450 Reviews liked by TheCalmingStorm

I can't believe this glorified sleep app has more tutorials and mechanics than a mainline Pokemon game.

It's very frustrating that every night I have to sit through fifty pages of dialogue and explanations at about 10 frames per second when all I want to do is go to sleep it's 5 in the morning please I'm so tired-

You actually need skill to win, not cheap rubber banding bullshit.

Sonic Frowny Tears: The Final Headache

Dogshit character from a dogshit series, this roster slot should have been given to a HeroAca character instead

A stunning portrayal of the callous disregard with which the bourgeoisie (Santa) treats the proletariat (the elves), ultimately seeing them as disposable

Brought the Mario series forward and introduced many series staples

Haven’t played yet but he erased his deadname? I’m so happy for his transition

Such a shame that NetherRealm lost to the woke mind virus. I used to admire their commitment to one of the highest values of conservatism: treating workers like shit

Fuck off, I’m not wasting 700 hours that I could have spent actually contributing something to society on the MCU for people who unironically use the word waifu

The guy from Maroon 5 should have directed a better game

In the words of the great Reggie Fils-Amie: “If it’s not fun, why bother”

Proof of the superiority of art under AES (actually existing socialist) states