As part of my exploration into the RE universe, I end up playing Resident Evil Zero. Here we play as Rebecca from the first RE game and Billy Coen a ex-navy seal who gets thrown into this situation and we never hear from again.

This game surprised me with some of the interesting mechanics. It lacks a safety box in it, however, all items you drop or simply examin (and say no to picking up) will appear on your map so that you can remember where you may have left certain vital items, like the grappling hook or if you want to keep in mind the locations of first aid sprays and herbs.

The same can be said for weapons and such if you ever need to create some empty space in your inventory for the classic RE puzzles in regards to combining items, ect but also carry the required item to the place you need it and drop it there for later, leaving room for weapons, ammo and healing items. It's a fairly smart way to keep yourself checking the map to remind you where you may have left certain vital items. Not to mention Rebecca gets to use her chemistry set to mix chemicals needed to solve puzzles, but also healing yourself too.

Stream + gameplay

I did a month of replaying all my RE games, including this one with Wesker mode and Rebecca on a hot goth outfit!

Fan of the classic Dungeon Keeper and I feel that they brought it all here for this one. The took both god and bad ideas from various clones, weighed them up and chose what to keep and what to lose. Thankfully they did such a good job with that.

As far as i'm concerned, this is Dungeon Keeper 3.

A game I've been really looking forward to playing! It was a fun time to stream and had a lot of fun! If you have any interest in seeing gameplay for a more informed opinion of how the game plays, check out the stream here I will continue to talk and review this game however.

This game was a lot of fun, but I only experienced this much later after the developers finally removed Denuvo the vile DRM that people, for some stupid reason still defend.

The combat style is tied to a grid like XCOM, however outside of combat it's closer to something like Dragon Age or Divinity: Origonal Sin where as the group you explore the area, picking up scrap and weapon parts to buy upgrades for your weapons and new items like genades and such, though I often found the shop useless apart from for Medikits.

Mechanics aside, I love the storyline and how these mutants are fighting in a world that is filled with monsters and monsterous people who want to kill everyone in the arc and a mad cult who believe that the best solution for the world is to get into a bunker, launch a nuke a re-start the earth again. I also love the side-discussions and side-bits that the characters often have when looking at items, locations and so on.

One of the funniest is when Selma found a doll (like a barbie doll) and remarked at how stranger her preportions were, claiming that she must've been a model of somekind of early mutant of freak of somekind, which is pretty hilarious, considering how they often are like that.

After the DLC I'm still hungry for more though. Would love to see these people get back and make a sequel of somekind!

This was a game I voted for back when it was on Greenlight as I enjoy the idea of management sims set in the apocalypse but this one has a interesting twist where the apocalypse in this situation is one involving demons emerging from the earth. Not to mention the endings are different, depending on the two choices you get with how to save the world.

The only thing that gets annoying is as times goes on your base gets larger and larger attacks by enemies who find your base, even if you go into a sandbox mode at the end of the game they keep appearing so it's a little annoying if you're after achievements or something.

It's a difficult game to recommend as it doesn't fall into a single catagory and it's not something for everyone, but it's been very enjoyable for myself and I've not experienced any bugs at all.

This was a game that the moment I saw a friend of mine streaming I HAD to play/stream this! The suspense and the beginning had me hooked immediately when as SAM you assist the Astronaut Emma to fix up the station before discovering something is wrong.

My stream of the game

The suspense in this game takes control instantly and we soon find something VERY strange going on in regards to not only what happened to the space station but also what has happened to the crew members too. This is a must for anyone who wants a unconventional mystery game to play.

I played this via a recommendation for my channel and I'm so happy to have done so! This was an amazing game and I really loved playing it, being reminded of the past and having a good look at how Sonic has evolved over the years. I highly recommend it to everyone who is a fan of Sonic.

My stream where I finished the main gain in a single sitting

So I decided to play this after watching one of my favourite streamers stream a little of it. This is a very fun souls-like game that has some funny dialog moments, like with the lubberkin who speed through societies everytime you visit them, generations going by in a matter of hours.

This was highly enjoyable and unlike Dark Souls, you don't lose all your shard used for leveling and even gain a portion every time you manage to cut down the boss's HP better than last time. This makes the game less frustraiting that Dark Souls and it means everytime you re-enter the battle area, you get that much more powerful!

Here's my stream if you're interested in watching it

I hope you all enjoy this game like I did!

I streamed this game and has a lot of fun playing this, but sadly I didn't have any of the DLCs, however this was still a lot of fun even though the ending was a cliff-hanger (which I'm sure you're meant to buy DLC for) but the main game was a hell of a lot of fun! I'm not good at stealth games, but it was still cool, especially with the many fun weapons and tools you can make to create distractions and get rid of the alien, if only for temporary moments.

First part of my stream

The classic music from the movies makes a return here to add the tension and as you sneak around when the alien arrives you can hear it climbing around the vents, drooling out of them when it waits to strike and as I was told, there are two AIs that aid the Alien. One is a learning one that learns from how you hide, getting better at searching you out and another AI that knows where you are and gives hints to the Alien, giving moments that when you move to a new section, this creature will be nearby. There is no safe-zone to speak of and even the saving points can be dangerous so always be on your toes.

If you're after a stealth horror game I can't recommend a better one at this moment!

I streamed this game a while back, but I finally got to posting up ALL the screenshots I took....I'm a bit of a screenshot addict tbh.

