The first of games I covered for Cringetober, this was an absolutely terrible game.

Despite it's original listing, this game is a PS2 game!

You play as two young women who battle bordom by flying through space, attending fashion shows, arranging flowers, flying kites and other number of "girly" activities where have to complete them, including telling them what important items they need to take after a crash and it was not the gas mask on this alien world, but bloody beach equipment!

It's a stupid game really and was clearly made by a bunch of old, middle-aged men who have no idea what girls like beyond this silly baby-girl idea of what girls and young women are into...


This is certainly an odd-duck from the usual Danganronpa games. We go from the VN style murder mystery journey to a third-person shooter where you fight off enemies that are slaughtering innocent people along the way.

Trying not to create spoilers for the other games is difficult with this, but the survivors from the first game help you out and save your life, not letting you know that you're actually related to one of the survivors and that they're ok, however, not everything is as it seems the those who are spreading despair are a group of children who were potential ultimates!

The weapon you have has multiple functions, not merely destruction and you'll need it to find ways to complete puzzles and get through rooms that are trapped and you need to disarm the traps somehow before progressing.

This game takes place before, during and after the second game with a certain character from the second-game rearing their head and aiding in the kids and their mission to spread despair and continue on the chaos brought forth by the Ultimate Despair and her last orders to them all.

The game was fun in the end, though I preferred the usual type of games that they are and I had a lot of fun watching the anime show that covers what happened during and after this game.

Remember to never give up on Hope!

As a fan of Management games, I really love this! I had a lot of fun playing it, though it's learning curve is often suggested to be Dark Souls-esque where you try to learn more each time and the fight for getting resources becomes a massive challenge. Coupled with creating a thriving community, keeping them fed, clothed and warm, you often find yourself running short in a few areas and half the fun is seeing how long you can keep your colony up and lasting.

Being a large-scale management sim, you don't get much of a personal touch for the characters unlike Rimworld, but this is a different style of game that hearkens back to the Sim City genre of games where you play god and try your best to raise up this society best you can.

A fun DLC that simply adds a racer. I often find that these DLCs can be crap, but as far as I can see, it's free and though I'm not a fan of the game series he's from, I do like how his vehicle is a arcade game that transforms, being pretty hilarious. Beyond that, nothing much to say about this content really.

This is the last one of the series that I've made a review for as I've spent far too damn time on that stupid digging game! I'm the Goddamn Gaming Archaeologist, I should have been able to finish this game in one single go!

Anyway, my frustrations with a single mini-game aside, I have to say that this is the weakest of all the games so far, imo. Beyond certain story-reasons that would go into spoiler territory, there's a few choices in this game that I felt were annoying.

One of the most annoying bits they added to the court-room scenes is the whole lying to uncover the truth mechanic. It can also be used to skip through parts of discussion and get closer to finishing that section.

As typical the Ultimates are all quite interesting and have their own quirky personalities as before and as a fun call back to the other main games, there's quite a big interesting twist at the beginning that certainly creates a lot of surprises and like the previous games I often never saw the deaths or the ending coming, but in the case of this game, I feel that the ending came off as a little insulting and don't really see it as part of the series personally.

Many of the mini-games are a lot of fun and even the one I was complaining about, it fun but attempting to get the max score is next-to-impossible! Especially as the courtroom version you can smash up the small individual rocks where as the arcade version you can't and may even stop you from getting that final score.

It's still fun and I always like seeing more Monokuma and what kind of chaos that annoying bear can cook up as he claims the lives of my favourite characters! Though many in this I didn't feel that strongly for unlike the past two games where nearly ever death and betrayal hit me so hard.

Never give up hope!

Big fan of this game ever since I played the original on the PS2 game and I had focused only on the main character, Leharl, unlike what I did here where I'd got a super-powered Majin.

The story is about Leharl, the son of the Overlord of hell who has died and he's been asleep for many, MANY years and missing out on the power-struggle that has been going on in hell and Etna, a demoness, decides to try and wake him up and assist him in his rise up the ranks to rake his father's place.

The game is a nice advancement on the original, adding all kinds of additional stuff, though also missing later QOL systems, however, it's still got a lot of the same fun elements that I loved and I am quite obsessed in picking up and trying to collect every and all items in the game for the list that there is.

