15 Reviews liked by TheFunkyShark

I think it's one of the worst game I ever played in my life.. I need to tell to tales of Aliseee the new warrior of the crystal, everything began when she got throw in a city with new indication except a NPC that gave her 50 gils which you can do nothing with them, after that she had to spend around 20 hours on the wiki to even understand how to start the game correctly which lead to a series of the worst dungeons ever which you have no maps from them if you don't buy the map for 3000 gils. Each story mission her mental state went even more and even more crazy when she realized x mission would take 2 hours because the zone have 9 types of this monster, take 10 minutes to respawn and they were 10 fellow adventurers doing this mission. AND THEN suddently a story started out from nowhere about an evil bad guy coming back and bla bla bla don't kill the beasttribes except, she wanted to kill them after all those shitty dungeons with them, you can't tell me they aren't evil to the poor Aliseee young adventurer. Thus this story started, Aliseee got it by random flashbacks and she went to the shadowlord shitty dungeon to finally fight him, with the help of her trusts companion, we was able to defeat him and finally open the path to the apparently good FFXI story

Also a Filler episode happened when a veterant of Vanadiel went to help her, give advice and 500k gils, I guess Alisee e-girl power have some future in this dark world that is vanadiel

This review contains spoilers

I finally went and finished CS4, something i should have done 6 months ago to be quite honest.
It had already been too long since CS3 back when i first started it, and CS3 itself i played a fair amount of time after CS2. I've always had to take long breaks between each game and thus my overall opinion of the franchise is often quite fragmented.

When it came to playing CS4, I quite honestly was having trouble at first. Act 1 felt like a weaker CS2, very filler-y and meandering, but I pushed through and played until roughly the start of Act 2.
I then took another break for 6 months or so, and randomly decided to go back to it last week, determined to get it over with and be finally done with this, like it was a chore of some kind.

At first glance, nothing had really changed, hell, it was even becoming worse. I picked up right where the game's story takes a nosedive in relevance and the bonding events multiply the most, which prompted me to get extremely tired of the game's shit extremely quick.
It didn't help that other aspects of the game felt terribly uncooked and half-finished. The soundtrack is amazing at best, an uncohesive mess at worst, the overpopulation of the cast makes most characters feel more like glorified NPCs than standalone people with thoughts and feelings, the gameplay goes from stupidly unfair to ridiculously easy with a few simply adjustements and you lose interest quickly, and so on, and so forth.
In the meat of Act 2, I very seriously considered this to be the franchise's worst game, and while i didn't hate it, i just wasn't having that good a time.

So what happened? With the end of act 2 and the beginning of act 3 came a lot of setup for the game's true stakes, and my interest immediately perked up. We were getting scene after scene of interesting plot and lore that was finally worth all the trouble of the first two acts.
The bonding events leaped in quality (mostly because dodging all the heart ones at first let me do the non-romantic variants instead), and while the pacing was still a bit off with way too many events, their writing made them engaging nonetheless.

It's really as simple as that, I was beginning to actually enjoy myself. Act 3 was really good, and the Finale was absolutely excellent, as well as everything I could have asked for from a Kiseki game.
The penultimate fight and the reveals that accompanied it were particularly breathtaking. So much of Kiseki goes from setting up information that a later entry uses to set up its own foreshadowing.
That's what I love the most in this franchise, and if they keep going the way they are, i'm sure i'll love the next entries as well.

So...do I like this game? Yeah. I like CS4 a lot. Unfortunately I also dislike some of its aspects, and I can't exactly say I appreciate having to play 90 hours of meandering filler for 60 hours of decent plot.
And that's why i'm so conflicted with this game. There is so much good that proves to me the devs knew what they were doing, and then there's some bafflingly infuriating design choices, as well as extremely half-baked filler additions that impede my enjoyment of it.

I will give CS4 credit where it's due however. For all its flaws and idiocies, it made me realize what I loved about this franchise, and why I loved it so much in the first place. It helped me realize what made and broke Kiseki after almost two years of my opinions being wishy-washy because of a garbage fandom's influence.
I cannot say yet if my opinion on CS4 will be fully intact by the time I replay the whole franchise in an attempt to cement my opinions, but for now this will be good enough.

CS4 is a...maybe a 7, maybe a 10, and maybe even a 2. I don't particularly care. All I know is I like it.

