What I Played in 2024

Currently updating this as I play more games,


Fun exploration and combat; but it's very bloated and is my least favorite Souls game in terms of boss fights and storytelling.

Lackluster level design but is made up for with great atmosphere, amazing bosses, and some of the trilogy's most emotional storytelling.

Creepy atmosphere, tense gameplay, and a phenomenal first area. But is brought down by a mediocre plot, annoying boss fights, and a downgrade in level design after the opening section. Still fun though.

Narratively it's one of the most inconsistent entries in the Yakuza series, gameplay wise it's one of the best entries in the Yakuza series.

The worst writing and boss fights of the series so far. But the base combat is fun, Kamurocho has an increased sense of scale, the side content is pretty good, and when they're not out of character the protagonists are pretty great.

A very relaxing and at times creepy experience, but the alternate endings were too obscure for my liking.

Incredibly janky and full of questionable writing choices; but it's also full of memorable characters, strong emotional moments, and provides a very unique take on a disaster story. There's just something strangely comforting about Disaster Report 4 that keeps me coming back to it.


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