If you tell me you beat the final boss, you're lying to me


I will never forgive people for making this Supergiant's least popular game

The last time I had fun with a mainline Pokemon game

The moment FFXIV became a good video game

Single-handedly changed the English language

Solid roguelike deckbuilder that allows for a variety of builds to achieve victory. But it might have some of the worst presentation and sound design in recent memory. Everything feels boneless and while it's visually distinct, nothing really pops. Monster Train is probably a worse game than this but I kept going back to it since everything in that game felt better to do.

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Even a year after finishing Outer Wilds, I still can't capture how I feel about this game in words. Outer Wilds comforted and terrified me, it crushed my spirits and raised them to new heights, it makes me feel lost as an aspiring artist and inspires me to create something as powerful as Outer Wilds. I can never forget Outer Wilds but I desperately want to so I can feel how it made me feel again. It is a singular piece of art that maximizes the boundless potential of a medium that means more to me than I can say.

TGAA1 is on the weaker side of AA games. The intrigue in each case is its own exponential curve - starts out pretty uninteresting but really picks up by the end. Desperately needs an editor and the cases are too simple, but still worth playing.


Incredibly cute, creative, comfy, and quality co-op game. Has a few glitches that can lock progress in a level, but levels are 5 minutes long so you never lose much progress.

Updated: ran into a game breaking bug that prevented finishing the game. I really enjoyed my time but if I literally can't finish the game, I can't rate it higher than this.

A technically embarrassing remaster of a phenomenal JRPG. Oozes atmosphere, fantastic mechanics that you can dig into and break in fun ways, and some meaty thematic material. This rating is for Nocturne as an experience, not this exact version of it.

I've tried to properly get into fighting games for the past decade; Strive is the one that made it all click. Part of that comes from its simplicity, which might be a drawback for some, but it let me focus on the basics of the genre and slowly build up my skills. The perfect fighting game for beginners, especially since it has rollback which will keep this game alive much longer than any other Arc Sys game.

Press X to give a ham-fisted, barely accurate, thoughtless metaphor on race.

Get motivated white boy, get motivated

Continues the legacy of The Witness by creating complex mechanics you understand through gameplay and experimentation instead of direct tutorialization. It's a challenging puzzle game that never feels masochistic, you always feel close to the solution, even if you're nowhere near. Some mechanics have poorly explained facets, but those frustrations wash away when you pull of a solution you thought would break the rules or wouldn't work.