My stream

So this game, in case you did not know, is from the same creators of Danganronpa and The Nonary Games. If you like those kinds of games, this is certainly something that you'll enjoy with the mysteries and funny/interesting characters.

You start out arriving at the scene of a murder that was phoned in and after studying the body, with the help of a AI, you discover that they were killed and had their eye torn out pre-mortem. After this we discover the child of the deceased with the murder weapon in her hands nearby.

The main mechanics of the game involve the typical VN kind of interaction with choice of questions, QTEs and the main interaction in this game is the ability to enter people's dreams to discover what they may know in regards to the case or perhaps to gleam through their memories for a forgotten memory figment that's just in the back of the mind somewhere. This system is super secret, which is why you normally knock people out before doing this and as it's such a national secret, your AI also has a in-build self-destruct system to keep that information out of the hands of those who would abuse it.

If you enjoyed the previous games made by this company, this game is closer to The Nonary Games than the others since you don't have free roaming unlike Danganronpa and Zanki Zero.

If you still aren't certain, try checking out my images and videos (which I title spoiler in them so you don't spoil it for yourself) to come to your own conclusion about this game.

After playing this for a second time I have got to say, I loved every moment of this game! There's a lot to say about it in regards to the portrayal of her mental health, the combat system, the mechanics and the graphics. I love the mythology too.

Here's the first part of my stream:

There was a large gap as, due to my own failure in maintainance, my PC burnt out and I had to stop streaming/gaming for so long! Regardless, it was a lot of fun to return to stream this game. Even if there weren't many people joining me, this was a hell of a lot of fun!

I highly recommend this to anyone who wants to join Senua on her journey to bring the soul of her lover back to the other side.

I have to admit, I wasn't certain exactly what I was in for when I first started this game up, but I've been quite happy with what I've gotten! First of all, FMVs are such a retro form of games, but also very fun to keep as some of the older ones had some REALLY cringe acting or insane stories.

this one does appear to get more and more insane the deeper we go, especially with the tarot readers having some crazy theories as to where the spiritual abilities come from, the nature of tarot and the ouija board. They also have a randomised killer so not two playthroughs will be exactly the same so whoever I get is not likely the same person that you'll get.

For more information on what the gameplay (if you can call it that in this case) is like, please check out my stream

This game was a hell of a lot of fun to stream! I followed it right after the previous game and I have to admit, I wasn't sure what to think in regards to this game immediately apart from that it's pretty damn brilliant. It starts off innocently enough with playing a fun little game about being a pony and jumping over barriers, ect, but it soon begins to devolve into something absolutely insane!

My video for my first impressions of it

This is one of those games that attempting to explain it is difficult, but it's a hell of a experience that you won't soon forget.

This is a very interesting stealth game that's in the first-person, much like games like Thief, however, the focus here is of espionage and in regards to England in 1987 and the anger against Immigrants, which mirrors many current political issues in the country where I live.

It starts out covering the events the led to this women being cornered in her home by a man who looks like he just screams 1950s, interviewing her and claiming that this act is what the country needs, to bring stability and that there are "people on our doorstep who want to harm us" all of which are weak and yet common arguments you hear all the time in nationalist circles. First you play as her attempting to download the data from the servers and failing, but after that you play as a journalist who is investigating the man who accused of bombing the facility and investigating his claims of innocence along with the company and the "Union Act" that it is attempting to get the public to vote for, but you soon find that things aren't what they seem.

The retro feel of the game is welcome, especially as I was born in 87 and I remember using Floppy Discs for PCs, but the music is also fun too. The AI is interesting as even if you aren't caught in a room where the alarm is going off, the guards will still regard you with suspicion because these alarms weren't going off BEFORE you arrived here.

The negatives are the few bugs still in the game where I've been caught in a wall, but it was rare and if you mess up, you need to restart that chapter which can be a real pain if you messed up one thing and now you have to go all the way back through unskippable sequences. However, the characters are fun enough that it doesn't bother you too much.

If you are interested in some more information, please have a look at my stream

I personally had a lot of fun streaming this and even did a second playthrough so I could get all the evidence needed for the interview and put the people on the backfoot with evidence.

I have to admit, this game took me by surprise. What starts out as a somewhat typical horror game with a intereting setting turns out FAR darker than what I origonally imagined, which I guess should've been obvious since this is about a mysterious stranger kidnapping children.

The game is rich in Norse Mythology and creatures that threaten your progress on the journey to save your child fighting monsters both real and of the mind as she recounts the story that you are currently progressing through.

For a better view of gameplay, here's my stream for your consideration

The game is short, but not forcibly so. It's short, but in a good way and doesn't feel like they were short for time making it, but instead that this is where the story naturally ends and the ending was a very interesting one too. I don't want to say much more without spoiling it, but the very atmostphere of the game and being chased by creatures that you cannot physically harm adds to the tension. I recommend this for any fan of horror.

This game is a fairly short one, though you could always extend it out by unlocking all of the endings, looking into all the bits missing and curious about the many different things that happen in this game.

You play as a widow whose wife died recently and is stuck in a constant loop in her life, however, one day a creep liquid begins to fill the bathtub and a figure begins to talk you. It's up to you, to decide what to do next. The FMV is a interesting take on the horror and works well in creating a creepy atmosphere.

My stream of the game for full context and my genuine blind reaction to it