A genuinely great feature that ensured the DS had something going for it no matter how few games you had. Remains the best social media FR

Just a very boring puzzle loop. Too little difference to keep you playing

Why is just digging down so fun

Finally a sonic game that makes speed the true focus and it's so much fun. The bosses can be a bit hit and miss but the main levels slap

Most fun I've had with this game in years, everything just felt fun and the new game mode ruled. It's not perfect and it never will be but I don't really care

Yes the controls are annoying but they did start to feel intuitive once you get into that grove and that comes with some really creative uses of the DS hardware. The dungeons are really fun, can't overly say the same for the exploration. I love the setting of the open seas but there isn't enough around to incentivise you. But on the whole it's a really fun little game.

Massive downgrade from the main game, the level design sticks largely to big brown interconnected rooms that feel nebulous to explore (thank god for the compass), the new weapons are not much to write home about, the little black hole launcher was fun to use but the rest felt completely inconsequential. Add onto that the enemy placement being hellish, just spamming flying enemies and turrets in almost every room as well as those bullet sponge medics being all over the place towards the end make for an incredibly frustrating experience. I'd also like to mention that the final boss, although I'm grateful it was a new design was incredibly easy in comparison to the rest of the expansion, I beat it super quick without dying and I died a lot with this thing.

I only finished it to get the achievement

A much much shorter but I'd say streamlined version of the game. While not beating out the PC original, the gunplay still feels good and the level design at time works even better due to the changes with the mission system making the levels shorter and cutting anything unnecessary. Undoubtedly too much is cut, and the atmosphere of much of the design is lost due to the different colouring and graphical changes making it a clearly worse version of the game, but it's still really good fun and a different shorter experience that stands on its own

Feels amazing to play, the weapon variety is fantastic and they all feel great to use (I wasn't even only using the super shotgun as usual) and the remake does so much to streamline everything to make it very accessible today. One of the best older FPSs I've ever played

Hot take but this game is fantastic, such a step up from the previous games in many many aspects and although to find certain items I had to rely on a guide, I really don't mind that I still has a magical time with this game.

This game is great when it lets you focus on speed uninterrupted. Shame it doesn't let you do that more than half the time.

That taxi sure is a little bit crazy

So easily the best 2D mario for YEARS

Looks cute but there's no reason to play more than five minutes the gameplay loop is so repetitive

It's just really cute and fun