Consistently the worst level design in a sonic game, coupled with a dumb pair up mechanic that adds nothing and dimps physics. The "3" in the name refers to how many acts you'll play before you want to kill yourself.

Expansive and complex story that's a joy to unravel, alongside my favorite battle system of any JRPG ever. Absolutely an underrated gem.

Has glimpses of what trails lost all those years ago, but deep down, it's still cold steel. The reverie corridor is a grindy, samey nightmare, and the plot is just rehashing everything we've already seen before.

Plot is more thematically cohesive than 4 and 5 which I appreciate but otherwise is much more loosely tied together. Events from ten years ago should have been more clearly addressed, everything involving Ryoji is contrived and doesn't really make much sense, the potential for persona powers is never elaborated on, and then there's all the gamey stuff about tartarsauce like teleporters and blockades opening up after full moons. The characters eventually even acknowledge themselves that this shit makes no sense and the game makes no attempt to remedy it lol
Characters are a mixed bag. The highs are really high; junpei, akihiko, and ken are really really fantastic. But then there's Yukari and Fuuka. lol.
Social links kinda stunk imo. There are only a few that were particularly good; akinari, for one. But most of them are really forgettable and not much happens in them.
Gameplay is also a bit of a mixed bag for me. Combat is kind of just P5 lite which is fine I guess. tartarsauce is still pretty repetitive and grindy sometimes, but I do get something of a kick out of some old fashioned dungeon crawling once in a while i guess. I'd still never take it over hand crafted dungeons though; I'm glad we've left this style of dungeon behind.
Lastly the calendar which is really sloppy. It's an improvement over the original, but still really strange. Having every party slink locked behind a max stat is wild and makes it so that you'll end up having them all maxed by about 2/3 through the game and any other activity that happens to raise social stats (such as link episodes and unlocking personalities at the dorm) becoming redundant. And once all your social stats are maxed and there aren't any slinks to hang out with on a given day, there's simply nothing to do; at least until you unlock the dating site note which will be all you do with your time starting in november lol. It should have been an option from the beginning rather than appearing only then. The gameplay loop as a whole is still really solid though and I always find managing my time in persona games satisfying even if this is the one that gets it the least right.

The plot is fucking insane, the theming is great, and Takuru is LITERALLY me. My only problem is the couple of dropped plot threads.

Physics are fine. Early zones are okay. Music is hit or miss.
It doesn't take long for the cracks to start growing though, and by the midgame this is an absolutely miserable experience. It displays a lack of originality on par with Sonic 4 and a fundamental misunderstanding of how to design classic sonic levels. Honestly? I'd rather play Sonic 4.

While the presentation leaves a lot to be desired, the core gameplay of FE9 is pretty much just as awesome as it was in the last two games, with map design remaining fantastic and some really neat new mechanics. While super canto and shove are both certainly funny, I mostly had fun playing around with laguz units and some of the new map gimmicks. The story was a little underwhelming but definitely not bad. The biggest issue are definitely simply a couple of stinker maps that stand out for the wrong reasons (chapters 10, 11, and 25).

The story is honestly boring, underwhelming, and doesn't do much with its premise. The gameplay is fine I guess but it gets really stale after a while and doesn't really work for boss fights.

Simple and intuitive fun. The story is nothing special though.

This game has a lot of issues that pile up, but when the plot hits, it hits. The intermission chapter is one of my favorite moments in the series. And then there's the gameplay itself which is just sublime. I especially love the Divine Knight battles. The sidequests and bonding events pop the hell off sometimes too. It's just hard to get over how much missed potential the plot has. So overall it's a big ol mixed bag and one of the worst trails games yet.

its charming and all but its so boring and basic and bland. everything this game does paper mario does better

galge don't get much worse than this folks

Builds upon the first game in every way imaginable. Less consistent, definitely. But absolutely more memorable.

While the pacing leaves a lot to be desired, the cast is decent and the overall plot has a couple of great moments. I'm still not a fan of how much is handwaved though.