A really fun FPS, that sadly not many people seem to know about. Filled with fun shooting sections and a upgrade system that encourages replaying past levels at higher difficulty.

You play as Alex Mason, a ex-military, now member of T-Zero. A swat team tasked with taking out this extremely violent gang that have brought the city to it's knees has been sowing chaos.

Tolerance Zero (T-Zero) is a zero tolerance group essentially taking a more realistic stance of the Judges from the Judge Dress universe by being allowed to shoot and kill any and all criminals that get in your way.

Every mission has three difficulty settings, but only medium and hard award you medals for completing the tasks. The tasks are:
X number of headshots
X number of incapacitations
No Checkpoints
X amount of gathered evidence (masks hidden through the mission)

Acquiring medals will give you new upgrades for all your weapons and miscellaneous things like extra health, extra ammo, a grenade belt, better taser and such.

Every mission has a boss at the end that if you incapacitate (either taser or other non-lethal means) you unlock special new timed missions where you save a VIP and unlock the usage for new weapons like the combat shotgun of the assault rifle.

What is probably highly illegal is you can use the weapons of the enemies. Regardless of if they're Cleavers, Molotovs, uzis, circular saw or even a nailbomb!

It also has a multiplayer which I have never actually tried, however, I'm sure it'd be a lot of fun and insane. I imagine it could still be playable via some emulation magic, but it's still very enjoyable even if you don't have the multiplayer and the last mission is extremely difficult too.

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This game did not age very well imo. I found it very frustrating in regards to it's mechanics and how difficult some enemies are and how they seem immune to most attacks unless you have the right weapons.

I played as the female character simply because she has a sword and can dismember creatures, though often it doesn't do much beyond reducing one attack.

It's great for zombies though as they can die from a decapitation, however, if cut in half they still keep coming. It's extremely gory and kinda cool, but is still a very difficult game that gives the dark souls series a run for it's money, only extra frustrating.

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This was a real fun game to play on stream really. The game felt a lot like a resident evil clone, but unlike those terrible ones, this one was really cool with dinosaurs being a big reason, but it was also well made with decent puzzles and they added a bleeding mechanic that makes avoiding the dinosaurs far more desperate.

Whilst writing this, I am certainly considering replaying this, but taking a different path to try to get a different ending and see what else could happen.

A classic survival horror game that should never be forgotten.

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I initially thought this game could be a really fun. I'm a big fan of turn-based combat and you would raise monsters like Pokémon? Sign me up!

Unfortunately that's not what we got. The game has many issues in regards to that you get mugged because you sold off all your well-trained monsters, despite being a monster trainer is a lucrative business apparently.

The combat is frustrating because despite having these monsters, you have no control over them and after some predetermined time, they pass away so you are always getting more seeds, incubating them and having a large supply, though you have to rely soo much on the AI I wouldn't trust it.

The seeds need to be applied with a certain heat and you can only get then from drops, so you don't get a lot of experimentation, but many of these so called "seeds" have multiple different kinds of creatures depending on the temperature with different stats too.

This was a really unfun game and I don't know what they were thinking when making it. They clearly didn't care much as the translation is pretty dire!

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Unlike the previous games, this one was far more action packed and even featured one or two real-life serial killers as an enemy such as the infamous Acid-Bath murderer. Though I doubt he acted like James Stephanie Sterling IRL.

After a period of running and hiding from the horror that's chasing you, you get to a certain location and unlock the power of a magical bow to shoot down and destroy these evil spirits!

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Thanks to the power of a private server, City of Heroes had come back! I loved this game back in the day and the idea of a server bringing it back I was ecstatic!

The huge variety of customisation, the collectable badges that work like achievements before they were a thing on PC and the world was vast with such great lore with a PDF comic tied into the game.

I don't think I'll ever find a replacement for this game that has no microtransaction bullshit.

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I enjoyed exploring this game for my first time on stream and I can see why it's such a classic!

The game is a mixture of RPG and Survival Horror which seems like a mix that wouldn't work, but with this game it certainly does!

You start out playing a detective who is having another disappointing date, this time, at a operatic theatre where a woman on stage continues to sing, transforms into a monster and multiple people begin to burst into flames.

She kicks her date aside and draws her gun, where we play as her chasing down this monster and the many other creatures it spawns!

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Another that I didn't play too much as it was about as frustrating as the first one, I feel. No ability to skip dialog and no checkpoint system to speak of to help when you die so you don't have to go through the whole opening cutscenes over and over again.

