Me and my buddy Umu have a multidimensional battle whenever we disagree on something.

Really wanted to like this one because a lot of friends praise it to no end but I just couldn't.

This game is a complete mess. Right off the bat the main character is unlikable and every times he speaks I feel like closing the game. The characters in general are not very interesting and I only find myself caring for 2 of them. For some reason the game feels compelled to throw an unfunny horny joke in every scene, and even in action scenes too which is very irritating due to the frequency of them.

The gameplay is just trial and error but in an unfun way that, unless you do some weird leaps of logic, you will probably not complete the somnium in your first few tries and will most likely have to resort to a guide to complete them.

Can't really speak for the story since I didn't finish the game (and I don't really plan to), but from the 2 and a half routes I played I found myself scrolling through Twitter more than looking at what happened on screen.

Spin-off game to the Paper Mario Trilogy.

I'd rather get all the weapons in Drakengard 1.

Just finished Chrome Dino. I can barely see the screen as my vision is mostly obscured by the fresh tears of finishing what is now, without a doubt, my favorite completed work of fiction across all mediums. I am shaking and slamming my head on the nearest table trying to comprehend how a game this masterful can exist.

Pretty fun game, the alchemy system was decently addicting and not overly complex. The combat is very plain but that's not the main draw of this game so it's fine. I really liked most of the characters in the game and they're definitely the best part of it alongside the fantastic soundtrack. Overall, it's a good game and I'll come back to it later to get the other of the endings.

I expected to drop this game because of the gameplay but I ended up enjoying it a lot more than I was ever expecting. The game is certainly a mess but it's a fun kind of mess. I really vibed with the soundtrack overall and it even had some gems like Temple of Chaos and Gurgu Volcano.

This game was a lot of fun, from the charming environments to the simple yet enjoyable battle system, the game has a lot of 'soul' and the true ending really made me interested in playing the second game soon.

Fuck Dorothy btw.