I respect the attempt at a different approach to track design with random generation (especially since Codemasters has been guilty of recycling tracks from game to game), but once you've played a decent amount you'll have seen all of the rally segments...and stitching them together in a different order doesn't really bring the soul back. I'd much rather have 10-20 well crafted, complete tracks vs. 50 shorter segments mixed and matched. It almost felt as if they were trying to split the difference and please arcade + sim racers with a single game; as such this DiRT came off a little hollow compared to the more cohesive arcade offerings of 2 and 3, or the pure sim of DiRT Rally.

FFXV was different in some great ways. The "four guys on a road trip" dynamic was something I never knew I wanted; as a result, even though it's not the strongest narrative in the series, you still find yourself getting attached to the party. Having now played XVI, the combat here feels a little lacking for those looking for action (to be clear, I prefer pure ATB or turn-based). Luckily we were still graced with another incredible soundtrack - have spent many work hours since release listening to Hammerhead on repeat.

Didn't hit quite the same as X/Y for me (feel like multiplayer went backwards), but I still sank plenty of time into the Battle Tree. Really wish Battle Tree co-op had been more reliable - lots of connection errors even on fiber.

I prefer the arcade-style DiRT games, but this is undoubtedly an engaging and challenging rally sim.

Long live StreetPass. It's buy low, sell high with Mii analysts. I like that you can trade shares of every company before each session, so you're not limited to profit from the single company you choose for the session. Not too hard to collect everything and build a ridiculous bank.

Long live StreetPass. Love that step counts for passes were incorporated into this game, letting you cover more distance on an adventure. The thing that feels worst about this game is discovering an artifact early in a trek and wasting the rest of your steps!

Long live StreetPass. Clever concept to put us on the other side of Find Mii and make a cooking mini-game out of it. Still inching toward the finish line seven years later...

Long live StreetPass, but this is one of my least favorite Mii Plaza games overall...each round of passes only gets you a few seconds of gameplay, and getting a bad color distribution is a little too punishing (can be totally ineffective sometimes against later bosses). Still inching my way toward all gold medals, 7 years later...

Long live StreetPass. One of the better games in this final wave of StreetPass DLC...slot car is a heck of a niche but I wish there were more like this.

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This review is for ALL the gravy!

Right up there with FF9 for my favorite JRPG. One of the most memorable final sequences, and the soundtrack still blows me away.

Long live StreetPass. Eight years later, still bringing this game to PAX East each year to finish up the fishing log. I'm a sucker for fishing minigames of all types.

Long live StreetPass. Eight years later, still bringing this game to PAX East and working on the last few stars bit by bit.

One of the purest concepts in gaming. There's a reason it's made so much progress as an esport. Peaked at diamond but had countless memorable moments with friends.

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At least has the must-haves for a good Final Fantasy: characters you can get attached to (although in this case it's more like a whole class), story, and music. Gameplay a little rough and probably not what series veterans are looking for.

Probably my #1 cause of terminal damage in DiRT 3. A memorable rally course.