haha flappy bird go flap flap crash

worth playing this version for the ost and the dub

a very fun game massively held back by shitty level design and lots of jank

Its lacking things like quest mode which was something that vanilla 5 had, no playable dural and doesnt have nearly the amount of customization items than FS has as of the time of this review which im asssuming is something theyll add later since the legandary pack did say over 2000 customization items which obviously is not the amount of items right we have right now

but those issues aside this game plays super well and the characters and arenas look really good in the dragon engine

CRUSTY (I may come back to this one day but the factory area brought me to my limit fuck that place)

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why they turn Isamu into da sea bear

now THIS is what gamin is all about babyyyyyyyy