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First time playing Radiant Historia at all, but knowing the differences between the original and PC, I would rank PC a bit lower than OG. I appreciated the extras added into the story, was a nice way to see most end up happily ever after, but it undid a lot of impact of the original story, lowering the writing quality for me.

Also found the originals art style of the characters to be quite a bit better than PC's, and though the original art package helps, it was still glaringly obvious with Eruca lol. OST was fantastic all day, going on my playlist soon for sure. Gameplay was unique, and a blast to set up combos with. I would say I enjoyed the 3DS gameplay additions to the combat, as well as the 'Possible History' timeline itself, exploring new endings and such while getting artifacts. My gripes mainly lie with touching the original story endings.

Most of the DLC felt overpriced and unnecessary, though I liked the new art in each one. Chasm being my favorite of the DLC's, but still overpriced for the amount of time you spent on it lol. Altogether, great game, and highly recommending it to others in the future.

Five Jill Sandwiches out of Five. Highly recommend checking out the randomizer for replays, absolute blast

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Story - It was solid overall but suffered from a few design choices to make recruits/chests/enemies etc unmissable, which I think the recruits should just be moved around if a location needs to be locked off and they don’t want them to be missable. Without going into detail/spoiling anything, there are a few locations at times (like all Suikodens) that should be locked off for story impact but aren’t, and that hurts the writing for me at the time. But on the plus side, you can go back and get stuff you missed at any point. If you can pretend that story-wise you aren’t supposed to be there, it works, but it’s weird otherwise.

Other than that, the story overall is decent but I wouldn’t rate it above Suiko 2/3/5. It works out and has some neat twists but just works out being decent for me.

Music – It’s serviceable, some pieces are really good (all versions of Flags of the Brave), and a few later themes which I don’t know the names of yet, but overall, it’s okay.

Gameplay – Most of my gripes go here. Combos are one of the worst aspects of this game, and it’s sad considering it’s one of my favorite things in the Suikoden games. In Suiko you can activate them on turn 1. In this game you have to have the required SP(party starts randomly with SP, normally you need to wait a turn or two before using a combo, already making them not too great imo, most mobs die by then) to activate them, AND their power is divided by the amount of characters taking part in them. Most of the time the combos are weaker than if you just used regular attacks. I really hope R&B rebalance these and do away with the dividing part of the calculations, cus it really butchers them. I can deal with SP being required, but it’s overkill with the dividing mechanic.

Minigames – As a whole, I enjoyed the minigames and thought they were pretty fun, some super silly scenes during Beigoma. My biggest issue would be locking recruits behind nearly finishing the minigames. I personally didn’t mind since I aimed for it already, but that’s going to rub people the wrong way on getting the best ending. Especially the cooking game being bugged still, and only accepting appetizers as options for 17 battles before you get your recruit is asking a lot lol.

War Battles – At first glance it feels new, but the more I played with them, the more I realized it was a watered-down version of Suikoden 2’s war battles. The map was worse vs what we had seen in 2, battle skills worked similarly, as did a bit of the rng factor? – though you could buff war units eventually in the HQ to make it in your favor. They work for the story so I wouldn’t mind them overall, just wish they had a speed up option as it suffered in comparison. I personally would rank these below all of the Suikoden war battles, serviceable but need improvement.

Graphics / Presentation – Overall this is the games strongest suit for me. 2D sprites on 3D backgrounds, with some excellent battle scenes playing out quite often absolutely nailed it, and I feel it completely passed Suikoden in all regards here. The duels are handled the best that I’ve seen so far, their presentation blew my expectations, and I cant wait to see what the sequel does here.

As a whole, very solid game and definitely worth your time. I hope to see the remaining bugs fixed shortly, and really hope they patch combo mechanics because as is it’s depressingly bad.

Fun game overall, some nitpicks: Wish there was more enemy variety, less but larger encounters. Higher difficulty would have been nice, any kind of hard mode. Dungeon variety was one of my biggest gripes. Trickster should have been a pawn accessible vocation, not very fun for an Arisen imo. Story could have been waaay better, feels like it was rushed.

Pros: Exploration is still great, and even better than the first game. Gameplay was improved on compared to the first game for me, vocations as a whole were a blast. Decent spread of towns, though I wish a few had a reason to revisit. Overall still had the DD appeal.

