This game is silly and has lots of memes, but playing with randoms online is excruciatingly bad

I didn’t expect to enjoy Celeste as much as I did. Pure platformers typically get boring to me after a while but this one stuck out to me because of its unique art that just kept getting better as well as a surprisingly interesting analysis of the player characters mental state throughout the climb. It’s a story that allows you to connect with Madeline as you go which heavily adds to the game’s immersion. Of course the platforming itself feels great as you would expect and the level designs are creative without being painfully difficult

An amazing improvement on an already great game, Portal 2 solved almost every problem I had with the original. The story was much more engaging and humorous, and there were many fun new ways to use portals that aren’t just “put the portal somewhere cool and walk in”. I’ve played Portal 2 a few times now and it’s been a lot of fun each time.

I really like this game, it was a fun and creative experience that definitely made my brain hurt a few times. My only complaints are that I felt that it had too few mechanics and the story was a bit lacking. Fortunately there is a sequel…

This game is perfect, I immediately fell in love with the art style and music and the combat is so smooth and just feels good. I genuinely enjoy getting completely lost in the caves and finding new secrets every time I come back to this game. The bosses are unique and require patience but are not “Elden Ring I want to bang my head against a wall” frustrating. The story is amazing if you want it but is subtle enough to not be shoved down your throat if you don’t care about it. This is the only game I have ever played in which I genuinely have nothing add or suggest as an improvement. If you ever wanted to try a metroidvania or 2d platformer in general, I cannot recommend Hollow Knight enough. It is a blast every time I play, and the Godhome allows the game to have a level of replayability that I never knew it could. I love this game so much