It looks better so it must be better! That's how I remember it anyway!

I always enjoy anything capeshit, but I wish this game was a little bit more campy and stylized. I get what they were going for, but this game looked dated even when it came out...Everything looks like shit.

It was fun to jump from building to building and abuse of my electricity powers. Story was kinda whatever but eh, I had a decent time.

Playing a fighting game with touch controls is the worst thing ever. This is the only version of Mortal Kombat X I have ever played!

It's pretty dope how they managed to compact the first three games of the series into one solid reimagining, even if the story is kinda dumb.

This game is full of cool shit and Kratos as a guest character is pretty weird but it feels just right. Gameplay wise, it's pretty fun! I'd say it feels more like classic Mortal Kombat with some elements brought back from the 3D games on the PS2 era.

3.5 stars. Taven and Daegon were completely irrelevant to the entire lore and had 0 impact on Mortal Kombat's history.

Wish I could say that I am good at both Team Fortress 1 and Team Fortress 2, but that's not the case. I have tried to play this game a couple times and I am just...Not that much of a fan.

It's still a decent time tho, and it's cool to see all of these different game mechanincs that I'm so accustomed to in TF2 but in a different much older version of that game.

I do want to mention one thing tho...All of these dudes have like the same voice. In the TF2 comics they established that the TFC Pyro is a woman......Which is weird cuz the Pyro in this game has a deeper voice than mine.

Fix your shit Valve.

I suck at fighting games but this game was just too much fun. I really want to play the Ultimate version so I can kick Galactus' ass with Phoenix Wright.

I actually can't believe how good this game is and how much it holds up despite being 20+ years old.

Spoiler alert: This is another case of me liking the first game more than I like the sequels, and that is because this game also serves as kind of like a horror game, where you have to escape a science facility that is trying to kill you every 10 seconds.

I absolutely adore how horribly wrong things go here. From the moment the resonance cascade happens, everything is already destroyed, there are corpses all over the place, and you are just hopelessly running around with nothing but one thought in your head....To get out. This game takes the same idea as Portal but doubles down on it and spins it on it's head.

Not everything is perfect tho, the game is admittedly dated in some areas. I don't like the on rails section of the game too much...And the alien planet just felt pretty rushed, ugly and lackluster.

However, those are miniscule downsides to what is otherwise a timeless game. If you haven't played it yet, give it a shot! I am currently replaying it actually, and I can't wait to play Black Mesa after I am done with this one.

Yeah guys the game is good. But can you please stop remastering it and remaking it every 5 months?

Not as good as the first one imo, but still a near flawless experience.

I love Wheatley and the exploration of GLaDOS as a character. Exploring the abandanoned version of Aperture Science buried deep underground, is the closest this game gets to reaching the same levels of dread as the ratman rooms or the escape sequence at the end of the first game.

The gameplay is just as good as ther first one, with a few added gimmicks that are pretty fun.

My only real problem with this game is that it focuses maybe a bit too much on the puzzle solving aspect, which ends up making the game feel longer than what it really needs to be. That and the comedy...I love how funny this game is, but it kinda ruins the atmosphere when almost every character here is so utterly stupid.

This is still a 5/5 game in my opinion, and you should play it if you haven't, it's a must. I can't wait to replay it soon.

You gotta give them credit for not naming this one "Sonic Forces Dash" or "Sonic Dash 3: Sonic Forces". I'm sure that took a lot of restraint.

You know what? This game was kinda boring to me, Tomodachi Life was probably better...Idk never played it BUT


Valorant but good!

I barely played this thing, never got gud at it, and I never really liked it all that much, BUT....................

Yeah no idk. That's it I guess.

Oh wow, another bland 2D Mario platformer but for phones!!!!! I only played the free levels, I ain't paying for that shit.

2 stars and a half just cuz Daisy and Yoshi are playable.

I don't know exactly what it is that people hate so much about League of Legends, besides the community itself.

It's not that I liked it, I actually found it quite boring, but I didn't think it was awful or anything. It has some qualities, like the voice acting, some characters do look kinda cool.....Even if all you see when playing this shit is ants fighting for territory.

That's another thing. I don't understand how there are people who play these kinds of games and really see no problem...But I had no idea what the fuck I was even supposed to do half of the time.

Not only during the fights...I am talking mostly about the game's hud itself while in game. Like seriously, games like this one are always so cluttered with so much bullshit on screen that it feels more like homework than an actual game.

I only played for a friend a couple of times with like the only character I was decent with. I didn't really have fun, but I was fine as long as I was playing with a friend I guess?

Haven't played it again and probably never will. Just watch Arcane instead.

I was actually very excited to play this one because I did like the first game quite a bit.

The only thing I remember about this game is that it was a disappointment and worse in pretty much every aspect compared to the first game.