to struggle to load in the chunks. So sometimes you are going to be walking anywhere far enough and all of the sudden the world reaches its limit and there is a bottomless void in front of you for like a solid 5 to 8 seconds.

It doesn't happen too much I guess, but enough times for it to be something worth pointing out. I don't know if I necessarily recommend this version of the game...It works and at the end of the day, it's still Minecraft...It just has to be one of the worst versions of Bedrock out there.

This game is very good. I would say it is better than the first one...But not by much.

The transformation mechanic is a cool idea and I love how most of these tracks are super dynamic, with different water and aerial sections, and some of these actually change completely by the third lap. However, there are a few minor things that make this game a bit of a step back from the first one.

- The commentator is not nearly as involved in the races and pretty much lacks any of the personality from the one in the first game
- The all star moves are all pretty generic and look almost the same
- You can no longer unlock different music tracks for each stage
- All star moves are still kind of a problem since you can save your all star move pretty much all race and use it to win for free right at the end.

I have also noticed that getting hit by anything in this game is way too common. It almost feels like there is barely any cooldown right after you get hit by an item, so getting hit by one means you are probably going to get comboed and left behind by like half of the racers.

I have ALSO noticed that whenever I get pushed by other racers, my car essentially starts flying in one direction at high speed and I end up crashing or falling off. I'm not sure if these were also problems in the first game since I haven't played it in a long time.

With that said, I would still recommend this game. Whether or not it is better than Mario Kart is debatable, I personally prefer the higher difficulty and skill ceiling.

Plus you can play as Team Fortress 2. Why do they sound like that doe?

This game really makes you feel like a man made of spiders.

Celeste is not just a game for me. This game speaks to me in an emotional level that no other game has ever done before.

I remember buying this game just because it was at a cheap price compared to all the other games on the e-shop. I actually bought it alongside River City Girls, expecting to probably like that game more...Holy shit.

This is a really, REALLY hard platformer where at face value, the point of the game is to climb this really tall and dangerous mountain until you can reach the top. In reality, this is a simple but effective story about a girl that won't stop at anything or anyone that stands in the way of her goal, while at the same time struggling with her own inner conflicts and insecurities.

Yeah, I mean sounds very gay and people make fun of indie games for this kinda thing but listen, I don't care. Not only is the gameplay solid and forgiving enough that I am willing to sit for like 2 hours and a half just trying to beat one single level...But the way they tell this story and the way they portrait these messages through these characters....It's just- It's just so good!

Not only you want to see if Madeline makes it...You have to make it! You are her and she is you! The fact that the game is so fucking hard serves only to hammer it home!

"I will beat this level, I will beat this game and I will climb this bitch mountain one way or another. Whether it likes it or not!" Those were my exact words when playing this game, probably, idk.

It just feels so satisfying when you manage to beat a level after every single thing in it is trying to kill you, when every single thing is an obstacle trying to stop you, when almost every single NPC you encounter is telling you "You can't do this, you shouldn't do this, go back". Hell, the game starts with a giant boulder almost crushing Madeline before she even starts climbing the damn thing! It's perfect!

Also a bit of a spoiler, but the game doesn't just end at Madeline climbing the mountain. If you actually manage to unlock chapter 9, oh man....

Farewell is one of the hardest challenges I have encountered in a videogame, if not the hardest. This chapter is too long, it is too hard, it asks you to learn a SPEEDRUNNING TECHNIQUE, JUST SO YOU CAN BEAT IT... YOU CAN'T MAKE THIS SHIT UP!

And despite all that, I was invested, I was glued to my screen during every second, every minute, every hour and every extra day I had to spend trying to beat that fucking level. And once I got to the end...I was happy...And sad.

This game didn't make me cry but it did get me pretty emotional! It just clicks with you. And on top of everything, the music is fucking fantastic, I have the soundtrack of this game everywhere; on my spotify, on Steam, on my phone, my computer, my Switch, my brain, my dreams, even my nightmares!

Yeah idk, I'm just rambling at this point. This game made me suffer like you have no idea...And that's why I love it so much. 202/10, Would buy it again.....And I did....And I will replay it on Steam....God almighty.

I don't know anything or have played any of the River City / Double Dragon games or whatever. I just saw two anime girls beating the shit out of people and I thought it looked cool.

Another reason I bought this game, is because it reminded me of the Scott Pilgrim videogame I had not played at that point, so I wanted to give it a shot. And yeah, this game is stylish, charming, funny and full of personality.

It just feels good to combo everyone in the city into unconsciousness as a high school girl and then end every combo with a dab, especially if you are playing with a friend. On top of that, the voice acting, presentation and music are top notch, only real downside to this game is that the ending was so lame and schizopilled that they had to change it.

But yeah, great game. Love Hasebe and Mami and uh... Destroy all the statues so you can fight the secret bosses, it's so worth it.

I set up to create my own mini Mario game, with my own Super World with at least 6 or 7 worlds full with my own levels made specifically for it.

I was really determined to do this but one day halfway through like...World 4, I realized that I really didn't have the amount of free time I needed for the amount of effort I was putting into each of these. I was kinda sad, but it didn't seem like it was worth it, considering I'm no level designer and some of these were not exactly great when looking back to the earlier ones.

So yeah, I abandoned the project and I don't really think I will finish it at this point. I'm sure 8 year old me would be very disappointed.....

Other than that, game good!!!

I love this game. It is probably the hardest kart racing game I've ever played, but it is so much more fun than any Mario Kart game I've ever played imo.

You can't fall sleep behind the wheel in this one, it ain't like Mario Kart where most of the modes are easy as hell. Here, you have to stay alert at all times because any wrong move will cause you to lose the race...And that is just against the bots!

I love the drifting and boosting system this game goes for, it's more of a risk vs reward situation. If you want to go fast in this game, you have to master not just the controls, but the tracks as well... And lemme tell you, some of these tracks are a BITCH to race through.

This game is great, because there are so many tracks and characters from Crash's history, and it doesn't really have that many downsides......But the ones it does have...? Oh boy...

Yeah, this game is filled to the brim with content....Content that you have to unlock, either by playing the game a lot...Or macrotransactions. Yes, macro, because most of the good shit you can actually unlock in this game, like ALMOST THE ENTIRE CAST OF CHARACTERS AND SKINS, are all behind a paywall.

This game is one of the scummiest examples of a greedy videogame company charging me money for a game I ALREADY PAID FOR. It really doesn't incentivize to play much, when no matter how much I play, every single alternate costume and character is behind a store rotation, and a price so ridiculously high, that I would have to play like a 100 races or more, just to get enough to purchase just ONE ITEM.

It's not like I could tho. Online servers for this game were pretty much dead since week one on Switch, since everyone else is playing Mario Kart 8 instead. And playing locally with friends is a massive chore, because the loading screens in this game are ETERNAL; it takes a while for anything to happen, at least on Switch.

I just fucking hate Activision/Blizzard for not releasing this shit on PC where it could actually have an active community, and also for killing this game by filling it with shameless macrotransactions. Truly, fuck these companies man, I'm so glad Toys for Bob cut ties with them.

My cousin made me play this without having played the first one. I remember liking it at the time...But in all honesty I don't really remember jackshit about this game other than the characters were pretty damn ugly.

UuuuuHH... So anyway, here's Wonderwall: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hzrDeceEKc

Didn't this game end on a cliffhanger or some shit? Where the fuck is the sequel? This came out 5 years ago!!!

Anyway, sword go swoosh!

I only played this game because I got it for free.

Uuuuuh....I suck at fighting games so I only played it like twice...But the girls are pretty!