I might return to this at a later date, but for now there isn't much pulling me into this.

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This was a fun little game that sadly, due to issues I was having with my emulator, I wasn't able to get past the next section and got stuck. Real shame as I was having such fun.

The game is essentially a story focusing on the Yamada family and what they go through in a single day where the strangest and most absurd of things happen including the father getting chased by a giant ball through the offices, elevator breaking and even fighting off an alien invasion!

Every level is almost always a QTE minigame or something time based regardless of the aforementioned being chased by a boulder, sneaking out of a bank robbery, playing a musical charm, searching for the sweet spot and ect. It's certainly a lot of crazy fun and I can't wait to get a working emulator to return to this at somepoint.

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A game I really wanted to get into for so long, however, it was difficult because for me it was under a different name here in the UK, known as Project Zero.

You investigate the disappearance of your character's brother who was following a horror writer who came to this forgotten temple for inspiration for his next horror book, not expecting that the ghosts might actually be real after an ceremony goes wrong and many spirits are released and others are amplified.

The only weapon that can protect you is the Camera Obscura which is magically attuned to fight these ghosts.

Had a little issue getting this working on my emulator, but I assume PCSX2 works much better these days.

Stream PT1: https://youtu.be/bcvYRjiS5e8

A game that I just had to play. Don't think I finished this because I don't think it's that short and probably more due to issues that I had with the old PC instead of anything else.

It's a simple, but really fun concept to roll up and collect a huge number of weird items to be fired into space to bring back the stars!

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A fun little survival horror game based around a cursed statue that radiates an aura bringing the dead back to life and possessing innocent people for the dark deeds of...Seth? Set? Not certain tbh...

The game is set in 1890's England, back when Egypt was THE topic everyone was obsessed with and after a thief's failed attempt to steal an artefact known as "The Eye of Isis" (despite it looking like Bast, which'd make more sense) ends off setting off a curse that floods the museum killing, possessing and reanimating the dead everywhere it goes.

Meanwhile our hero is stopped by the police who say the museum is closed and the staff will be helping with their enquiries, however, after they disappear, our hero just opens the door with no issue and gets inside. Afterwards, he ends up on a journey and getting haunted by this curse as he attempts to return the statue to it's rightful place back in Egypt. Now if curses were real, I'm sure many items in the Natural History Museum would be sent back as it's not worth having visitors getting poisoned, possessed or mutated just to keep a valuable artefact on display.

The gameplay is your typical 3rd person survival game, borrowing elements from games like Resident Evil 4 and others, only the inventory is nowhere near as limited as the RE games and closer to that of Dino Crisis, but ammo and healing items are limited to make sure to take precaution in when you wish to heal up and when not to. Some of the monster designs are very good and it's a shame I hadn't played this game before, because it really was a lot of fun and certainly a nice little distraction if you want to play another PS2 generation survival game without replaying Resident Evil 4, Code Veronica or event Cold Fear for the fifth time!

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As a big fan of the original game, this was an extremely insulting and watered-down version of that game and mechanics that don't fit, not to mention getting ghost names and genders wrong too, like in the case of Flash Jordan.

Another massive departure is the fact that the ultimate goal of the ghosts here is to protect mortals, despite gaining power via scaring them.

The system didn't work too well for scaring mortals as you have a minimum plasam that regenerates, but any more you need to build up by scaring mortals, but the cheapest scares cost 1 plasam and you only get 1 per mortal scared so the game can drag on unless you take your time to watch and scare mortals.

I don't recommend this game at all. It's hard to think of any benefits to it and the ending is also an insult to the original game...

You aren't missing anything by dodging this.

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A game I certainly had fun playing where you work at a bar and discover magic along with dating one of the adorable people!

I don't recall too much beyond the presence of a Trans character who is just living her best life.

I only played it once so it is a short game, but still can be fun.

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This game was recommended to me by a friend who is a fan of the more action focused Resident Evil games starting from 4 and onwards and this game has some obvious similarities.

Your character is sent to a ship where a previous team had boarded and vanished. The swaying of the ship on the water messes with your aiming a little and soon enough you come across a few crew members who try to kill you, terrified of something that you don't quite know yet.

Similar to RE4, the controls are fairly intuitive and the laser-sight on your pistol makes aiming much easier. Especially for smaller enemies.

You have healing items that you need to use sparingly along with ammo as you fight all manner of creatures.

Sadly as I streamed this do long ago, I'm afraid I can't remember many specifics for that. Sorry.

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