The Great Ace Attorney might well be an amalgamation of everything the franchise established itself to do best.
It's got engaging cases, interesting connections, compelling characters and incredibly human motivations.

On the surface, the presentation is simply immaculate, making for the most creative and visually appealing game in the series bar none. The music, heavily relying on orchestral instrumentation, is absolutely splendid and incredibly fitting for the game and everything from the character animations to the designs themselves oozes fun and creativity, it's an absolute festival of stylishness and joy to watch unfold.

The characters are some of the series' best written yet, and the ensemble cast is absolutely my favorite, without hesitation. The way each character bounces off one another, their close links, dynamics, shared history or lack thereof, it's all played in extremely interesting and heartwarming ways, and I love most of them all so SO much.

This game also does what only the best AA games bother doing, in instilling a deeper, connected narrative behind every single case. It's less a duology, and more 10 cases that slowly, but surely, ramp up and set up the larger and foggier mystery behind the events of the game. It's quite a long ride, and maybe a bit slow at times, but by the time you reach the answers and conclusion, it's hard to not feel as if you've truly rode a spectacular rollercoaster. Everything is tied up cleanly in the best of ways, and it feels INCREDIBLY satisfying to reach that ending on your own accord.

To conclude, The Great Ace Attorney is, without question, my favorite AA title.
It's got the style, the groove, the polish, the heart, and everything that makes me love Ace Attorney and so SO much more too.

...wonder if finishing Investigations 2 will change my mind...

I was always gonna come around to playing this eventually, from the resounding praise I heard to just the sheer vibes I got from it (having the same director as Ace Attorney also helped).

And what can I say? I was not disappointed in the least, just the opposite in fact! Ghost Trick is a short but phenomenal experience, meshing a fun, smart and addictive gameplay with gorgeous presentation, a quirky and lovable cast of characters and a really sweet and satisfying plot that ties itself in the best possible way.

I literally have nothing bad to say about it and I teared up a bit at times, and even when I was aware of some twists, I still got blindsided by others lmao.

In short, play Ghost Trick.

(Also...ugh...Radd won I guess)

Pretty much the ultimate Ys experience at this point, combining everything that made the previous games shine and incorporating them into a compelling and well-written storyline, along with really fun combat and amazing navigation tools.

I'm both scared and excited to see whether or not the next game will manage to follow in its footsteps.

🔲 My grandma could play it
🔲 Easy
☑️ Normal
🔲 Hard
🔲 Dark Souls


🔲 MS Paint
🔲 Bad
🔲 Meh
🔲 Graphics dont matter in this game
☑️ Good
🔲 Beautiful
🔲 Masterpiece


🔲 Bad
🔲 Not special
🔲 Good
☑️ Beautiful


🔲 This game has no story
☑️ It's there for the people who want it
🔲 Well written
🔲 Epic story
🔲 You choose your fate


🔲 Free
🔲 Underpriced
🔲 Perfect Price
🔲 Could be cheaper
🔲 Overpriced
☑️ Complete waste of money


🔲 You can run it on a microwave
☑️ Average
🔲 High end
🔲 NASA computer


🔲 Very Short (0 - 3 hours)
🔲 Short (3 - 15 hours)
☑️ Average (15-50 hours)
🔲 Long (50-90 hours)
🔲 Extremely long (90-110 hours)
🔲 No ending

~ FUN ~

☑️ I'd rather watch paint dry
🔲 Hard to enjoy
🔲 Repetitive
🔲 Actually pretty amusing
🔲 Ride of your life


🔲 It's a one-time experience
🔲 Only for achievements
☑️ If you wait a few months/years
🔲 Definitely
🔲 Infinitely replayable


☑️ No
🔲 Wait for sale
🔲 Yes

Perfect if you enjoy poorly written stories made by hacks

Man this game just did everything right.

it managed to bring amazing closure to the Crossbell and Cold Steel arcs while simultaneously having its own amazing story that manages to make its 3 already amazing protagonists and a ton of members of its cast so much better.

