87 reviews liked by Swirly

Plays incredibly well. Almost feels designed for VR, if not for the third person camera cuts, on top of them and cutscenes being in a bizarre theater-like experience. Can't wait for full consciousness VR so that Capcom can get that in VR too.


The slow pace, stop and start action of the original Resident Evil 4 has not been replicated here, however it brings its own unique flavour to the mix that has been excellently pulled off.

Being able to pull off stunts like dual wielding a pistol and a shotgun feels oddly at home in RE4, and adds an arcadey spice to the experience that had me hooked from start to finish. Giving Leon both full 360 degree movement and sprinting makes duking it out with the ganados much easier, and reloading has few stakes compared to other VR shooters as Leon will automatically empty the previous magazine when you pick up a new one, and just like the original, no bullets are lost by reloading an almost full gun.

Bonus modes such as Mercenaries and the Ada Wong campaign are, at the time of this review, not in this version of the game. It's unfortunate that this is the case as the speedier nature and arcadey feel would make Mercenaries in particular feel right at home.

Visually, the game has seen updates, however it's somewhat hard to really tell as textures are still low resolution, and the frequent loading zones are still present. However load times are short and the limited graphics means there's no framerate issues to be found. There's a hefty load time when you first start up the game but after that it's smooth sailing.

The story has been kept mostly intact. Leon's zingers and oneliners are still present, however almost any flirty dialogue has been removed from the game outright. The radio conversations have been turned into a semi-interactive element along with a few interactions previously only done by pressing a button or a QTE. This makes certain cutscenes still being present or presented in the theatre view feel out of place. Showcasing the area up ahead in a flat theatre view feels out of place when I can see it for myself in VR a few seconds later.

Overall, this is not the RE4 that you're acquainted with. While it keeps practically every mechanic, the reworking of the game in VR makes it feel much faster paced, much more arcadey, and much more unique than previous ports of this classic shooter.

This was my first time ever experiencing VR and oh boy what a great first game to play. Resident Evil 4 has consistently remained one of my favorite games of all time, so to play it in this hyper-interactive way was honestly just mind-blowing to me. Being able to see all the tiny little details up close that the game originally had was extremely cool and the gameplay VR offers is the fastest combat I have ever experienced with this game. I am definitely a lot more sold on the concept of VR since it was able to breathe new life into a game I had played many times already. I belive now that VR definitely has a place in the gaming industry and while it may never go completely mainstream I think it has the potential to deliver extremely cool experiences with games.

A literal and metaphorical game-changer.

RE4 isn’t usually that scary, but when a ganado catches you off guard in RE4VR, they’re the size of a real person, and if you compound that with directional sound and vibration… baby you got a stew goin!

It’s like you’re IN Resident Evil 4. That’s how I could best describe it, at least. You can juggle your knife, dual wield, and even fumble around for a magazine while enemies surround you. Does that freedom of movement make it easier? Yeah, but I’m Leon S. Kennedy now.

The shooting range alone could sustain an entire Quest game, but this thing has the full campaign and Mercenaries with a brand new Mercenaries challenge mode.

The Oculus headset can get uncomfortable at the end of lengthier sessions, so after a few hours I would be fighting my own body just to keep playing. But it’s that good.

So, because Half-Life Alyx doesn’t run natively on the Quest 2, this is THE game for the system. Even then, RE4 is already one of the best games ever. A must-try. More games like this please!

It's fascinating how they managed to translate the original game into a VR version and how much thought the put into it. As an example now u can relote while moving in contrast to the original design choise. But to rebalance this enemies are way more agressive then in the original game even in normal difficulty. Still not as perfectly designed to detail like the original but still arguably on of the best VR Games there are and another unique way to experience this game even if u already know the original pretty well.

If I had my way, VR would be entirely remakes like this.

Hey, first to review this. Cool. To preface, this will only review the campaign and a little bit of post-campaign.

So Final Shape manages to have this incredible campaign with such a wonderful ensemble of characters and even bringing back older characters for great post-campaign fun. The Legendary Campaign difficulty feels super tightly tuned and feels awesome for the most part, but there are some "ehh" parts here and there. I think my favorite mission is the Mountain one, that one was legitimately one of the best campaign experiences I've ever had in an FPS.

So yeah, Final Shape is, well, shaping up to be a good campaign. You can clearly tell this is what they wanted to make instead of that Lightfall slop. Good job, Bungie.

Colorblindness Rating: D-
Why Bungie have to change the shields. They were JUST fine and now they fuck me up CONSTANTLY because I can't tell what is Arc and what is Void. The ironic thing is that they made this change FOR accessibility reasons, but they just made it worse!
Hippy really did screw me over. So-called "co-head of accessibility". Yeah.

Dragon's Dogma II asks, "What if Dragon's Dogma was prettier, had a slightly different (but not much different) story and came out today instead of a decade ago?" and the answer is that I would put 118 hours into it and love every minute.

It's everything good about Dragon's Dogma, from the combat to the innovative pawn system and all the little emergent gameplay moments, but bigger and better. Even the lows are higher this time, with the story and quests at least a little more interesting than last time. Although not by much—this is still Dragon's Dogma, after all, and the world is still very much one of generic fantasy role playing.

But that's sort of the magic of Dragon's Dogma. The contrast of this generic fantasy world full of basic D&D monster manual creatures that is then enlivened by this highly dynamic set of gameplay systems. The fact that a griffin can crash down and interrupt your party at any given time, or that your pawn can pick up an enemy and toss it at another or even at YOU, is made all the better by the fact that it's contrasted against this generic setting.

The magic of Dragon's Dogma is that contrast. That it's the best, most fun action RPG you'll play this year. That you can grab onto the side of a griffin and stab it as it rises into the air, carrying you halfway across the map before it dies and crashes you to the ground. And that all this happens in a very self-serious, stone faced fantasy land.

It's wild and crazy gameplay mechanics set against basic D&D trappings. D&D filtered through the gameplay sensibilities of the Devil May Cry team. It's the greatest.

The start of the modern Horizon Formula™ and the one that did it best. Yeah the map is flatter than a cutting board, the PI balance is the worst it's ever been and the progression is a joke, but nearly everything else is at least competent, if not great. No one knew how good we had it when this game was still active bros......