A low quality but sometimes mechanically creative experience.
The vast majority of this game should have been left on the cutting room floor.

A game so immaculately designed it doesn't feel like it was made by humans. A monolith of abstract design for future game designers to look upon and weep.

An effort to improve upon perfection that flies too close to the Sun but gets closer to its goal than it has any right too.

An unpolished project that feels masturbatory even conceptually. Honestly seeming more for the developer to look at and stroke their ego for being so clever than to be enjoyed by anyone else.

Honestly a unintentional breakthrough moment for games as art, Desert Bus is so powerful even in concept that its failure to release could not stand in the way of it being discussed nearly 30 years after its stillbirth.

At least in my eyes comparable to Duchamp's Fountain or the greatest works of Andreas Serrano.

The only things standing its way are the lingering technical issues due to it never being truly finished.

An alright horror experience with no notable moments one way or another. Multiple endings feel like padding and none of the gameplay is exceptional, regardless still charming enough to warrant a curious playthrough.

A vaguely entertaining experience that does nothing with its chosen medium and had not real commentary on any of its material. Over before it has a chance to start but regardless, inoffensive.

A tour de force that players and game designers alike will dream about and study for years to come.

Disco Elysium will come to be a moment in gaming that will be pointed to in the field of RPG design.

A decent expansion that is slightly higher in quality than the main campaign, nothing much beyond that.

A unexpectedly strong experience that focuses on atmosphere and narrative decisions in an impactful and unique setting.

A pleasant surprise in an otherwise disappointing game.

A Fallout 3 DLC focusing on Fallout 3's weakest element, the already poor gunplay. With combat being the myopic focus of the expansion while adding nothing to improve the glaring existing issues this package was dead on arrival.

Fallout 3 massively misses the mark when attempting to translate the Fallout experience to a first person shooter and instead simply reduces the packages to "Elder Scrolls, with Guns".

Awful balancing that is fundamentally flawed, poor gunplay that is often over relied on and weak narrative design deliver a disappointing package that lead to the decline of a once great franchise.

A surreal visual novel that does little to grab the players attention and is over before you know it without ever having made any impact.

Although as gorgeous as its predecessor Hylics 2 can't help but constantly get in its own way and play to its weaknesses.

Poorly implemented platforming segments, dubious level design and bloated and overcomplicated enemy encounters will have you praying for the credits soon after the initial wonder wears off.

Hylics is an incredible artistic experience that doesn't get in its own way and is over before it can become an inconvenience. Don't mind the bog standard RPG maker gameplay its the vehicle of a gorgeous barely lucid experience.