The 3 routes are all amazing (even if C and Rean have slower starts than Lloyd) but its just an amazing experience from the magnificent prologue all the way up to the Finale which just surpasses everything else the series did before it

Only real issue i have with the game is the postgame TRC but it lead to the amazing true final boss and gave episodes which were absolutely brilliant so its fully fine

Genuine love letter to Trails as a whole

Me cago en la concha de tu puta madre

Trails of Cold Steel II…. where to start.. Well I think the game is just Bad. Literally it’s beyond saving me, but since Trails fans won’t probably like that, let’s start with the development of Cold Steel II and why the game was beyond saving from the beginning.

We are back in back 2013 and Cold Steel I was in development, stuff wasn’t going well, Falcom struggling with working on PS3 and PS vita hardware at the same time, Cold Steel clearly wouldn’t be finish for September, so what they can do? Well they can completely remove the final chapter of it and transform it as a whole game later. So Cold Steel 1 release, the game have many problems on launch etc, but non-relevant for the review. Then you arrive at the moment that would be the climax pre final chapter like in Ao and the… the game end here ? So this is where Cold Steel II start, a final chapter in Ao no Kiseki scale transformed into a whole game, what could have go wrong…. Everything.

Between the game trying to feel for stuff that clearly need more character developments before, whole character development lock behind bonding events, stuff that was cut from CS1 because of the same reasons as cold steel becoming relevant to the story and just confuse people who didn’t read the material outside of the games, strange love interest stuff that shouldn’t happen in a series with a supposed one canon (Ao have the same problem, I’m not Crossbell is perfect mode dw) a broken battle system clearly not intended to have characters at this level at the end etc.

Even without talking about the systems and development, I think too the main story have so many flaws everywhere, like it’s literally impossible feel anything about the noble alliance because of how much they were showed as cartoon villains, why I should care for that dude death ? Because they gave us a backstory about Osborne being bad guy toward him like 2-3 hours before ? nah this won’t make me feel anything toward him or anyone else in the noble alliance. Timeline being completely broken and don’t make any sense at some points because of the calendar system and the game happening at the same moment as Ao, like Duvalie going constantly between Erebonia and Crossbell like this ??? Oh yeah about the villains, the game turn way too much around a structured repeated system that all the villains are always in mode “I’m holding back lol” because apparently each act part in act 1 needed a “ouroboros” members at the end with the same schema. I think too the game should have end at the finale and the divertissement probably being the intro of CS3 and plan more some stuff to have avoid shit like black record in NG+ or the whole last section with an ass dungeon with the most useless boss in the whole series.

I could probably keep going on I guess, but I already expect that review to be memed on by some big cold steel defenders and probably use it as a reason to on Crossbell because a of Crossbell fan attacked some cold steel game, don’t worry I won’t review CS4, I’m not using my energy for that game lol.

Eiyuu no densetsu IV : Sora no Kiseki, or just The legend of Heroes : Trails in the sky in west is the first game of the "Kiseki" franchise even if it's technically the 6th one of a long series of spinoff in the Dragon Slayer series. Like the games prior in that spinoff series it embrace the label of "Story-RPG", so basically games focusing first on the story and then the RPG elements. As the first game of this series that Falcom launched way back in 2004, it have the mission to introduce the player to the universe, the terms, the characters, the systems etc and try to hook them into the series, first Second Chapter the sequel and the all the other games that expand the universe even more, planned or not from the beginning.

Did Sora no Kiseki succesfully completed this mission ? I think the answer is yes and surely without problems. Between the OST, the envrionement, the diversity of all characters, the charming art style, the slow story but surprising having an enough good pacing to hook the player from the start. Sora no Kiseki did succesfully all those points. Also in West we were lucky to have the excellent translators and Localizators from Xseed giving us probably one of the best translation in the industry, well in PC rerelease, we don't talk about the first translation on PSP.

Personally Sora no Kiseki is one of my favorite game in the series, I probably love everything about it, from the characters to the exploration of grancel sewers. I think this game is a masterpiece in terms on an introduction of an universe and sadly outside of Zero no Kiseki Falcom wasn't able to reproduce something on this scale for me, maybe Kuro no Kiseki in the future, but we will see at that moment.

After how disappointed I was with Meakashi, which focused on all the aspects of Higurashi that I didn't feel strongly about, I expected all the Answer Arcs to be mildly disappointing even if overall quite good. I was wrong, Tsumihoroboshi is a complete 180, it takes all the aspects I loved about Higurashi and presents it all in a slick, exciting but still melancholic and macabre way, without being extreme for the sake of being extreme.