472 Reviews liked by TheCalmingStorm

This Game was in all honestly much better, than i expected it to be ngl, the remastered soundtrack, the enemy sprites, everything about this game is just pretty neat and charming, overall i'd say it was also a pretty chill game for inbetween for me, i might play this again sometime

The experience of this game is somewhat diminished if you play it on an emulator as the majority of fun to be had is the simple fact that you actually sit in a car as you play. (Keep in mind I am describing what amounts to a ride for babies)

But with that out of the way the game itself looks good enough, has voice lines so thats neat. And the gameplay is about what you expect for a ride for babies.

I cant believe sonic is a cop... how could he do this...

Very nice little oddity. Didn't give me popcorn via emulation though so that drags it down.

Wanna make pop corn with sonic and tails and beat eggman at the same time well now you can

What was sega on for real i wanna be in the board room when this game came out.

when one of your side quests is functionally broken, I think you should take time to rework it.

Epic Games lost my saves and this game is not THAT good for me to redo the two story missions I got to do.

dropped it after 2 hours and it i didnt get it for free i wouldve called my bank and disputed the charge

Minecraft beats Fortnite? You got to be kidding! Why don’t you crank the battle bus and get goated on the sticks and turtling!

stick to 1 normal VA instead of hiring youtubers

An insult to DMC, please don't play this garbage gacha game