I may update this rating after/if the eventual expansion DLC comes out, in case it changes base game any like Dark Arisen.

Has nailed pretty much everything I wanted from it. Each character got necessary buffs from remake, or just being newly introduced play fantastically and uniquely with their own kits. OST is beyond incredible. The world was beautiful, and loved the detail they added to it. Story beats were well done, and I'm definitely intrigued with the final part.

If I had any complaints it's that a few sections that were entirely too long IMO and could have definitely been shorter. Also Chadley please shut up, and #saveMAI from the jerk

By far can say Reload is the best way to play P3 now for myself. I don't think the OST replaces the original, but aside from that my few biggest gripes were them not bringing some QOL's in from other entries. Didn't bother changing up fortunes earlier in the game, making it pretty hard to max slink still compared to 4G/5R, did during the night.. but that didn't come until November 11th. There's one block in Tartarus Reload that is absolutely awful to traverse, I did not think they could make Tartarus worse in Reload, but they pulled that off.

Voice acting was incredible, scenes/animations fantastic, gameplay overhaul was very needed and made it an absolute blast to play again, though a bit on the easy side even on merciless. I hope theurgies(think limit breaks) makes it way into new mainline titles going forward, those were fun, same with characteristics(character specific passives).

The new events with the male chars and Strega were handled pretty great too, changed my mind on a few characters in general lol. I can definitely say my cons with FES weren't here in Reload, except for Tartarus still being a slog.

Fun little game, a lot of silly bits but good fun. Got a little tired of the backtracking and platforming late game, otherwise great and didn't overstay its welcome for the most part! 4 frogs out of 5

Great story/cast, decent OST though I didn't like it as much as most of the other games in the series. Gameplay is the biggest highlight for doing a lot of things I didn't expect, and doing them damn well at that. As a whole more enjoyable than Genealogy, so many fun mechanics to mess with. Large cast and honestly felt like everyone was viable if you put work into them, between the scrolls and stat items, low stat caps, you could make any of your favs work out really. Wish more FE games had lower stat caps like that. Graphically better than 4 for me, which I consider both of them my favorite in that department in the series, or close to it at least.

Enemy design and OST among the most notable cus who thought of a dog head shooting lasers lmao, combat being mostly automatic is weird but you get some control at least - though the AI sucks at moving around. ALL OF YOUR GEAR BUT WEAPONS BREAKING CAN SUCK SO MUCH, especially when no durability to see it? as far as i could tell. Getting new gear is fine, not listing the inn(the only shop) on the map also sucks. Magic being confusing is pain, story is very confusing in the SNES version, I imagine it makes more sense on PC but wth at half of it here lol.

Aside from this being the version our group decided to play, I specifically wanted to finish the SNES version to redeem 5 year old me who couldn't beat it as a kid, glad I finally did so, but the pain holds up

This is how you do a remake. IMO, this enhanced everything about the original, from the art style, touching up the character portraits, fleshing out the combat system more, adding in fishing(AMAZING), the QOL's sprinkled throughout the entire game. All around this was an amazing job, and I hope to see more from Gemdrops.

Replayed this recently, not as bad as I remember it being whenever it came out. That said, the camera wobble and FOV get some big -'s from me for making me feel meh while playing it, otherwise solid survival horror, fun game.

Fantastic survival horror. The atmosphere is haunting and eerie, still holds up very well today. Gameplay is a little clunky but that's expected with an older game like this with tank controls(I love them). Animations funny(dog bunny hop). Dialogue was beyond hilarious to me, between "Have you seen a little girl" to "MUST BE DRUGS" all of the time lol. Highly recommend

Story was whatever to me, but for the most part I liked the characters, and a good chunk of supports. Gameplay is pretty great, looking forward to getting back to Conquest. Also loved the OST.

Didn't know what to expect, but it was a fun dive. Improved on 1's gameplay, had some fun funky writing, and Mr Scratch was fantastic from start to fin, totally worth playing, didn't overstay its welcome

It hit everything I wanted it to. The atmosphere absolutely nailed the horror genre, as well as the writing reflecting that. I could spend awhile going over the writing, but I'll just leave it as phenomenal. The OST has bangerssssss, and don't even get me started with that one scene, which being in a horror game is just peak. 10/10 Love everything about it, can't imagine anything I'd want done differently except maybe nerf the wolves a little, and give more storage space.