I love the core gameplay of this game, its fast paced and i dig the weapon system, but its just massively held back by werid mission structure.
bad escort missions, objectives that sometimes feel like u have barely any time to complete them, and just fatigue setting in majorly by the time i finished my 4th story mode due to just how repetitive i feel the misisons are (especially bewteen Shingen and Yukimura's levels)

Tho this gsme also does have the castle dungeon crawler missions which i did have a fun time with and were my fav type of missions in the game.

i think Extreme Mode is a good fun time, i dig the rougelike idea. Legends Mode is just okay to me

the interactions between the cast absolutely make this game, otherwise it unfortunately suffers from terrible gameplay balancing and just becoming tiring to get through

empires never fuckin misses babyyyyy

this games a big ol celebration about the series and its such a charming and insanely fun time. i absolutely love how they brought back alot of the earlier microgames but change em up to varying degrees to make em feel new

also this has the best remix stages by FAR

when it comes to the core gameplay its a great musou game

other than reslly good music as well it doesnt have anything going for it

I love the very primitive vibes of this game but dear god this game is ROUGH

still love this game ALOT even if chapter 3 goes a bit too much in with the pursuers

its shown its age for sure in alot of areas but you can never go wrong with ps1 survival horror

even with the remake out for a while its insane how well this game holds up to this day. absolutely still one of my favorites in the series

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short and sweet game, gameplay was great and loved the vibes of this game, hoping to see a bigger title or another game entirely from this dev