I have had a lot of fun with this game, trying to bolster up all my units and getting ever more powerful from spending hours and completing item world after world. Lots of fun and I can recommend this to everyone who enjoys RPGs and the potential endless levelling system in this game too! Not to mention the fun story and humour make this a very addictive and fun experience.

I love the cute art too, along with the fun concepts of the other world along with how the human souls move on and possess the penguin suits of the iconic and hilarious Prinnys!

When you get the chance, go and get the game, Dood!

I found this as a fun time-waster of a game and love the idea of building up my own fun little fort that I can return to after a day of running around and collecting supplies, but really the main fun is gained from playing it with friends and I love scavenging supplies to help them out. Especially if they have their own private server I can jump into when they're offline since I live in a different timezone.

The basic game itself has the same fun qualities as many typical survival games with zombies and the unique take of, as the name suggests, every seven days the zombies go wild and do all that they can to get to you, trying to tear down your walls when a red moon rises which makes them tougher and spawns more dangerous zombies than normally spawned during the other days and night.

As the game is still in Early Access, STILL, you can quite quickly finish the techtree and build everything, however, mods exist that make the game a whole lot more fun! Not only adding more zombies, but also a larger variety of weapons, vehicles, weapons and tools.

The best I can show is the comparison from these short moments of gameplay I streamed/uploaded during an intermission:

Main game:

Undead Legacy Mod Videos: and

I still find it fun at times and have a lot of fun deconstructing items and collecting all kinds of salvaged items and hand them over to my friends for us all to have a good time and benefit from our hard work!

Like quite a few games I like, mods certainly enhance it however, unlike those ones, this one isn't that good by itself imo and can get very boring, even with friends as there's a limited selection of weapons and such. Especially compared to the aforementioned mods.

This was basically a season pass. A way to buy three DLC for a reduced price and that's the only value of this listing really and the only good thing about it. Especially as it worked out far better to sit back and wait to buy on cheaper sales. I remember this caused a real issue when buying these things in the past and the fears of potentially paying twice for the same content.

A fairly lack-luster cosmetics DLC that many unoffical mods, made by fans, out-perform and out-class it in a major way!

Now initially on the surface this looks like another mere cosmetics DLC, adding some extra parts when you can get so many more from the workshop, however, they added a lot of fun missions to be done here that add to the lore that Firaxis have for the series and not only get to have more fun playing as Central, but also unlock weapons and armour for the main game where you'll be getting new and updated maps, more photo-booth stuff and many other misc things that adds a lot of fun stuff to it too. Not to mention the fun with skirmish mode and challenges too.

This DLC I remember had a fairly negative reception as so many people struggled to deal with these new bosses, however, despite having my own issues and struggles with it, a friend of mine pointed out to look at these bosses as a puzzle and once I did that, I found the bosses as suddenly very easy!

All three bosses have major weaknesses and I won't spoil it here, but I will say that one certain boss is so weak to the frost grenade you discover that they NEVER get out of it, until you shoot at them which allows them to break out of the ice so I could take as long as I wanted to get everyone into a perfect position, wipe out nearby enemies and then make sure everyone is fully loaded, in the best position and open fire so no matter how many boss turns they get, they set off another attack and I got to deal huge damage!

Of course this is the main issue people have as the boss aliens have their own turns which can be done in reactions after every single turn which can be very difficult, if you aren't prepared for it. That said, of course, like I said it's like a puzzle. Kind of like how you tackle bosses in Dark Souls where you take your time to understand the enemy, their weaknesses and then exploit those weaknesses!

The DLC adds extra story stuff in regards to the doctor from the previous game who was doing experiments and looking into these rulers and how they hint at the aliens they're associated with, hinting to the kind of world that they came from and how they operate too. Regardless, it's a very good DLC and I can totally recommend it as these bosses are a fun little challenge and the rewards with unique armour and weapons can add some more fun to the game too.

This DLC really did create a massive change to the game! Not only adding these three new dangerous warrior bosses, who behave slightly different from those in the Alien Hunters DLC, often having you hunt them down to their own little bases to actually kill them and much like the main game, the boss battle is FAR more interesting than the previous game where it could be ended in a single-shot from your sniper making a headshot!

