The combat is better than the classic era but now the platforming is worse.

Inoffensively fine. It's not terrible, but it doesn't offer enough to keep me playing. It feels more like a Hoyoverse knock-off than a Pokemon knock-off.

Sonic fans will insist this version sucks but they can't actually tell the difference between this or the original because both versions suck.

The level scaling is gone.

Remember, the purpose of a remaster is not prettier graphics, or better controls, or rounder tits, or to add content warnings if parts of your game haven't aged well. The purpose of a remaster is to make a game available for people to play on modern hardware, without breaking the bank on the retro market, or jumping through elaborate compatibility hoops. With this in mind, the remaster is absolutely worth your time.

Possibly the most unbalanced AAA fighting game ever developed.

Netherrealm gives its own animators PTSD to bring us Fatalities yet they never seem to bother making the games themselves fun to play.

A good case study for how solid encounter design can make up for lackluster level design

I owned this on GameCube but the disc got chipped & unreadable so I never beat it. After 15 years I can finally put it to rest, and it was oh so worth it.

A passable game made into an amazing one by its robust mod support and a ridiculously passionate community.

Skyrim by itself is not the greatest RPG ever made. It's not terrible, or even mediocre. It's inoffensively fine. But the game's mod library is so obscene that you can mold it into quite literally any kind of RPG you want. You can go all-in on realism, or lean harder into the fantasy. Make the game gruellingly difficult, or easier than it already is. Expand the factions, add new factions, add new continents, there are so many possibilities and we're still getting new ones to this day.

Skyrim is the make-your-own-frozen-yogurt of RPGs. Not everyone likes frozen yogurt, and some people are REALLY vocal about how much they hate it, but the people who do like frozen yogurt can make it however they want. And the fact that we have so many frozen yogurt options at all is a goddamn miracle.

A Newgrounds Flash parody of an RPG.

I had no idea railroading quests was a practice this old. At least the dungeons are sweet.

Slightly easier than the first one if you don't go for a perfect grade, and also not as good.

It's important to understand this isn't just a rage game. Its creator had developed his own reputation & cult following for years before it was made, and this game is full of references to his own work, inside jokes, and general internet culture at the time. This is a time capsule of the late 2000s and his own personal legacy. It belongs in a museum.

Highly recommend reading the Impossible Quiz wiki to understand the logic & reasoning of every question. It shows just how much thought & care went into making it.

Which can you tolerate more: Tryhard satire, or annoying anime girls? This game doesn't let you choose. It has both.