A game I never finished back in the day, but for a stream I decided I was going to rectify it!

You start out with one of the most powerful summons in the game, before it gets shattered into 7 pieces and hidden throughout several levels, but you get given replacement summons soon after.

Different creatures have different damage-type outputs where some are better at fleshy targets and others at the heavily armoured ones.

It was a lot of fun, only marred my end by the emulator and PC struggling (had a old PC back then) and the grinding needed to level up your summons. Especially the ultimate summon!

Apparently this is based on a book and I totally want to read it sometime.

Stream + gameplay

The PlayStation game here has quite a few issues that make it a very frustrating game to play. Most is, of course, the lack of a skip or speed up feature so that when have to redo a scene, you have to rewatch the whole thing again! Even if you've completed it, you still have to subject yourself to the same scenes before unlocking any new scenes. I make return to this at a later date though...

Stream + gameplay

This was a game that I really enjoyed, despite my arachnophobia!

You play as a spider who recently had the brain patterns of it's creator put upon you moments before he was shot down and carried away my a company who want to steal his technology. The headset his fused to his head so you need to save him before they cut off his head, killing him!

You have to travel through all kinds of dangerous areas to chase the kidnappers and fight against the huge number of other cyberised pests that keep leaking out of the box that was damaged in the attack.

In this platformer, you can jump, walk on walls and use your web to descend, but the most fun are the upgrades such as changing your blade-leg for a boomerang, flame thrower, electric zapper, gas speakers, mines and other fun upgrades that colour the spider, making them covered in metal.

First failed Stream

Better stream

Enjoyable for what it is and quite short. You don't need a de-censor dlc to fix it or anything, it's easily accessible by clicking on the name when in the game.

The scenes are quite fun, though I'm not a massive fan of them. I prefer some males to appear and even some cases of appropriate genitals that reflect the animal form, but then again I'm a complete freak so maybe I'm just part of a REALLY niche demographic. Perhaps I need to create a similar game for those that are twisted like me :D

Loved this game so much! It was so creepy in many places where I was streaming it and this game really benefits from the horror rule of "show less, say more" where certainly scenes will really creep you out by themselves. Then we get the interesting multiple endings, depending on how you can choose positive or negative moments to have a look in the protagonist's mind which are really funny at times. I'm replaying it now just to see what scenes can be unlocked.

I also highly recommend you get that patch that explains to you the alternative paths you can take and what they do. However, first playthrough I heard that they don't alter the path as the first path is one that MUST be done.

Stream + gameplay

Another great gem by Spike Chungsoft Co. I found this game very different from what I've seen with Danganronpa where it's far more of a old-school dungeon crawler crossed with a VN. However, this interesting mixture has both a beautiful and disturbing story set after the world has ended and a interesting Dark Souls-esque system where dying makes you more powerful and you gain resistances/abilities based on dying a certain way or even, quite comically, food allergies and poisonous food that you can now eat from now on.

I just managed to finished all achievements for this because this game deserves it :D

Everyone you play as is guilty of doing something morally questionable or having blood on their hands due to an in-direct or in-action on their own path. Each character becomes a protagonist for their own themed ruins as their past gets blasted out to everyone and narrated by cartoon characters in a simlar sense to how Monokuma would monologue people's pasts.

Here I have the first part of the playthrough where we get introduced to the characters and the VERY strange/unusual situation that everyone is in!

Stream + gameplay

My interest from this mostly came from how much better than Inception the idea is here with entering people's minds. It's vastly more interesting where the mind of people are like incredibly mindscapes that are shaped around trauma and past experiences as opposed to simply boring cities.

The puzzles are a lot of fun, though I did have issues with my mouse being overly sensitive and as I was streaming I was having some serious lag issues, but that's probably more to do with my end.

The final case was the most damaging I felt as I could see it being about myself as I was in an abusive relationship so I suggest a content warning for people who may have experienced psychological abuse and one of the memories involves suicide so again, content warning for that.

Other than that, really enjoyed streaming this and would love to see some more like this in the future.

Stream + gameplay

Been recently really addicted to this game, but now I've pretty much "finished" it which is to say, once you gain the Automatons you can get more jobs done by going well over the population cap. Especially as the Gnomes seem to be unable to breed.

The learning curve can be a bit steep, especially when you run into golems and it's not obvious what to do so it's similar to Banished in that form. However I do have a few gripes.


Now you have the option to have a underground farm and there is only the Mushrooms. Now at first this sounds simple like normal farms that need to be on the highest clear elevation so that they get sunlight so the underground ones much have shelter above and that's it, right? Nope.

There's guides specific for this because attempting to build them is so difficult because you need the dirt to be mud. This obviously happens due to water, however if it's sheltered where are you going to get the water from? The best guide has been creating holes above so rain falls down these falls and creates mud-pots. However, the areas exposed then become grass so they can't become mud.

The only other option is, through the invention tech-tree, you can build a pump to draw up water up and into the farm, but this has it's own sets of problems as all soil absorbs the water so you need to find a particularly huge area of water or find some genius way to move the water across, which is just so annoying.

Again, very fun and addictive sim game with a learning curve, but not as harsh of a learning curve as say, Banished.