The other element that makes this DLC bigger and better than Alien Hunters is not only do you get the unique items after defeating these bosses, but it brings in three separate resistance factions who, much like those in history and the real world, they do not all get along.

All the groups have their own advantages and fun classes that exploit new in-game mechanics being related to that class as I'll get into detail here:

Reapers: Mostly spec-ops people who hide in the shadows of the infested and dead cities that Advent have left alone to rot away, but they excel in remaining hidden and firing upon enemies from the shadows, being a kind of tactical sniper and having fun gadgets that go along with them to cause distractions and exploit weaknesses of powerful enemies.

Skirmishers: Something I loved being cannon here, the idea that some of those serving Advent are rebelling against their masters. You ever get extra dialog added in when you raid their blacksite for more information. These ones are the typical soldiers though and not the more fun ones like the Viper or Mutons (though I do love adding a mod that adds one such group that is comprised of Vipers) but their abilities are really cool, starting with a wrist-mounted hook-shot to get onto rooftops to outflank the enemy and being armed with a Bullpup that acts as a mid-way for rifles and pistols with it's damage.

Templars: A group seen as quite strange. They are a group of psionically obsessed warriors who base everything on their abilities and worship of these powers as they create warriors who can harness these powers to use them for melee weapons produced by the power of psionic energy and can tear into enemies, however, there is an additional scene with them at the end of the game too which leads to more questions about these groups.

These new options make units a lot more fun and valuable. Especially as you get the chance to recover those who get captured that you really liked yourself.

I have some game play that showcases the fun that can be had thanks to this DLC and the mods it's allowed to happy from it's existence:

A real fun free game that blows others out of the water! Not only due to the higher quality than any other I've come across in the past, but you can have a lot of fun going in both solo or in a team and I enjoy grinding too.

Another positive I enjoyed was using my controller, as I often do for third-person action games. Especially as you can go around with all kinds of combat style due to the massive selection of weapons and warframes that you can craft, soon discovering what you prefer and even set up your own template, like I did for grinding out components and stuff using certain pets, warframe and weapons that increase drop-rates.

I was surprised to find that it was on the Nintendo Switch too, but sadly I can't link both of the accounts anymore: Regardless, still a lot of fun and I have really loved my time with this game too.

Here's a game that has become a real addiction to me, but at the same time has been a hell of a lot of fun!

I got into the game through a friend of mine who I often hang out with every Sunday and we talk about the history of weapons often, so this game really fits. Not to mention the idea of certain tanks coming up against others that they never once faced in history. Not to mention, I do love building up the tech tree, unlocking new vehicles and getting to explore the history and interesting calibres certain tanks have.

Tanks is one mode I love playing and having fun with and I have gone around and trying different modes like the planes and such, though, the most fun I had was the battleships in realistic mode. I thoroughly enjoyed calculating where I should fire next, taking note on how much closer I got to the ship I was targeting and having fun attempting to take down those ships with the sub-chaser or torpedo boats. I've made a few "David and Goliath" moments where I managed to either take down or cripple the battle ships with a tiny boat, though I have been blown up far more times too.

I also have many fun clips that I've recorded with the in-build video capture:

I do love those funny moments you can get and even moments that make me feel really clever when I've managed to take out several tanks in one unit, but often I do get destroyed from my own hubris. So I'd certainly recommend it as it is a free game.

Now to cover the thing that can't be forgotten. the freemium economy. The game has it where you have to pay to repair your vehicles with Silver Lions, the currency used for buying upgrades and so on, which you do get at a fairly good build, however, the golden lions are the premium currency that can be used to buy your own unique vehicles, though I feel it isn't a "pay to win" as with patience, you can very easily defeat a premium player, though I never have an idea who is premium as the vehicles can be received for free from competitions and such. I still enjoy it and certainly like to dip in every now and then to blow off some steam.

Cool to see it's available, though me and others have already got it via pre-order. I can't wait for the other stuff they might have for DLC.

Edit: I really shouldn't have gone with the pre-order, however, I did love all the additions that this and other DLC had added to the game.