4 reviews liked by Taco_Bell_Addict

I've been saying that Final Fantasy XV is the best FF to come out since FFX. FFXVI is here to challenge this thought.

I absolutely loved my 68 hours spent with FFXVI. I was skeptical at first because, honestly, it looked nothing like I hoped a new mainline Final Fantasy would be. But I'm glad Square proved me wrong.

The first thing that gripped me into the world of FFXVI was the story and its presentation. I loved the blend and tone between this dark medieval war story and the fantastical mythos of the franchise. The world building and overall conflict took a while to connect, but the strong emphasis on a character-driven plot kept me going. Mostly, from beginning to end, the story is fantastic. It is as epic as a FF game should be, it's bleak (at times a bit too bleak), joyful, well written, deep and gets crazy by the end.

But what really drives the story forward are the characters and their dialogues. FFXVI has some of the best written characters and exchanges in the franchise. Clive is a great protagonist, Jill has an impressive backstory, Gav is one of the coolest characters, Dion is complex enough and even Torgal, the dog, gets to shine. Not to mention Cid - the greatest character in the game. Probably the best Cid in the whole franchise. Voice acting, charisma and vivid well-written conversations were key to all this.

As for gameplay, it may not be as deep as FFVII or innovative as FFX, but it gets the job done better than the likes of FFXV or FFXII. You see, the action mechanics are pretty simple, but they're very accessible, excelling in substance, intensity AND style. It's quite addictive, actually. Especially when it comes to boss fights. Whether you're fighting as an Eikon or going against a tough enemy, this is where the spectacle lies.

This game looks absolutely beautiful. Probably one of the best looking games out there, currently. It is quite impressive and it keeps throwing new shockingly beautiful things at the screen until the very last scene. And it all comes together with what must be the best Final Fantasy soundtrack since FFXIII. Simply remarkable!

But for a game that gets so much right, when something goes wrong, it becomes crystal clear.

It may have an incredible story, but its pacing is all over the place. At one moment you're fighting a god, the other you're collecting flowers. And, yes, this is usually how RPGs goes, but it feels glaring on a game so focused in its own plot. As a result, the writing and rhythm kinda goes a bit off by the final act.

The ending, for example, it's not bad, but with a tale as depressing as this one, it'd be better for a more direct and sunny finale option. Being bittersweet and ambiguous can work, sure, but not always.

The amount of sidequests were a low point as well. They're usually very interesting, with some even gifting you with cool scenes, world building and interactions between characters. In fact, some sidequests at the ending are A MUST, for example. The problem is, if you want to experience them, you have to go through the same repetitive objectives and places over and over again. And there are A LOT of them, coming up at the worst times possible during the main quest. There's simply no verticality. You can see this on enemy variety, which is a joke. Even the hunts get stale.

And last, but not least, FFXVI's biggest flaw is not deciding whether it wants to be an action game or an RPG.

I miss customization, statuses, skill variety, secret dungeons. It is mostly there, but it's just... not enough. It's different. A party system could've fixed part of that. You have very charming characters helping Clive on his quest, but they're barely there during gameplay and are barely useful. You can't even mess around with Torgal's skills and he's always present.

Still, in my opinion, Final Fantasy XVI is an amazing game back to back. Its flaws are clear and I get that it looks and plays different enough to avert a few fans. But it is definitely a great entry in the mainline series and might be the best one since FFX.

Only time will tell. Play it and find out for yourself.



They don't make em like they used to