I found this game REALLY enjoyable, however at times it got VERY slow. Especially in campaign mode where you need to race to get the shares and after finishing all the family missions I was still short a few percentage.

What's also quite annoying is the auctions not being frequent enough for certain achievements. Especially as when a city fire happens you lose your businesses in that place too! Adding a frustraition to it which really shouldn't be there.

Combat I enjoyed, especially shooting that damn KKK members and I'm a big fan of micro-management kinds of games. It can be a hell of a lot of fun, but tbh I didn't find myself being able to do much with it via streaming, so who knows. It's not for everyone I can imagine.

Stream + gameplay

Been really loving this game. I played through the basic version on xbox 360 in the past, but here I loved having access to the DLC, including shooting down UFOs and various space toys from the era which is a lot of fun! The final boss was a real pain though.

Upgrades don't seem to work perfectly I feel and this is a evident when trying to take on the robot in the final space mission. Apparently the final upgrade for the AA turrents is crap, but the second is the best, for whatever reason.

The most annoying is the final difficulty as it requires you to control ALL of the turrets yourself. First mission I found it was possible but I highly doubt I can cover the whole areas.

This was a fun game to get me back into playing RE games which I hadn't done in a while and was a lot of fun and my first bit of the stream is here if you're interested in the gameplay: https://youtu.be/NDejGJOA5ng

First warning I'll give is for some reason BGM was set to 0 which meant that the cutscenes were silent so there's something to take into account, but beyond that I had no major issues with this game. It was a lot of fun and everyone in the stream had a good time as I cut down and shoot these freakish mutants. They're unique and terrifying in their appearance. Not to mention the build up of tension on the sea reminds me of Cold Fear, however, the boat doesn't bob at all.

I like the episodic take on it too was a lot of fun, however, it was probably very boring if you were waiting for each episode individually. Regardless, I recommend you give it a go if you're a RE fan. Especially as this game is often on sale for cheap due to how old it is now.

Stream + gameplay

Another really fun game that I had a lot of fun streaming on my Twitch channel and I have to say, since I missed out on playing the origonal trilogy I've been so happy that I got the chance to play this with much better graphics and really cool characters. Here's a link to my video for my first-experience with the collection: Stream + gameplay

The achievements are a lot of fun and due to that I took the time to get them all! This mascot platformer has aged quite well and I'd highly recommend it to anyone interested in some fun, kid-friendly platforming action!

Loved this game and streaming was a lot of fun too! If you want to have a look, here's the video with my first video:
Stream + gameplay

However, for those who prefer written I'll go into some details here.

The game itself has a fun, if repetative combat style, though not as mindless as Assassin's Creed. You have multiple ways of attacking either with vampire powers, firearms, weapons and so on, but some creatures and people are resistant to different kinds of damage .

Then there's the feeding where you can devour a population and then that whole place will enter chaos. The problem is when the health gets too low, the people cannot be spoken to and will either appear as an enemy or just be dead. Eitherway, you can't get the XP you may have gotten if you instead, got to know them and then drink their blood.

It also makes you feel somewhat bad as when you do it, you hear them cry out their last thoughts as you take their lives, often cursing you, lamenting their life or thinking about their loved ones and how they may eventually die without them or never get to see them ever again.

Both endings are interesting with whatever path you take of either being a murderer or resisting the urge to kill anyone. Plus I'm a sucker of vampires so I love playing as the blood-sucker who is attempting some normalcy after being turned against your will or perhaps you decide to embrace the darkness. I was surprised to find the darker path led to a final boss who was much more powerful than I thought, so don't think of yourself as getting too powerful to beat the final boss. Especially with how tough they are.

My second playthrough was murder based

First I'll start with that I had a really good time with this game. I'm certainly not a Castelvania nut, but I can bet that this is the best unoffical continuation of a series that Konami has given up on.

I love the mechanic of gaining shards from these demons, gaining new powers and abilities. Either passive or special transportation abilities gained from defeating bosses that can get you to move past certain obsticles like large areas, a reflecting power and even a teleportation ability right near the end. You also gain huge numbers of weapons to choose from between things such as boots, whip, sword, dagger and others. There's also a huge number of secrets, making the whole game endlessly replayable to try and find all the secrets in the game and the short-cuts to new areas.

If you want my first impressions, here's the first part of my Stream of this game:
[Stream + gameplay[(https://youtu.be/YDSyPvy9QX4)

Beyond that, playing this game was an experience and I was always looking forward to my next stream of playing this game! Hope you have just as much fun as I did too!

I found that this game was actually really enjoyable. Now, before you disregard this, please listen to my reasoning. It's enjoyable, but it isn't really what someone could call a "Resident Evil" game as there was a massive lack of puzzle solving. The only real puzzle solving that there was, was basically pick up this item and place it here, that was it. Below is a video from my YouTube channel where I was streaming this blind.

My video

I enjoyed what I played, but then again I played it in the reverse order (Ada>Jake>Chris>Leon) because nowadays the campaign is full unlocked so you can choose what order to go with, but according to someone online I ended up accidently playing the game worst to best completely by accident! This was probably why my experience was quite enjoyable.